Sunday, 2007-11-11

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mithrohey llnz04:26
mithrotpsai-py working yet?04:26
llnzhi mithro04:26
llnzyeah, have it working04:26
mithrollnz: cool, you see the scripts?04:26
llnzthe minimum turn length for the sleep to work in tpsai-py is 63 seconds04:27
llnznope, cool, just looked04:27
mithroit's sitting at about 8mb resident when I'm testing locally04:28
llnzabout 13 MB res currently04:30
llnzturn 401 (ai wasn't running all that time)04:30
llnztpserver-cpp at about 11m res04:31
llnzthis will be fun...04:37
mithroThousand Parsec group on LinkedIn ->
tpb<$It> (at
llnzhehe, will look at that shortly04:39
mithrollnz: you on LinkedIn?04:40
llnzlets try again:04:42
llnz"this will be fun..."04:42
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r079e6af75229 / (6 files in 4 dirs):04:42
CIA-10Setting up the rfts directory (testing things out).04:42
CIA-10Also removed the #include "ownedobject.h" in mtsec.cpp04:42
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * rd70d52e89a8e /modules/games/rfts/ (rfts.cpp rfts.h): Playing around trying to get an empty ruleset to load.04:42
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r7d4ab4d95c0f / (5 files in 3 dirs):04:42
CIA-10Merge with git+ssh://
CIA-10~~ fixing local repo problems?04:42
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r8677075e97fd / (re)fixing the (repo problems?)04:42
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r153672cfa4c0 /modules/games/rfts/ (emptyobject.cpp emptyobject.h): Adding empty object class04:42
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * rd78818f56331 /modules/games/rfts/ (planet.cpp planet.h): Adding planet class04:42
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r3121c8ccf944 / ( modules/games/rfts/ Re-re-fixing and configure04:42
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r0e5c014f69ff /modules/games/rfts/ (containertypes.h rfts.cpp rfts.h): Starting on object types, designs, etc.04:42
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * ra02a9f16b2a7 /modules/games/rfts/ ( designcategories.h rfts.cpp rfts.h): Created most properties and took a stab at a few components and designs.04:42
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r2fbba90b0875 /modules/games/rfts/ (rftsturn.cpp rftsturn.h): Just adding for future usage.04:43
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r91d402f1e000 /modules/games/rfts/rfts.cpp: Fixed readding properties to design store04:43
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r4a568c632104 /tpserver/ (designstore.cpp designstore.h):04:43
CIA-10Merge with git://
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r39ebac477c54 /modules/games/rfts/ ( rfts.cpp rfts.h): Added component and design for each tech level04:43
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * rf0d9e04a6559 /modules/games/rfts/ (rfts.cpp rfts.h): Using designstore's getComponentByName instead of load propertylist04:43
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r322bba88d698 /modules/games/rfts/ (rfts.cpp rfts.h): Settings up framework for universe creation04:43
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * re0b197e03066 /modules/games/rfts/rfts.cpp: Fixing universe creation04:43
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r76fb57962398 /modules/games/rfts/ ( designcategories.h rfts.cpp rfts.h): Switching to single category04:43
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r0dcbcd002e6c /modules/games/rfts/ (planet.cpp planet.h rfts.cpp): Seg fauly fix04:43
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * rfd800c80dda9 /modules/games/rfts/ ( nop.cpp nop.h planet.cpp planet.h rfts.cpp): Stole nop from mini/mtsec04:43
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r33f8b39edd79 /modules/games/rfts/ (7 files): Adding universe object04:43
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * rfbecac131c2d /modules/games/rfts/ (rfts.cpp universe.h): Actually using universe type this time ~~04:43
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * rccc93478f174 /modules/games/rfts/containertypes.h: boring - changing capitalization on an enum04:43
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * rdcdcb9b0a2b5 /modules/games/rfts/ (6 files): Reorganizing planet & adding resource points. Updated containertypes04:44
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * rb21009c3fc5e /modules/games/rfts/rfts.cpp: Added pedantic galaxy type :p04:44
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r460274dcb606 /modules/games/rfts/containertypes.h: Emptyobject using containertype 104:44
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r0b01dca7a1b3 /modules/games/rfts/rfts.cpp: boring - just toying around with star system location04:44
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r051c440a1559 /modules/games/rfts/rfts.cpp: Settings all components visible & usable for players.04:44
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r025d1135d112 /modules/games/rfts/ ( emptyobject.cpp fleet.cpp fleet.h rfts.cpp): Adding fleet class (mostly taken from mtsec)04:44
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * recaf541a7f75 /modules/games/rfts/fleet.cpp: Missing a couple fleet functions04:44
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r620ce8ab0854 /modules/games/rfts/ (nop.h rfts.h): Idle typographical and unsigned changes (boring)04:44
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r4574693c1786 /modules/games/rfts/ ( buildfleet.cpp buildfleet.h rfts.cpp): Starting build fleet order04:44
CIA-10fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * r58edb191ed14 /modules/games/rfts/rfts.cpp: Changing engine & battle component tpcl req functions04:44
CIA-10(171 lines omitted)04:44
llnzthat was fun... :-)04:45
llnzmember of linked in now04:47
mithrollnz: okay cool04:47
mithrollnz: btw, I rewrote the event system in tpclient-pywx-dev so place tell me if there is something funky going on04:49
llnzi tried it an hour ago and it kept segfaulting04:49
llnzTraceback (most recent call last):04:51
llnz  File "./tpclient-pywx", line 434, in ?04:51
llnz    app = Application(url)04:51
llnz  File "./tpclient-pywx", line 405, in __init__04:52
llnz    ClientApplication.__init__(self)04:52
llnz  File "./tp/client/", line 52, in __init__04:52
llnz    self.ConfigLoad()04:52
llnz  File "./tp/client/", line 83, in ConfigLoad04:52
llnz    self.gui.ConfigLoad(config)04:52
llnz  File "./tpclient-pywx", line 280, in ConfigLoad04:52
llnz    for window in
llnzAttributeError: 'GUI' object has no attribute 'windows'04:52
llnzSegmentation fault04:52
mithrohelps if I push everything05:00
CIA-10mithro libtpclient-py-development * rc62d5e5e4df7 /tp/client/ Moved Event to hire up in the file so importing works.05:00
mithrogive that a try?05:01
tpbaloril has quit worldforge (Remote host closed the connection)05:05
mithrollnz: any luck?05:07
llnzthat's better05:09
tpbaloril has joined on worldforge05:10
mithrollnz: what is cool?05:13
llnzthat is works05:13
mithrotpviewer-pygame is quite a nice way to just look at what is going on05:26
llnzwhen did I start on thousand parsec?05:33
mithroearly or mid 200205:34
tpb<$J:> (at
mithroyay for multi-core machines05:40
CIA-10mithro tpviewer-pygame * rcf231b376bda / Added an EOT counter.05:44
CIA-10mithro tpviewer-pygame * re8d048dc7ca7 / Antialias lines..05:44
CIA-10mithro tpviewer-pygame * r93b2c3eda691 / ( tpviewer-pygame): Renamed the file.05:44
CIA-10mithro tpviewer-pygame * rb43d81a0c5ae /tpviewer-pygame: Added support for servers which can't return EOT.05:44
mithrowow, they are some old patches05:44
*** llnz changes topic to "Thousand Parsec - || IRC Logs at || Why not help out? || tpserver-cpp vs tpsai-py, 2 from 2"05:46
llnzai3 won05:46
mithroafter a turn gen my computer gets hammered05:48
mithrothis system has 200 battleships in it 100 either side05:49
llnzi should push to the rfts branch too, shouldn't i?05:50
mithronot really05:51
mithroEnd of Life it05:51
mithroif you have merged rfts into mainline05:51
llnzhow to End of Life it?05:54
mithronot quite sure :P05:54
mithroyou can remove the branch from the server if you have merged it into master entirely05:54
mithrollnz: I have two about equal AI's fighting each other05:57
mithrothey are fighting over two planets05:58
mithroone takes it, then the other takes it back05:59
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llnzmy adsl modem appears to lock up when i try to make a VPN (pptp) connection06:19
mithroTurn number: 19306:19
llnzTurn number: 50906:20
mithrohow long are your turns?06:20
mithromine are 20 seconds06:20
CIA-10mithro tpsai-py * rbae5f51c9763 /tpsai-py: Exit if we have no assets left.06:21
llnzwas 63 seconds, now back to 600 seconds06:22
llnzyay, that is very useful06:23
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mithrollnz: my tpsai-py are sitting at around 10-11,b06:38
mithrotpserver-cpp at around 15-16mb06:38
mithroTurn number: 25306:39
mithrollnz: I have guitsaru working on trying to extend tpsai-py to rfts06:39
mithrollnz: so you want me to close off the rfts branch?06:40
mithrorfts branch all gone06:41
mithro(well, all merged)06:42
mithroyou should checkout tpserver-cpp with gitk06:42
mithroit looks kind of pretty :P06:43
* llnz opens it in qgit06:44
mithrowhere Brett submitted the patches if got a bit crazy :)06:47
mithromaybe I should get it do to a status report on the assets it has at the end06:49
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CIA-10mithro tpsai-py * r966502f80289 /tpsai-py: Evil hack of a status report at the end of calculating everything.07:31
CIA-10mithro tpsai-py * r5658cb882912 / A script to watch the status reports from the log files.07:31
mithrollnz: they should be fairly useful07:31
mithroMy total empire is:07:32
mithro      32 Planets07:32
mithro      53 Frigates07:32
mithro     862 Battleships07:32
mithrowow on the battleships07:33
mithrothe other ai has 22 battleships07:36
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mithrollnz: see the logs07:36
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llnzgrrr... that's going to be very annoying07:37
llnzhehe, your patch doesn't quite work properly07:38
mithroTurn number: 42907:38
mithrowhich one?07:38
llnzTraceback (most recent call last):07:38
llnz  File "./tpsai-py", line 470, in persisence07:38
llnz    sys.exit(0)07:38
llnzSystemExit: 007:38
llnzwhen there are no assets07:39
mithroI wonder why it worked here?07:39
llnzanyway, i have to go, early morning meeting07:41
* llnz wanders off07:41
llnzlater all07:41
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CIA-10mithro tpsai-py * rc3b3e6f9c4fb / Don't kill everything with tpsai-py in the name.07:44
CIA-10mithro tpsai-py * rd52700311646 /tpsai-py: Try and fix Lee's SystemExit error.07:44
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mithronash: ping?16:31
nashmithro:  Pants On!16:31
mithroumm, Pants off?16:32
nashHow is life?16:32
nashAnyway - you pinggededededed?16:34
mithrookay, just about to head off to work16:35
mithrollnz was able to get another game all the way to the end on the weekend16:35
nashI saw his status stuff16:36
nashWas going to reply16:36
mithroI was able to get a game to the end locally too16:36
mithroStep 7. Status report...16:37
mithroMy total empire is:16:37
mithro      35 Planets16:37
mithro      50 Frigates16:37
mithro     862 Battleships16:37
mithroThe total enemies are:16:37
mithro       0 Planets16:37
nashI'm working on getting a decent - consistent - UI for planet and other status for galaxie at the moment16:37
mithrookay cool16:39
mithrobe back in 30 minutes16:40
nashenjoy your trip16:41
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mithroso how is everyone this morning?17:26
mithronash: so when will we see the great tpsai-py verse galaxie wars?17:27
nashProbably a little while17:27
mithroI had to rewrite the event system in tpclient-pywx-dev on the weekend :/17:30
mithrobut I only have two things left to impliment for the movement stuff17:33
mithro - The ability to drag around waypoints17:33
mithro - The ability to add a new waypoint directly via the starmap17:34
mithroyou can currently select the move order from the orders pane and it will highlight the correct segment on the starmap17:36
mithroyou can also currently click on the segment on the starmap and it will highlight the correct order17:36
mithrowhich is pretty nifty17:36
mithroI think I need to write a tp "cron tool" which just sits around and runs a bunch of commands when it gets an EOT17:39
mithroshould only be 100 lines of code or less17:39
* mithro rambles some more17:39
mithrooh, btw18:34
mithro~seen DystopicFro18:34
tpbmithro: DystopicFro was last seen in #tp 1 day, 18 hours, 31 minutes, and 1 second ago: <DystopicFro> mithro: anyway, I'm gonna hit the sack...take it easy...hope you can handle the spammer easily18:34
nashmithro: Read it now..18:37
nashsorry was a meeting ;-)18:37
mithronash: no problems18:39
mithroo btw did you see the Thousand Parsec linkedin group?18:40
nashI thought I was already init18:41
nashmithro: Jure added a "thousand parsec project" a while ago18:46
mithrothis is a proper group18:50
mithroThousand Parsec group on LinkedIn ->
tpb<$It> (at
nashOkay - joined then ;-_18:54
mithroyou should have been preapproved :)18:55
nashStill asked if I wanted to accept18:57
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bddebianHey folks19:38
bddebianmithro: Are you actually here?19:38
mithrobut I'm at work - so I will be in and out19:39
bddebianJust a quickie.  I started looking at outerspace and I'm a little confused between OuterSpace and outerspace on the downloads.  Of course not that either seem to build19:40
bddebianOuterSpace clean seems to look for windows for some reason19:40 is probably just to build a py2exe self contained binary for windows people19:40
bddebiangah, lameage19:41
mithroit's a pretty standard thing - most python applications are not designed to be "installed" in the classical sense19:49
bddebianHmm, so I shouldn't be using for libtpproto and libtpclient?19:50
mithrobddebian: Thousand Parsec python applications are the exception :P19:50
mithroanyway libtpproto and libtpclient are both python *libraries*19:51
bddebianActually I know of several python apps within Debian that use, but I'm not one to argue :)19:51
mithrobddebian: actually is a reason most python applications don't get into debian :P19:55
mithrowhich is why I put in the effort to make tpclient-pywx work properly on unix when installed19:55
mithro(only in dev version however)19:55
bddebianWell we should be able to make anything work, I'm just kind of a python n00b :-(20:00
bddebianMaybe I'll just trying copying the dirs in and bytcompiling like I did with tpclient-pywx20:05
bddebianOf course that isn't working atm for me either :-(20:06
mithrobddebian: if you are building tpclient-pywx's development version is the correct way20:09
bddebianThere is no in the version I have :-)20:09
mithroyeah, stable doesn't have one20:09
mithrostable is horrible :)20:09
mithro(from packagers point of view)20:10
bddebianWell I have it working except for a permissions issue :-(20:10
mithrobddebian: feel free to ask if you need some info on stuff20:14
bddebianEssentially what I did was dump everything in /usr/share/games/tpclient-pywx and made a link from /usr/games/tpclient-pywx to /usr/share/games/tpclient-pywx/tpclient-pywx20:16
mithrobddebian: you might need a short shell script which does a "cd /usr/share/games/tpclient-pywx; ./tpclient-pywx"20:16
bddebianIf I run as root, it works fine.  Running as myself I get operation not permitted when tries to do chmod()20:16
mithrobddebian: oh, I can fix that for you20:17
CIA-10mithro tpclient-pywx * r4dd24ec2cbf3 / Always set system on failure.20:20
CIA-10mithro tpclient-pywx * r0e7e5e3c3111 / Don't die on a permission denied for making the file executable.20:20
tpb<$Ok> (at
mithrobddebian: just ask if there are any problems :)20:23
mithroyou'll probably get fixes20:23
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