Friday, 2007-08-24

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nashmithro:  Which could be cool00:01
nashHalfway through - requires a lot of code changse, but I've fixed a lot of crud00:01
mithrocrud fixing is good00:02
nashSo I'm also working on multi-gui support, and multi-AI, and dynamic gui support00:03
mithroI think getting it usable on one server should be your first goal :P00:04
nashmithro: They all come together ;-)00:07
nashhave a good lunch00:15
mithrowas actually running some errans01:19
nashWhen do you start your new job BTW?01:21
mithromonday next month01:22
nashOkay - so a week and a bit of fullon TP then?01:23
mithroi have a bunch of other errans to run01:26
mithroand I have to put together a bunch of stuff for the Gaming Miniconf01:27
mithrodamn, I still haven't replied to Fro's message01:40
mithro~seen niphree01:40
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 18 hours, 23 minutes, and 33 seconds ago: <niphree> ok01:40
* mithro ponders01:41
nashShe was niphree_afk this morning01:42
mithroyeah, I wasn't pondering her01:43
mithroI was pondering tp0401:44
mithroand rfts01:44
mithroand weather I should enbark on rewriting the starmap in tpclient-pywx for the third time01:44
mithroI really like some of the stuff I've done in the tpviewer-pygame01:45
mithronash: what do you think?02:27
nashNew stuff is better ;-)02:28
* mithro gets more satisfaction from removing code then adding new code :/02:56
nashAnyway - time to go04:17
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llnzhi all05:30
mithrohey llnz06:20
mithrollnz: how goes everything?06:24
llnzfine thanks, you?06:24
mithrocurrently working on tpclient-pywx-dev's starmap06:30
* llnz wanders off07:22
llnzlater all07:22
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mithrohey guitsaru10:30
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mithroguitsaru: do you have any time at the moment?10:31
mithroI could use some help testing10:31
mithroi'll just commit this stuff10:34
mithroit's the tpclient-pywx-dev branch10:37
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r055c31c742a0 /extra/wxFloatCanvas/ ( Removed files which should no longer be needed.10:37
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r55ee7b4bf227 /extra/wxFloatCanvas/ (6 files in 2 dirs): Updated to latest subversion wxFloatCanvas.10:37
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r61543588be2b / (3 files in 3 dirs): Changed the way systems are drawn, alot less complicated.10:37
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * rc74ab1cba10e /windows/ (overlays/ overlays/ Start getting a pop-up window working.10:37
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r653bdd74ecb4 /windows/overlays/ Proper text in the pop-up window.10:37
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r631695f90a91 /windows/overlays/ Fixed the popup's font size. Fixed the mouse cursor.10:37
mithroI want to see how this pop-up behaves on MacOS X10:37
mithrothe colours are only temporary10:39
guitsaruOk, how do I update with git?  checkout doesn't seem to work.10:40
guitsaruOk, thanks10:42
guitsarufatal: Entry 'locale/sl/tpclient-pywx.po' not uptodate. Cannot merge.10:44
guitsaruany idea on how to fix that?10:46
guitsaruOk, running it now10:56
guitsarumithro: what did you want to see?10:57
mithrologin to a server10:57
mithrothen scoll your mouse over the starmap10:57
mithrolittle pop-up windows should appear when your mouse hovers over something10:57
guitsaruI'm not getting anything10:58
guitsaruactually, the starmap is blank10:58
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r45936b5b2b0b /windows/overlays/
CIA-23Make the pop-up window "transparent" to MouseMotion events.10:59
CIA-23Means if you mouse over the pop-up it won't stay active.10:59
mithroyou may have to hit the zoom/fit button10:59
mithroyou clicked the "Zoom To Fit" and got nothing?10:59
guitsaruAlthough, I don't think I got the files checked out correctly11:00
mithrotype a 'cg-status' and tell me what you see11:02
guitsaru    >master     51b338156bd09077cb73f8dea539794854288e8411:02
guitsaru   R origin     45936b5b2b0bfe16937ae3846b3400fc77aaa14f11:02
guitsaru? 0001-Changed-the-location-of-the-locale-code-to-prevent-c.patch11:02
guitsaru? extra/Opener.py11:02
mithrocg-clean -d -x11:05
guitsaruOk, it says there are conflicts and it puts a bunch of stuff in some of the code files11:06
guitsarulike >>>>>>Master11:07
guitsarudo I just delete those files and check them out again11:07
mithronot quite sure11:08
mithrotry this11:14
mithrocg-clean -d -x11:14
guitsaruThe following requirements where not met:11:16
guitsarutp.netlib > 0.2.111:16
guitsarutp.client > 0.2.9911:16
guitsaruwhen I run it11:16
mithrocd ..11:17
mithrocd scratchpad11:17
mithrocd ..11:17
mithrocd tpclient-pywx-dev11:17
guitsarustill no star map or pop up11:17
mithrocan you tell me the output of cg-status now?11:18
guitsaru    >master     45936b5b2b0bfe16937ae3846b3400fc77aaa14f11:18
guitsaru   R origin     45936b5b2b0bfe16937ae3846b3400fc77aaa14f11:18
guitsaru? DESIGN11:18
guitsaru? STYLE11:18
guitsaru? extra/wxAUI.py11:18
guitsaru? extra/wxFloatCanvas/CircleNoSmall.py11:18
guitsaru? extra/wxFloatCanvas/Dot.py11:18
guitsaru? extra/wxFloatCanvas/Icon.py11:18
guitsaru? tpclient-pywx.spec11:18
mithrorun a cg-clean -d -x11:20
mithrowhats the output now?11:20
guitsaru    >master     45936b5b2b0bfe16937ae3846b3400fc77aaa14f11:20
guitsaru   R origin     45936b5b2b0bfe16937ae3846b3400fc77aaa14f11:20
guitsaruOk, it crashes now11:21
guitsaruTraceback (most recent call last):11:22
guitsaru  File "/Volumes/ANDO/Documents/Programming/TP/dev/tpclient-pywx-dev/tpclient-pywx", line 140, in __init__11:22
guitsaru    self.main = winMain(application)11:22
guitsaru  File "./windows/", line 223, in __init__11:22
guitsaru    from windows.winNewStarMap import panelStarMap11:22
guitsaru  File "./windows/", line 15, in <module>11:22
guitsaru    from extra.wxFloatCanvas.Icon import Icon11:22
guitsaruImportError: No module named Icon11:22
guitsaruis the output11:22
guitsaruwhich looks like the problem with the starmap11:22
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * rc3a35b2ef6ab /windows/ Removed old import of something which has been removed.11:23
mithroguitsaru: give that try11:23
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r8b4edb0fe12d / Make the requirements output a little more informative.11:24
guitsaruRuns, but with errors11:25
guitsaruTraceback (most recent call last):11:25
guitsaru  File "./windows/", line 129, in Post11:25
guitsaru    getattr(window, func)(event)11:25
guitsaru  File "./windows/", line 94, in OnCacheUpdate11:25
guitsaru    self.Overlay = Systems(self.Canvas, self.application.cache)11:25
guitsaru  File "./windows/overlays/", line 128, in __init__11:25
guitsaru    self.PopupText = NamePopup(self.canvas, wx.SIMPLE_BORDER)11:25
guitsaru  File "./windows/overlays/", line 103, in __init__11:25
guitsaru    wx.PopupWindow.__init__(self, parent, style)11:25
guitsaru  File "//Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/wx-2.8-mac-unicode/wx/", line 1732, in __init__11:25
guitsaru    _windows_.PopupWindow_swiginit(self,_windows_.new_PopupWindow(*args, **kwargs))11:25
guitsarureferences <References11:25
guitsaruMisc: 'System'11:25
guitsaruPlayer: 12>11:25
guitsaru./windows/ DeprecationWarning: Messages.types is deperciated use the Message.references instead.11:25
guitsaru  if self.filtered > Set(self.messages[i].types):11:25
guitsaruWarning: Object None does not exist!11:25
guitsaruDrawing took 0.040000 seconds of CPU time11:25
guitsaruDrawing took 0.050000 seconds of CPU time11:25
guitsaruDrawing took 0.040000 seconds of CPU time11:25
guitsaruDrawing took 0.040000 seconds of CPU time11:25
guitsaruDrawing took 0.030000 seconds of CPU time11:25
guitsaruDrawing took 0.050000 seconds of CPU time11:25
guitsaruPyAssertionError: C++ assertion "wxAssertFailure" failed at /BUILD/wxPython-src- in RemoveEventHandler(): where has the event handler gone?11:25
guitsarufunction OnClose  in at line 40311:25
guitsarufunction OnProgramExit  in at line 40611:25
guitsarufunction UnInit  in at line 56911:25
mithroNotImplementedError :/11:26
mithrodo you have the wx demos installed?11:26
mithroguitsaru: could you install them?11:27
guitsaruOk, done11:29
mithrocan you start up the demo11:30
mithroDo you see the "Filter Demos" box at the bottom of the tree?11:30
mithrotype in "Popup"11:31
mithronow click on the "PopupWindow" in the tree11:31
mithrothen click the "Demo tab"11:32
guitsaruSorry, wx.PopupWindow is not available on this platform11:32
mithrothat makes my life very difficult11:33
guitsaruI can imagine11:33
mithrowhat version of wx are you using?11:35
mithroif you go to the about window it should tell you11:35
mithrocan you type in "Window" to the search box11:38
mithrothen click on the "ShapedWindow"11:38
guitsaruit works11:39
mithrodoes the window have any decorations?11:39
guitsaruIt's a snake with three blocks and no background11:40
guitsarusorry, but I have to go to class11:41
guitsaruI'll be back in an hour if you're still up11:41
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CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r118d6b5de744 /windows/overlays/ Fix for evil MacOS X.12:17
tpbtpb has joined on worldforge13:13
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mithrohey guitsaru13:25
mithrocan you give that a try?13:25
mithrocool thanks13:25
guitsarustarmap is working13:27
mithrowhat about the pop-up textboxes?13:27
mithrocan you send me a screenshot?13:28
mithro(with the pop-up box showing if possible)13:28
guitsarumithro: Is there anything else you would like me to test?13:37
mithroguitsaru: not at this very second13:37
mithroalthought it would be really cool if you started hacking on tpsai-py :P13:38
mithrowow, the starmap looks better on Mac :P13:38
guitsaruYeah, I'm trying to figure out where to start.  I'll probably pick something today since I'm not doing anything for the rest of the day13:38
guitsaruheh, everything looks better on Mac :P13:38
mithrowas that demo1?13:38
guitsaruOh, I remember why I haven't started yet13:39
guitsaruI want to set up a local server for testing13:39
mithrotpserver-cpp compiles on mac (or atleast it did)13:40
guitsaruSo, I just run it and it's set up?13:40
mithroguitsaru: almost13:40
mithrono mac binaries (actually no tpserver-cpp binaries at all)13:40
mithrobut it's a pretty straightforward unix program13:40
mithroI would recommend the RFTS branch13:41
mithroyou also need libtprl13:42
tpb<> (at
mithroI havn't tested those instructions13:44
mithrobut that is the quick basics13:44
mithroyou'll probably need things like guile or mzscheme13:46
CIA-23mithro documents * rcc264c05fc72 /protocol/ (protocol.xml protocol3.xml): Superious 'and' as found by Krzysztof Sobolewski.13:46
CIA-23mithro documents * r1b979e1fa890 /protocol/protocol.xml: Merge with git+ssh://[email protected]/git/documents.git13:46
mithrothat teal color looks really sucky in your screenshot :P13:46
mithroI have started a RFTS branch of tpsai-py13:47
guitsaruShould I work on that or vanilla?13:47
mithrowell depends on what you want to do13:48
mithroit's probably more interesting to work on making tpsai-py play RFTS13:48
mithroI wonder who all these people are who log into demo113:51
* mithro ponders bed13:51
mithrothe stuff I've written tonight will need quite a bit of cleanup tommorrow13:51
mithrobut it's pretty good proof of concept13:51
guitsaruI'll try to get this server set up today and start hacking around13:51
mithroguitsaru: that would be cool13:51
guitsaruYeah, the client looks a lot better than it used to13:52
mithroguitsaru: probably a good task to start with would be adding "explore" support to tpsai-py13:52
mithroIE get it to build scouts and explore the RFTS universe13:52
mithroit should be pretty trivial, but a good thing to start with13:53
* mithro ponders13:58
mithroif I can get a few more good hacking days in, maybe I can do a RC of the tpclient-pywx-dev branch13:58
guitsaruI had to change the to work for mac.  Libtoolize is glibtoolize.14:02
mithrosubmit a patch?14:03
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * rdd6e2340def3 / (extra/wxFloatCanvas/ windows/overlays/ Have a little arrow which points to the currently selected object.14:03
guitsaruI'd need to set it to be that only for mac though.  Other platforms should still be libtoolize.14:04
guitsaruI'm going to get some lunch.  Be back in an hour.14:05
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mithrowell, I'm heading to bed14:09
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CIA-23jezuch documents * r13008678fd6f /protocol/protocol.xml: Typo: descstrut -> descstruct17:43
CIA-23jezuch documents * r3333848df540 /protocol/ (protocol.xml protocol3.xml): Convert angle brackets to XML entities in a frame's description17:43
CIA-23llnz documents * rd2ba7a2ff4b8 /protocol/protocol.dtd: Added string attribute type (plain or formatted)17:54
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CIA-23llnz documents * r7639ed650994 /protocol/protocol.xml:21:51
CIA-23Fixed most problems in protocol.xml.21:51
CIA-23xmllint now passes.21:51
CIA-23jezuch documents * r4ad340189eb3 /protocol/protocol3.xml: Clean up a mess of <name>s and <longname>s in protocol3.xml21:52
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llnzhi all23:16
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