Monday, 2007-06-04

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JLPahoy all03:50
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CIA-3jlp parsek * r8ccef63b2fad /src/ (loggerwidget.cpp loggerwidget.h loggerwidget.ui): Started wok on logger05:37
CIA-3jlp parsek * r144cac576453 /src/loggerwidget.ui: Added a tooltip05:37
CIA-3jlp parsek * r75a678f749e5 /src/loggerwidget.cpp: Dereference is needed05:37
CIA-3jlp parsek * r6383127a4f36 /src/ (loggerwidget.cpp loggerwidget.h): Added destructor (does nothing yet)05:37
CIA-3jlp parsek * ra3db41922be0 /src/mainwindow.cpp: Added Log to main window05:37
CIA-3jlp parsek * rd4246685aabe /src/mainwindow.cpp: Rename dock to messagesDock and make main window compile05:38
CIA-3jlp parsek * r95420d1c3a18 /src/ (loggerwidget.cpp loggerwidget.h): Correct use of QString::vsprintf()05:38
CIA-3jlp parsek * r29b595835066 /src/mainwindow.cpp: Setting logger for game05:38
CIA-3jlp parsek * r44c69b08bc4f /src/CMakeLists.txt: Added new source files to CMake build system05:38
CIA-3jlp parsek * r77e177f59e27 /src/loggerwidget.ui: Make checkboxes checked and disabled until toggling is coded05:38
CIA-3jlp parsek * r7eb46ed4f1b7 /TODO: Added logger widget message type toggling05:38
CIA-3jlp parsek-logging * r77e177f59e27 /src/loggerwidget.ui: Make checkboxes checked and disabled until toggling is coded05:39
CIA-3jlp parsek-logging * r7eb46ed4f1b7 /TODO: Added logger widget message type toggling05:39
tpbaloril has quit worldforge (Ping timeout: 620 seconds)06:05
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llnzJLP: cool06:29
JLPllnz: hi and thanks06:36
llnzJLP: hi06:36
JLPnow i'm preparing to attack objects model and then starmap06:37
llnzis libtpproto-cpp working for you?06:37
JLPllnz: so far yes06:38
llnzJLP: i have been thinking of making it more callback/async orientated06:41
JLPdoes this have something to do with window freezing while connection is in progress?06:42
llnzlibtpproto currently blocks while doing network io06:43
llnzi'm not sure how it will look eventually06:43
llnzi will release 0.2.0 before making any big changes like that06:44
JLPwell so far this is not such a big problem for me in parsek, doesn't do much networking yet, and it can probably be workarounded in some way06:45
llnzok, cool06:46
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JLPmithro: ahoy08:03
mithroJLP: good work :P08:03
JLPmithro: thanks08:03
mithro~seen niphree08:04
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 1 day, 22 hours, 6 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: <niphree> mithro: ... heh - I almost forgot about this.08:04
JLPi've just spent a couple of minutes figuring out where all my logger widget files have gone08:04
JLPand i've just found out that when i do cg-switch to a branch without them it hides the some way08:04
mithroJLP: ?08:05
* llnz wandersbdnc2hp408:06
mithrollnz: ?08:06
llnzstupid me08:06
mithrois it confuse mithro night?08:06
llnzwhy doesn't kwallet steal focus when asked to open?08:07
JLPmithro: well i have a objectsmodel branch which i have created before i started working on logger widget in logger branch, sinc then i added a couple of files to logger branch, and when i finished working on logger branch today i switched to objectsmodel, i did ls -l in the source folder and it was just strange that my logger widget files dissapeared08:08
mithroJLP: ahh well, they arn't in your other branch08:09
mithroyou can merge them in with a cg-merge08:09
JLPyeah, i just found out that :) at first i was afraid that i somehow deleted them by using cogito/git wrongly08:10
* llnz wanders off08:10
llnzlater all08:10
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mithromorning people19:39
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