Friday, 2007-08-10

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CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp * rf24c82b85969 /modules/games/ (minisec/fleet.cpp mtsec/fleet.cpp):00:43
CIA-23Fleet now stops (velocity set to zero) when next order is not a move order.00:43
CIA-23Fixes velocity set but not moving bug. Fixed used doOnceATurn in Fleet, in00:43
CIA-23both Minisec and MTSec.00:43
mithroxdotx: pong?00:58
mithroarg, missed niphree00:58
xdotxmithro: ah.. i forget. something about production i'm sure00:59
mithro[10:54] <xdotx> mithro: ping?01:00
xdotxoh oh right. is there any way to not have / change the tags added to resources?01:00
xdotxmithro: ie the "on the surface"01:01
xdotxheh, k. didn't think so01:02
llnzTP04 might change that01:02
* xdotx has resource points on the surface of his planets01:02
mithrollnz: well, tp04 he wouldn't have to be using resources :P01:03
mithroxdotx: you could have "minable" or "inaccessible"01:08
llnztpserver-cpp doesn't support inaccessible (always 0)01:09
mithroDystopicFro: ping?01:48
mithrobe back in 20 minutes01:48
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llnzmithro: did you restart the AI?01:53
llnzbbs, dinner01:59
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r841ce4701dce /modules/games/rfts/ (11 files): Planetary production started (and mostly done).02:59
* xdotx <3s programing03:00
xdotxbut spelling doesn't <3 me03:00
xdotxllnz: oh i took advantage of the fact that ResourceListObjectParam uses protected on it's actual list, and customized it with my own version03:02
llnzok, I'll have a look03:03
xdotxllnz: i just couldn't help but twitch when i thought about having to do 3 copies each time i wanted to change an element03:04
xdotxor.. 4?03:05
llnzhehe, looks ok to me03:05
llnzyour class looks ok that is03:05
mithrowhats '<3' ?03:05
* xdotx nods03:05
xdotxa textual heart03:05
mithroI was trying to figure out if you where saying lessthan 3 :)03:06
xdotxi take it the girls at your school didn't wear " I <3 geeks" shirts?03:06
xdotx(with actual literal less-than 3)03:07
mithrono :P03:08
xdotxllnz: to be clear - when exactly are inputFrame and createFrame called?03:09
xdotx... have I already asked this?03:09
llnzxdotx: in which class?03:12
xdotxsorry, back.03:43
xdotxllnz: in order03:43
llnzinputFrame is called when a addOrder message is received from the client, and createFrame is when an Order message is to be sent back03:50
llnzinputFrame and createFrame are both called with a probeOrder message is received04:00
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mithroI wonder who the other people are on dem104:24
llnzbecause I'm crushing them04:24
llnzoh wait, you said "who" i thought you said "why aren't they on"04:27
mithrothe AI is crushing everyone else :P04:28
llnzFor, urthmover, guitsaur, tpsai-py, me, jlp, vhvh8804:28
* mithro ponders05:20
* mithro is a bit bored05:22
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llnzthis is going to get interesting06:14
mithrollnz: look at the fleet around radient pool06:28
llnzi know, i had two fleets at radient pool06:28
llnztpsai-py came in with a fleet of 50 frigets and 37 battleships, vs two 8 battleship fleets06:29
mithrohe he :)06:29
mithroits running on acting once an hour06:29
JLPahoy people06:53
mithrohey JLP06:54
mithroyou should help out trying to beat the ai06:54
JLPmithro: i'm doing it, but i'm afraid don't practice sleepwalking :)06:56
mithroJLP: bah, excuses excuses :)06:57
JLPoh and a special hello to pangvisor06:57
JLPpangvisor: i guess you are new here?06:58
pangvisor<- jotham06:58
JLPpangvisor: ooooh06:59
llnzpity I'm going away for the weekend, so I can't fight against the computer07:02
mithrollnz: we need battlexml :)07:02
llnzmithro: it's on my todo list07:03
mithrogive jotham some huge battles to test with :)07:03
llnzwill do, eventually07:06
pangvisorbeen working on some particle emitters07:08
pangvisorhook me up some shit07:08
mithroto bad we don't have an xml of this battle -> tpsai-py came in with a fleet of 50 frigets and 37 battleships, vs two 8 battleship fleets07:10
mithromy guess is the next target will be the Draconis system07:11
* llnz wanders off07:33
llnzlater all until monday07:33
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