Tuesday, 2007-11-20

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llnztpserver-cpp sigabrt'ed00:12
llnzhumm.... glibc detected double free or corruption00:13
llnzbbs, dinner00:28
nashAnywa... night5 all - heading home01:39
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mithrollnz: so what killed tpserver-cpp?02:28
llnzlooks like a double free02:35
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peresoh somebody has connection problems :P02:51
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llnzanyone have jars handy?03:35
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llnzjotham: are you around?04:35
llnzi'm going to be in Wellington on Monday04:36
jothamuh oh04:36
jothamwhere will you be04:36
jothami work by the council/civic square04:36
llnzthat's close04:36
jothamif you want to get lunch or something you can txt me or catch me on here04:37
llnzi will probably be free from about 3pm till 5pm04:38
llnztxt would be fine04:38
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JLPmorning all05:30
llnzhi JLP05:30
JLPdamn i ilmost forgot that i have a presentation to make today, if it wasn't for korganizer...05:32
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JLPlectures await, see you later05:49
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llnzlater all06:44
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mithro~seen llnz08:12
tpbmithro: llnz was last seen in #tp 1 hour, 27 minutes, and 35 seconds ago: <llnz> later all08:12
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mithronash: no, I'm just being slow to respond17:58
greywhindmithro: fine, but i still need to figure out the cause of the lack of drawing of pie charts17:58
mithrogreywhind: I would download the wxFloatCanvas from the floatcanvas website and try some of the piechart demos17:58
greywhindmithro: hmm... not yet. still have some other things to check.17:58
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greywhindmithro: should a line like self[oid] = PieChart.PieChart(<arguments>) be enough to get a pie chart to be created and then drawn?18:10
mithrogreywhind: yes18:11
mithro(if that code is in an overlay)18:11
greywhindit's in Proportional.py, so yes.18:11
mithroyou may need to call self.Canvas.Draw()18:11
greywhindwell, when it is done with a FloatCanvas.Point, it works18:11
greywhindbut i notice that Point has a     def _Draw(self, dc , WorldToPixel, ScaleWorldToPixel, HTdc=None): method18:14
greywhinddoes PieChart need one?18:14
greywhindhmm... it doesn't since it extends Group, right?18:15
mithrogreywhind: right18:19
greywhindmithro: hmm....18:24
greywhindmithro: if i create Point objects before creating PieChart objects, the Point objects don't seem to be drawn18:24
greywhindmithro: but if i create them after the PieChart objects, they are drawn18:24
mithroyou can only assign one item to the value18:24
mithroself[oid] = a18:24
mithroself[oid] = b18:24
greywhindmithro: ah, makes sense18:25
greywhindof course18:25
mithroif you want both18:25
mithrodo a18:25
mithroself[oid] = (a, b)18:25
greywhindmithro: so, on a hunch, i replaced the ObjectList.append(ArcPoint(EndXY, StartXY, CenterXY, **args)) call in PieChart with an ObjectList.append(FloatCanvas.Point(XY, 'White', Diameter)), and it draws the points correctly18:32
greywhindso i guess it has something to do with the ArcPoints not drawing correctly18:32
mithrogreywhind: what size Diameter are you using? tried fixing it to something like 100 pixels?18:33
mithroyou also need to give it a list of more then a single slice I believe18:33
greywhindsome of the diameters were about 16.666666666718:33
greywhindsome 8.3333318:34
greywhindi gave it two slices.18:34
mithrogreywhind: I suggest trying to demo from wxFloatCanvas18:42
greywhindmithro: i guess i will18:42
mithroit could be that PieChart got horrible broken sometime ago18:42
mithronash: ping?18:42
nashmithro: ?18:44
mithronash: opps sorry, I'll reply via email18:44
nashmithro: cool - meeting in a mninute anyway18:45
greywhindmithro: err... when i download FloatCanvas-0.9.18 rev 25 zip from the FloatCanvas trac, the folders that it says should have stuff in them are empty18:46
greywhindthere's nothing in the demos, floatcanvas, etc. folders18:47
greywhindthe file is a total of about 24 kb18:47
mithroalways choose a tar.gz over a zip :P18:49
greywhindmithro: i did... but that one just creates a symlink to nowhere18:49
mithrogreywhind: looks like you are right18:49
mithrothe tarballs/zips are screwed18:49
mithrojust checkout the code using subversion18:49
greywhindwill do18:49
greywhindthat works18:51
greywhindmithro: hmm... PieChart demo in FloatCanvas gives this:18:52
greywhindhttp://rafb.net/p/nDzjta15.html (8 lines)18:52
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)18:52
greywhindand there's no Colors.py in FloatCanvas/Utilities18:53
mithro-    DefaultColorList = Colors.CategoricalColor118:55
mithro-    #["Red", "Green", "Blue", "Purple", "Yellow", "Cyan"]18:56
mithro+    DefaultColorList = ["Red", "Green", "Blue", "Purple", "Yellow", "Cyan"]18:56
mithro+    #Colors.CategoricalColor118:56
mithro-from floatcanvas.Utilities import Colors18:56
mithro+#from floatcanvas.Utilities import Colors18:56
mithrodunno why there is no Colors.py18:56
greywhindmmmhmmm.... well, it draws... shapes18:58
greywhindthey're not pie charts.18:58
greywhindwant a screenshot?18:59
nashgreywhind: Everyone wants screenshots - all the time19:00
greywhindnash: yes, but i was hoping for, "no - don't bother, I can see it myself by running the demo." :P19:01
nashgreywhind: I can't ;-)19:02
greywhindmithro/nash: http://free.prohosting.com/whind/stuff/piechartsproblem.png19:02
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1:5-> (at free.prohosting.com)19:02
mithrogreywhind: :P19:03
mithrolooks like the code is borked19:03
greywhindmithro: looks like it19:03
mithro(under MacOS X that is)19:03
mithroworks fine here19:03
greywhindbut note that the PieChart class in FloatCanvas is totally different from the one in ThousandParsec19:04
greywhindthey don't even remotely resemble each otehr19:07
greywhindwell, i'm going to stop for today19:09
mithroso much to do, so little time20:02
nashmithro: See my reply?20:04
nashmithro: Essentially, you are right, but I think it makes as many changes, and is really not that elegant.20:06
mithronash: yeah20:06
mithronash: what if you wanted to say "any object which has a move order" ?20:07
nashAnd I'm not sure if it works.  Basically the rule is: You need to supply an object which is of type referred too by this list of references20:07
mithroi'm not sure it works either....20:07
nashmithro: There is a limit to how far you can go - else you need the server to say "one of these objects"20:07
mithroor "any object which has resource x"?20:07
mithroI would like the ability to click on the starmap with these options - how can we get that?20:08
nashMaybe we should walk before we fly...20:10
nashI think we need to go to code to do such things20:10
nashI thought about the do everything solution as well20:10
mithrowell, we already have the "non-starmap click" option - the server could just use the list order argument20:10
nashBut then a) we destroy associations in the UI - which sucks - both for the GUI, and for things like AIs20:11
nashb) The list may be too long, and then we need to fragment order frames...20:11
mithroso is there a way to preserve the association in a list?20:12
mithroon a side note, colonise no longer takes an argument on tpserver-cpp's Minisec20:12
nashmithro: Sure... but then what to do with the object list?  And if we do that we may as turn coordinates into lists that can only contain 3 items et al...20:14
mithroyou are effectively adding a "filter" to the object list right?20:15
nashYeah, with the default being no filter20:15
nashBasically I think it solves 90% of the problems easily20:16
mithronash: well, I don't think "no filter" ever actually makes sense20:16
nashGeneral solutions are ugly20:16
nashmithro: A game where I can rename objects?20:16
mithronash: what does renaming objects have to do with no filter?20:16
nashmithro: Game engines who haven't done any further work20:16
nashHow about a move_to_object order... it would take any object as an arg20:17
nashOr at least all but maybe the universe... and that would just move to the center of the universe if you wanted20:18
mithrookay move to/intercept would be the possible time when it makes sense to have no filter20:18
nashIn any case, the reason I suggested an empty list meaning "any object" is to make the upgrade path easier... a dumb implementation on the server just appends an extra int, and a simple client just ignroes it (and presents too many choices)20:20
mithronash: would lists which preserve data about what the items refer to be a better option? - do we need to add that anyway?20:20
nashBasically make it as simple as possible - not for a specific usability case20:20
nashmithro: Only if you want to make lists be the only type for everything.20:21
nashI'd like to keep _some_ context in the protocol - at least for now20:21
mithrookay this is off on a tangent - for example AI's have decent way of telling which options in a "Build Fleet" order refer to which designs right?20:22
mithrolet me try again20:23
mithrookay this is off on a tangent - for example AI's **don't** have decent way of telling which options in a "Build Fleet" order refer to which designs right?20:24
nashSo yes, lists which refer to other things would be useful (and in the UI I can click on 'scout' and see the design details for scout)20:25
nashmithro: But that sounds like a massive change - a TP05 level one ;-)20:27
mithronash: so in the case where an order is going to have only a small set of objects options the list (with references) could be useful?20:29
mithronash: so in the case where an order is going to have only a small set of objects options the list (with references) could be used?20:29
nashmithro: Yes...20:30
nashAnd it could even switch between arg types if the list got too long...20:30
mithrohence we don't need a generic system for filtering objects - a simple type based filter would be sufficent for border cases20:30
nashExactly my reasoning20:31
nashWell... except for maybe a 'now' - or lets wait and see if we need a generic system for filtering shit later20:32
mithrogreywhind: the Colors.py has been commited to subversion now20:32
mithroso I think the steps are then20:32
greywhindmithro: alright... i still don't think the demo helps though, since PieChart is very different from the one in ThousandParsec20:32
mithro1. Add a object type field to the object parameter20:33
mithro(should that be a list of types?)20:33
mithro2. Fix list to refer to in-game objects (probably by adding a GRS to each item selection)20:34
nashI think a list of types20:34
nashEg: an attack order could be to either fleets or planets20:34
nash(or it could be two different orders)20:34
mithrogreywhind: yeah, don't know if it is best to use the FloatCanvas PieChart or not20:34
mithronash: probably a list would be the best bet20:35
mithrothe other thing that needs to be fixed about the list parameter is that it should have a "global max" too20:36
mithroI actually don't think the GRS/List of GRS's (as order parameters) really works20:37
nashmithro: I didn't bother to implement them ;-)20:37
mithronash: nothing uses em yet, so :P20:38
mithrothe GRS works quite well on messages to refer to things20:38
nashI need to expand my support to show more links to references20:38
mithroit seems like it would/should work quite well for explain the meaning of a message to the AI too20:39
nashIt would just be good for UI stuff20:40
mithroyou don't think an AI would get much from the references?20:42
nashIt would, I agree with that20:42
mithroin fact I am seeing a connection between giving the AI more information and giving the clients more ability to be smart20:43
mithroguess they are kind of related20:44
nashYes they are ;-)20:44
mithrobtw, I'm not some generic mad person you seem to think I am :)20:49
nashThat's what you think...20:51
nashmithro: You seem to be very quick to try and generalise stuff20:52
mithroI like to think generically because it lets me see the flaws and strengths of the non-generic stuff20:55
mithroalso lets me better understand what we are actually trying to do20:56
mithrowell that is my excuse and I'm sticking to it ;)20:59
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CIA-10nash galaxie * r54c203132721 /ewl/gewl_object.c: Handle most of the main arguments. Need to work on cleanup and data.23:04
CIA-10nash galaxie * r74279b7dfbb8 /ewl/gewl_object.c: Partially working multiple list drop downs.23:04
CIA-10mithro tpsai-py * rb0df7bff8aef /tpsai-py: Output the universe status at the begining.23:08
CIA-10llnz tpsai-py * rb038f0313f2e /tpsai-py: Only do the end of turn processing if the end of turn has happened ie, we have seen a async time remaining frame with time==0 and then one with time != 0 (or anything at all)23:08
mithroarg, I have not been productive today at all :(23:25
nashwork or TP?23:28
mithroI spent a large portion of the morning writing a peice of code to obsfucate some "proprietary information"23:38
nashOh lovely23:39
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