Wednesday, 2007-09-12

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mithrobrb dinner05:12
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mithroo so quiet06:22
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mithrollnz: you get the info on battles?06:28
mithroany help?06:29
llnzshould be06:30
mithrogetting any closer to the challenge?06:33
mithrollnz: any more tpsai-py crashes?06:34
mithroguitsaru: ping?06:34
mithrohow close do you think you are?06:46
llnzto what? fixing tpserver-cpp to attempt the challenge again? about a week06:48
llnzfrom releasing tpserver-cpp? about 2-3 months06:49
mithroBaby is pushing the packages into debian06:57
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jothamsorry restarted irssi earlier06:59
jothami should add tp to my autojoin list already06:59
jothamjust got home from work06:59
BabyI'm only starting to create them right now :)07:02
Babybut i hope to have them soon07:02
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mithrojotham: :/07:21
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mithrohey guitsaru08:03
mithroguitsaru: any luck on the tpsai-py?08:19
guitsaruIt doesn't seem to want to run08:19
guitsaruit stops on some cache thing and it never actually connects to the server08:19
mithroguitsaru: you tried the -s mode?08:20
guitsaruI will08:20
mithroyou connecting to a local tpserver-py?08:20
mithrowhen you connect with tpsai-py08:20
mithroit waits for the EOT message before doing08:21
mithrowith tpserver-py you have to run tpserver-py-turn to cause an EOT to occur08:21
mithrowith -s it connects once and issues orders then disconnects08:22
guitsarustill nothing08:24
mithroguitsaru: ?08:24
mithrowhat command line are you running?08:24
guitsaruI think it's bash08:24
mithro./tpsai-py -s tp://abc:abc@localhost/tp08:25
mithrothat is a single run08:25
mithro./tsai-py tp://abc:abc@localhost/tp08:26
guitsaruOk, that works08:26
guitsaruI guess I put the -s in the wrong place08:26
mithro../tpserver-py/tpserver-py-tool --turn tp08:27
guitsaruI've got some errors, I'll work on ironing those out in the next few days08:28
guitsaruI've got to go to class now though08:29
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* llnz wanders off08:31
llnzlater all08:31
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mithronash: ping?19:54
nashmithro: pong20:03
nashMy thousand parsec mug has disappeared20:03
nashAhh... found it20:06
* nash enjoys morning coffee #220:08
mithronash: i'm assuming you are too busy to test something out with tpclient-pywx?20:12
nashHow long will it take20:13
* nash is doing his morning email and system stuff so he can slice it in20:14
mithronash: I need you to delete 3 lines form a file to see if it fixes the font problem20:17
mithrobut it requires updating tpclient-pywx-dev, libtpproto-py and libtpclient-py20:17
mithrodelete the SetFonts lines in windows/main/ around line 3420:19
nashgive me a minute - just doing the updates -- also first run in 64 bit land...20:21
nashmithro: I'm cloning again20:23
mithro~seen niphree20:24
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 1 week, 0 days, 12 hours, 51 minutes, and 21 seconds ago: <niphree> ok20:24
mithrohave to poke xdotx and Fro again soon20:24
nashmithro: Do I need deve for the other two branches?20:25
mithrolibtpproto-py and libtpclient-py-dev20:25
nashI don't have libtpclient-py at all20:26
mithrotpclient-pywx requires libtpclient20:28
nashI probably haven't run it on my desktop then - I was probably using my laptop20:30
nashgive me another few20:30
tpbTitle: Ubuntu Setup - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
nashheh... Missing quite a few - updating20:35
nashHmm... that gtk2.8 thing again...20:35
mithrohave to restart X20:44
mithrowill be back later20:44
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nashmithro: It fixes it21:28
nash-               if wx.Platform != "__WXMAC__":21:28
nash-                       self.Message.SetFonts("Swiss", "Courier", [10, 12, 14, 121:29
nash6, 20, 24])21:29
nash-               else:21:29
nash-                       pass21:29
nash-                       #self.Message.SetFonts("Swiss", "Courier", [4, 6, 8, 10,21:29
nash 12, 14, 16])21:29
mithroone last brb21:30
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greywhindhey mithro: i've got winDesign working (somewhat) with XRC21:40
mithrogreywhind: cool!21:40
* mithro is just playing with xrandr 1.221:41
mithroit's almost working21:41
greywhindmithro: however, i need to know how to give sizers ID's so i can keep the references to hiding and showing them21:41
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mithroexcept the "bottom" gnome panel is on the wrong screen21:41
mithrogreywhind: generally uou don't want to hide sizers, you hide panels21:41
greywhindmithro: well, winDesign hides/shows sizers...21:41
mithroso you just put a panel as a parent to the sizer21:42
greywhindwill do.21:42
mithrogreywhind: well it shouldn't be :P21:42
greywhindthe layout's not quite right yet, but i'll get it eventually21:42
mithroit's something I have been meaning to do for a long time21:48
mithrowoot, it looks like I am going to the USA!23:00
nashFor SoC or work?23:00
mithrofor the SoC stuff, google approved the fare23:01
nashWell done23:04
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