Saturday, 2007-10-13

*** tpb has joined #tp00:00
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tpbaloril has quit worldforge (Remote host closed the connection)01:33
tpbaloril has joined on worldforge01:36
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*** DTRemenak has joined #tp08:59
*** TBBle_ has joined #tp11:04
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*** Epyon has joined #tp12:49
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*** greywhind has joined #tp19:31
*** mithro has joined #tp19:44
mithro~seen greywhind19:50
tpbmithro: greywhind was last seen in #tp 1 week, 1 day, 20 hours, 4 minutes, and 51 seconds ago: <greywhind> heh. not very useful if it's always at a fairly high level of alert, is it? :P19:50
mithro~seen DTRemenak19:50
tpbmithro: I have not seen DTRemenak.19:50
greywhindhey mithro19:53
mithrogreywhind: so what have you been up to while I have been away?19:53
greywhindmithro: enjoying fall break19:53
mithrofall break is for coding Thousand Parsec, everyone knows that ;)19:53
greywhindmithro: heh. actually, it's for working on college applications19:54
greywhindhow was your trip?19:56
mithropretty good20:07
mithroI thought up some new stuff for you to work on :P20:07
mithroI would like you to add "next object/previous object" buttons20:07
mithroyou figure out the text problem at all?20:08

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