Tuesday, 2007-09-04

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mithroafternoon everyone05:17
mithrowb xdotx05:17
mithro~seen xdotx05:17
tpbmithro: xdotx was last seen in #tp 1 week, 0 days, 4 hours, 10 minutes, and 0 seconds ago: <xdotx> yeah, lemme finish up what i'm playing with and i'll try it again05:17
peresmithro: got a moment?05:19
mithroperes: sure05:19
peresI've taken a look at the generator at seventhsanctum05:20
peresit basically generates a letter after the other and chooses or discards it according to some settings05:21
peressettings like: length of name, consonant count, vowel count, % chance vowel...05:21
peresthere are around 10 or 12 of them05:21
mithroperes: okay05:22
peresthe guys at seventhsactum created some sets to approximate different languages on earth05:22
peresthis might be the way to go, as it is simple05:23
peresanyway, I'm looking into phonotactics to see if names can be generated from phonemes instead of graphemes05:23
peresin fact, I have a *very rough* syllable generator for the English language, which is generating (almost) pronunceable syllables05:24
mithroperes: I have no idea what graphemes/phonemes are :P05:25
peresok :P05:25
peresphonemes are the letters you're using everyday, like 'a', 'j', 'm'05:26
mithroperes: i'm happy to not know the implementation detail :P05:26
peresgraphemes are the sounds that comes out of your mouth when you speak :P05:27
peresoops :P05:27
peresi inverted the definitions :P05:27
peresvery embarrassing :P05:27
mithroI barley understand syllables05:27
mithrolanguage isn't one of my strong points05:27
peresok, so syllables are aggregates of phonemes05:27
peresanyway, let me show you some syllables i generated05:28
xdotxmithro: hey. gotta get to sleep soon, got first day of class in the morning05:32
mithroxdotx: you don't sleep at uni :P05:33
xdotxmithro: hahah, too true05:33
mithroxdotx: have any luck with wxpython?05:35
xdotxmithro: not before my laptop hd died :/05:35
mithroyou laptop HD died too?05:37
xdotxyeah.. well, it's the only one i have to have died05:38
* mithro 's laptop HD died last week05:38
mithroended up getting a new laptop on Friday last week05:39
mithroxdotx: which is why no work on pywx was done over the weekend05:40
mithroxdotx: so what you using now?05:41
xdotxmithro: back home, so on my desktop05:42
mithroxdotx: had a chance to see the latest tpclient-pywx on it?05:43
xdotxnot yet05:43
peressteange, sphoulf, blapth, calst, sclept, rarnz, curelct, flien, smuoard, manch, duunt, droarx, splowth, lorct, woupth, smowrb, crarsh, threang, sudth, spueenct, smirlk, cralf, glowmps, harct, spuulb, slielge, muairlts, skuurmth, puit, thwarmp, puounth, slieft, vealpt, neab, thrairc, sowv, hurtz, crieps, zipt, twarm05:44
peresi'm not mad :P05:44
xdotxtwarm, i like that one05:44
mithrohurtz :P05:44
mithrosowv doesn't really look right05:45
peresthe current generator doesn't filter05:45
peresmithro: that is probably a mistake somewhere05:45
peresi mean, the generator doesn't select phonemes according to probability at the moment05:46
peresso, many diphthong and consonant clusters would be gone05:46
mithroperes: duunt and spuulb ?05:47
mithrodouble u is pretty uncommon05:47
peresthe 'dj' phoneme is always followed by 'u' in a syllable nuclei, so that 'uu' should actually be 'u'05:48
mithroperes: i believe you :P05:49
peresi'm not sure phonotactics is the way to go though05:50
mithroperes: it would be nice to have various "profiles"05:52
mithroso you can generate alien sounding ones etc05:52
peresi see05:52
peresi just picked english phonemes05:52
pereswe can choose many others or maybe mix different languages05:53
mithroenglish is a good start05:53
peresi'd like to implement the needed filters so we can see if this thing has potential05:55
mithroperes: don't let me stop you :P05:56
peresduarst, moond, met, puairlf, sploarlp, splurev, sploops, blurect, skuairnge, bealn, leermpt, dwearct, qirb, fuienz, jurelf, feerxt, ceerfth, jierf, cairrch, qarct, rartz, grielx, skoopth, skerst, smuoulch, clingth, scrownz, spals, blaq, quairdth, qalx, vuurenz, vuuren, twiexth, bloits, thuurelsh, cuowlv, smens, tueartz, troinx05:57
peressome more05:57
mithrostill lots of double u?05:58
peresof course, i haven't changed anything yet :P05:58
mithrohe he okay05:58
mithrowhat are you writing this in?05:58
peresc/c++ at the moment05:58
peresi'm looking at python...05:59
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mithro hey nash18:49
mithrosee ya nash18:49
nashHeyo mithro18:49
nashHey - did you see my email yesterday?18:49
mithronash: want to discuss it with you sometime18:51
mithroprobably easier to do irc then email18:51
nashAnyway... first meeting of the day18:57
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