Sunday, 2007-05-27

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CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * red6b91f88821 /tpserver/ (avahi.cpp net.cpp): Use tp+http(s) instead of tphttp(s)00:26
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r921630c0795c /tpserver/metaserverconnection.cpp: Force "+" in metaserver update, by urlencoding.00:58
mithronash: pong?01:43
mithronash / llnz : we probably need to have a meeting today somtime02:41
mithroo so quiet03:16
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pschulz01mithro: pong03:31
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mithropschulz01: I pinged you?03:37
pschulz01mithro: No..03:37
pschulz01mithro: Just my response to you comment about the quietness.03:38
mithrobe back in 45 minutes03:39
mithrooff to watch a Doctor who and eat some food03:39
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JLPhello all04:18
mithrohey JLP04:26
mithronash / llnz : ping?04:45
nashmithro: ?04:58
mithrohey nash04:58
mithroyou pinged earlier?04:58
nashOnly about the bug I reported04:59
mithronash: which bug?05:11
mithro[11:24] <nash> where is mithro when you want to poke him...05:12
* llnz is back05:13
llnzhi mithro05:13
CIA-3jlp parsek-logging * r75a678f749e5 /src/loggerwidget.cpp: Dereference is needed06:48
* llnz smiles07:06
jothamhey i might have recruited another developer08:24
jothamby chance08:24
jothamsome guy called spx208:24
jothamhe was talking about writing a chat client, i suggested he should write something useful =)08:25
jothamand sent him to the website and this #08:25
jothambrb bath08:25
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llnzhi spx208:26
spx2hi llnz08:27
spx2im looking to participating to a opensource project08:27
spx2i heard thousandparsec needs help08:27
spx2and i came here08:27
spx2im into c++ also , but more of a perl coder(these days)08:28
spx2ok...what can i do , where can i start ?08:28
llnzwell, there a server, client side library and a (kde) client written in C++08:29
llnzcurrently we don't have anything written in perl currently, but don't let that stop you08:29
spx2so where is there need for help ?08:30
spx2i mean what could i do08:31
llnzwhat are you interested in?08:32
llnzclients? servers? protocol?08:33
llnzsupport services (media server, metaserver, etc)?08:33
pschulz01spx2: Is there anything that you would like to learn abour?08:33
spx2pschulz01, yes i'd like to know more about multithreading aspecially08:35
spx2llnz, i guess server...thats where all the multithreading gets going ... i hope :)08:36
spx2llnz, can you tell me more about the support services,i dont know what those are08:37
llnzspx2: not really, currently both the python and c++ servers are single threaded08:37
spx2llnz, so no parallel processing ?08:37
llnzclients, having to deal with protocol and user input could be multi threaded08:37
llnznot yet08:37
spx2llnz, could i learn from coding this project,what do you use ?08:38
spx2llnz, libraries...08:38
pschulz01llnz: The python client currently 'locks' when displaying the 'hint/message' dialog at the beginning of a turn.08:39
pschulz01.. so that might also be a candidate.08:39
llnzpschulz01: i did say could, not that they are08:40
pschulz01llnz: :-) - a minor frustration08:40
llnzspx2: just as a warning, multithreading it complex and difficult08:40
llnzevent based programming (used in the servers and most gui toolkits) is a bit easier to use and program08:41
spx2llnz, muyltithreading involves allot semaphores right ?08:41
mithropschulz01: it does?08:42
llnzyes, avoiding race conditions, etc08:42
spx2llnz so what libraries is it using your project ?08:43
llnzwe have our own protocol libraries in C++, python, php and ruby (and you could add perl if you wanted)08:43
pschulz01 mithro Yes.. I can't do anything with any of the other windows until I have 'ok'ed this dialog.08:43
mithropschulz01: oh, that is because the tips window is modal08:44
llnzthere is a client being written for KDE and another for Enlightnment08:44
llnzas well as the python clients08:44
llnzif you are interested in AI programming then that is a very interesting area to get into08:44
llnzand you could do it in any language08:45
mithroin all applications, modal windows must be delt with before you can continue08:46
mithronash: so were are we inregards to getting galaxie working with tpserver-py?08:48
nashmithro: Having problems getting and setting arguments for orders08:49
nashThat was the bug report I mentioned earlier08:50
* nash gets bug URL08:50
tpbBug #1726275: tpserver-py: Doesn&#039;t send option arguments correctly08:51
nashThere is also:08:51
tpbBug #1726265: tpserver-py: Doesn&#039;t send correct turn number with universe08:51
nashWhich irritates me (not a big one however)08:51
llnzthat second bug could be irrelevant with tp0408:52
nashllnz: Probably... but tp04 isn't here yet.. especially with tpserver-py08:53
spx2llnz, why in particular did you bring up AI programming ?08:53
spx2llnz, how is it relevant ?08:53
llnzspx2: AI join a game the same way as clients do, they connect as normal clients08:54
llnzI also know the perl is particularly good at working with creating AI08:55
llnzwe actually ran an AI competition earier this year08:55
nashAnyway - night all.. I'm off to bed...08:56
nashTalk to you all tomorrow...08:56
* llnz wanders off09:25
llnzlater all09:25
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spx2llnz i was not aware of that09:39
mithrospx2: hi!09:59
mithroi'm the main developer of the primary python client10:00
jothamyou know using psudo cooperative multitasking is usually superior to threads anyway10:10
jotham(just scrolled up)10:10
jothamthreading is often the wrong answer to a design problem10:10
mithrojotham: cooperative multitasking is EVIL!10:12
jothamdepends what you are doing10:13
jothamfor an OS usually yeah10:13
jothaminside a single application, it's not so bad10:13
jothamoften uses less resources and is less bug riddled than threads10:14
jotham(inside an application)10:14
jothamthis is a nice article on the topic
jothami've posted it here before i think10:14
tpbTitle: Charming Python: Implementing "weightless threads" with Python generators (at
jothammaybe spx2 should learn python =)10:15
mithrojotham: your validator done?10:16
jothami made a test script and learned how to use PyXML's interfaces10:17
jothambut i need to learn more about DTD's10:17
jothamand think of the best way to use it in battleparser10:17
jothamlike, should it throw an exception, or just make some noise in stdout10:17
jothamright now i have it throwing ValidationError10:17
jothambut yeah i need to read some more about DTDs so i know how to make battle.dtd changes in the future10:18
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r332eb3a31e66 /tp/server/rules/ (3 files in 3 dirs):10:21
CIA-3Fixed the BuildFleet order.10:21
CIA-3The BuildFleet order was trying to look the designs up from the Design10:21
CIA-3table. The normal MiniSec doesn't use designs at all, hence it was getting10:21
CIA-3an empty list.10:21
CIA-3I have created a new "minisecplus" ruleset which will incorperate these10:21
CIA-3more advanced features.10:21
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r92c1a356a057 /tp/server/bases/
CIA-3Removed unquie constraint, allows orders to be inserted.10:21
CIA-3This constraint should exist, but it turns out many DB's don't support the10:21
CIA-3"UPDATE xxx ORDER BY xxx" which means the constraint is violated on the10:21
CIA-3first row update. (As well SQLAlchemy doesn't allow you to add the ORDER BY10:21
CIA-3clause easily anyway.) SQLite and MySQL both suffer from this problem.10:22
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * rde41f35fba8c /tp/netlib/objects/ Allow -1 for no maximum.10:26
mithrojotham: okay10:26
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r1fb8a95b10fd /tp/netlib/discover/ Remove excessively verbose output.10:26
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r1411301632bd /tp/netlib/discover/ Created the base Server class.10:26
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r56e5544eaa8e /tp/netlib/discover/ First run at a metaserver registration class.10:26
mithrowell I think I shall head to bed10:29
spx2mithro, hi10:39
mithrospx2: so I guess the question is, why perl?10:39
spx2mithro, im learning perl from passion and for the will to get a job because i have to eat10:40
spx2mithro, i have to pay my dojo10:41
spx2mithro, and i have to pay books i buy10:41
mithrospx2: interesting, I don't know any company still developing with perl10:41
spx2mithro, well i do10:41
mithrospx2: any names I might know?10:42
spx2mithro, yes there are names but they are not relevant10:42
spx2mithro, the important thing is that they do exist :)10:42
mithrospx2: I guess Perl is kind of like Cobal, people are still using it and there doesn't exist many people who can code it10:43
spx2maybe Cobol ?10:44
mithrosee it's so obsecure I can't even spell it ;)10:45
spx2mithro, lol . ok ,so what is thousandparsec more exactly ? do you have companies interested in it and do you have a firm/company thats developing it ?10:46
mithrospx2: no and no10:46
mithroThousand Parsec is a totally community based effort10:47
spx2mithro, i got hired into openser wich has its center here in romania but i was totally bored and not interested in the project they were doing that i was listening to music and reading totally different stuff at work so after a month they kicked me out of the company10:47
mithrohowever Google did fund 4 students to work on our project over summer10:47
spx2oh very nice of google :)10:48
spx2so what is thousand parsec actually ?10:48
spx2what does it know to do ?10:48
mithroit's a framework for building a certain type of computer game10:49
mithro4x strategy games10:50
spx2very nice :)10:50
spx2so does it have gfx and stuff,or are you focusing on the network communication thing ?10:50
mithroit's focused on building games which have real strategy10:51
mithrorather then games which look flashy and require fast clicking skills10:52
mithrodo you play any computer games (rather then console games)?10:52
spx2i did play starcraft and broodwar and i was obsessed about 6 months...10:54
spx2then i got a gf10:54
spx2then one night a friend challenged me so i got into training at broodwar very hard for the following month and i dumped my gf cause i didnt had time10:55
spx2then it was time for me to grow up and i quit games alltogether10:55
spx2but yes i do like them10:56
mithroI personally dislike Starcraft, it is a RTS and is really about how fast you can click the buttons10:58
mithroever play something like Civilisation or Hero's of Might and Magic?10:59
spx2mithro, unfortunately i disagree...there is a thing called APM , if you watch the ProGamers statistics you will see that there are peopl with APM(actions per minute) small that beat people with APM high,so i guess you are not totally correct.but i do agree that great part of gaming in SC is how fast you play.11:00
spx2HOMM yes i did play11:00
spx2i liked it allot11:00
spx2but did not go into strategy issues etc...11:00
spx2i was not very good at it altough i understood it11:00
spx2i liked it much better than Civilisation(i never understood how to play this one,i didnt even took the time to check the tutorial,i found it to be too abstract and far from reality)11:01
mithroThousand Parsec is similar to Civilisation and HOMM (probably closer to Civ)11:04
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mithroincludes things like the ability to design weapons and ships11:06
spx2like in diablo ?11:06
JLPspx2: hi, nice to see new people here11:07
* JLP goes reading the backlog11:07
mithrospx2: not really11:07
spx2JLP, :) thanks11:08
spx2mithro, i guess i'd had to play civilisation but that would be too much waste of like to just get developping,now im reading IPC in perl. ..11:08
spx2mithro, so what OS are you developing this framework in ? is it portable ?11:09
mithroLinux, Windows and Mac11:09
spx2mithro, ok i'm i think i'm in , that is if you agree also :)11:10
mithrospx2: well, feel free to work on stuff :)11:10
mithrotake a look at the TODO list11:11
tpb<> (at
JLPspx2: i see you're also joining the fun, welcome11:18
spx2JLP, thank you :) im not sure how able i am to join the fun yet...11:19
spx2is it heavy this thousandparsec framework ? how big is it ?11:20
spx2was thinking of giving a try at compiling it11:20
* mithro heads to bed11:21
JLPspx2: well you know c++ so there is already a lot of code you can help working on, and even if you are just learning perl you can contribute11:21
JLPmithro: night11:21
spx2mithro, nighty night :)11:21
JLPspx2: actually i'm also still learning c++ and qt/kde development and thousand parsec is my first bigger project i'm working with11:21
spx2it would have been good if mithro would have hanged around so that i know how to set up thousandparsec11:22
spx2JLP, can you guide me through setting it up ?11:23
JLPspx2: yeah i can also help11:23
JLPspx2: any specific part you are currently interested in?11:24
spx2JLP, yes11:25
spx2JLP, im on ubuntu11:25
spx2JLP, i dont like that it dont have a svn :(11:25
spx2JLP, i dont know this cogito thing11:26
JLPspx2: hehe, i know how you feel11:26
JLPspx2: when i came to TP we were still using Darcs, and I had to leran that first11:26
JLPspx2: a couple of days ago we switched to Git so I had another new thing to learn :)11:27
spx2JLP, im really not sure if im going to learn this git/cogito thing...11:28
spx2does it have GUI ?11:28
JLPspx2: actually just learned git/cogito yesterday, well the basics of it11:28
spx2JLP i have eSvn here and i must say im impressed that this kind of simple-to-the-point software exists on linux :)11:29
JLPspx2: i'm not sure if it has gui, never searched for one11:29
spx2JLP, but i dont know if git/cogito has GUI ... thats a no go for not sure if i want to write commands like crazy to get things done...11:29
JLPspx2: it's not that bad, you don't need to use git so often, and it is mostly just a couple of comands, one for syncing, one for commiting and one for pushing your changes11:30
spx2JLP, that sounds encouraging :)11:32
JLPspx2: are you currently following
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : Source Code (at
spx2JLP, i thought first of start reading ...but uhm...i think ill leave it to tommorow...ive learned to be very pragmatic ,and if it dont have on-the-fly go into-the code style ... its gonna have to wait till tommorow :(11:38
JLPspx2: sure no problem, start just as you like it best11:39
JLPspx2: and if you have any question about TP just ask and i'll try to answer the best i can11:39
JLPspx2: oh and by the way, i forgot to tell you where i fit in here at TP11:40
spx2JLP, tell me11:41
JLPspx2: i'm the guy who is developing (slowly) the KDE 4 client and i'm from Slovenia11:41
spx2JLP, well im from Romania , and im not sure yet what im going to do11:41
JLPspx2: just take it slowly, first take a look around the project to see what it is all about and what parts are there and then you will see what interests you the most11:42
spx2JLP, i would be interested if i could do perlish things11:44
spx2JLP, that would really ring my bell11:44
JLPspx2: with perl it's all open for you, nothing written yet, so there are a lot of new things you could work on11:46
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JLPspx2: probably starting with a library to implement thousand parsec protocol11:47
spx2JLP, a module you mean11:49
JLPspx2: yeah i guess, i ony really know c++11:51
spx2JLP, how much ram do i need to run the framework properly ?11:51
JLPspx2: depends on what part of the framework you would like to run, but i think 512 MiB is more then enough memory11:52
spx2JLP, i got 19211:53
JLPspx2: currently the only parts you can actualy run are c++ server (tpserver-cpp) and wxWidgets Python client (tpclient-pywx)11:54
JLPspx2: these are the most mature, and i would say that even 192 MiB is enough11:54
spx2JLP, can i see/get the code without cogit/git ?11:55
JLPspx2: i think it is possible to also get it thru svn11:55
JLPspx2: if you look here -
tpbTitle: Git (at
JLPspx2: there are also cvs links listed for each project11:56
spx2JLP, whats your name ther e? i want to look at code written by you11:58
JLPspx2: look for parsek - Jure Repinc11:59
spx2jlp ive seen , very nice12:02
spx2JLP, so how long it took you to understand whats going on until you start writing code ?12:02
JLPspx2: thank you, too bad it doesn't do much yet, it curently only gets and shows the messages and counts down the time remaining until end of turn :)12:03
JLPspx2: i can't remember exactly, when i came here first i was asking quastions about different parts of the framework12:04
JLPspx2: how it all fits together and connects12:04
spx2JLP, so that much time it took,that you dont even remember... oh god...12:05
JLPspx2: then I decided to work on a client and since i am learning c++ my main interest became the C++ library for TP protocol (libtpproto-cpp)12:05
JLPspx2: ah no, it was just a couple of days, maybe a week or two, but it depends how many time you spend on this each day12:06
JLPspx2: there was also the problem that main developers were on the other side of the world so the time was short when we could get together so i could ask all the questions12:09
JLPspx2: also if there is anything that you think is missing that would help new developers start quicker just tell us12:14
JLPspx2: we just opened a Wiki page and I think this information could be added there12:14
spx2oh nice :)12:50
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JLPgood night all16:46
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spx2pschulz01, hi20:21
* nash waves20:24
spx2nash, hi20:24
nashhow is life?20:24
spx2nash i cant concentrate20:25
nashHave more coffee?20:25
spx2nash, no use20:25
spx2nash, its been this way for more than a year now20:26
nashhave less coffee then20:26
spx2nash, i dont do coffee :(20:26
spx2nash, at most black/green tea20:26
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xdotxhey guys20:33
nashxdotx: How is life?20:38
xdotxnash: good. getting a full night's rest and having free time to code -> good20:39
nashI've been there.. sounds good20:39
xdotxanyone recommend a particular C++ IDE?20:41
mithrohey xdotx  and nash20:42
nashheyo mithro20:42
mithroxdotx: lots of people use Eclipse20:42
xdotxhey mithro20:42
xdotxmithro: for C++??20:42
mithronash: I think I fixed your bug, but your bug report was a little sparse20:42
nashSo mithro: tpserver-py orders should or shoudl not work...20:42
nashOkay - I'll give it a run then20:42
mithroxdotx: yeah, it's got decent C++ support these days from what I understand20:43
xdotxmithro: sounds good. last i'd heard C++ was the one thing you didn't want to do in eclipse20:43
mithroxdotx: I don't do C++, so maybe I misheard20:43
xdotxmithro: i've not yet tried it, so it couldn't hurt20:44
nashxdotx: What do you want in your IDE?20:45
xdotxnash: oh, i hate to admit it, but most things in MSVS20:46
nashxdotx: Last time I had to use MSVC, I installed vim...20:46
xdotxnash: heheh20:47
nashWhat platform - linux?20:48
xdotxnash: i like their auto-complete tooltip, the gui is relatively intuitive and the debugger is great20:48
xdotxnash: yeah, ubuntu20:48
xdotxnash: but i'm forced on winxp for school, so i'm rather used to msvs20:49
nashWell gdb is a fairly good debugger - and the one feature gcc and gdb do well is debug when compiled with optimisation.20:49
nashThe best two 'IDEs' I've found are still vim and emacs20:50
nashBoth have limited integration with the debugger however :-/20:50
nashAutocomplete in both (vim7 at least) is good - omni-completion works quite well in vim now20:50
nashNeither require you to lift your hand from the keyboard ;-)20:51
xdotxi've used gdb and insight. it was pretty good, but debugger integration is the one thing i've seen missing in all the IDEs i've tried20:52
nashAnnoyingly gdb is good enough that integration has been lacking on unix20:53
nashddd is a nice frontend for gdb, however it is motif (ie it is ugly) and is not an editot20:53
nashxdotx: It does not visual display of data structures and references and the like20:56
mithronash: still getting a segfault20:57
nashShows source - similar to how it is displayed in msvs20:57
xdotxnash: yeah. the visual display really is helpful though :(20:57
nashmithro: Can you give me a backtrace?20:57
nashxdotx: Take a look at the screenshots:
tpbTitle: DDD - Data Display Debugger - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) (at
mithrono, because it doesn't segfault under GDB20:58
nashmithro: heh20:58
xdotxi usually enjoy debugging, but without some of those nice debugging tools it can get to be quite a pain20:58
mithronash: which tends to point to some type of timing error20:58
nashxdotx: ddd is pretty good, and you can use gdb directly so you get best of both worlds...20:59
mithroxdotx: if you are under KDE, KDevelop has gotten good reviews20:59
nashmithro: Can you run it under valgrind?21:00
xdotxmithro: yeah, i tried Kdevelop most recently (although I'm using gnome). it was pretty good, but the debugger started to get to me after a while21:00
mithronash: possibly21:00
nashmithro: It's hard when I'm at work you see ;-)21:01
mithrooohhh.... it segfaulted under valgrind21:02
mithronash: bah! they should pay you to work on Thousand Parsec21:02
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nashmithro: It smelt like memory corruption ;-)21:02
mithrohey brx21:02
nashmithro: I'd agree with that21:02
mithroyou new here?21:02
brxmithro: cheers mate, you commented on my blog post ;)21:02
mithrobrx: ahh! your the ScummVM scheme guy?21:03
* brx nods21:03
mithronash: log a bug report?21:03
mithronash: it detected leaked memory too21:03
nashmithro: I know of a possible leak too - either bug report or send to me or tp-devel, I care not which21:04
mithroi'm having a pretty bad internet day today :/21:05
nashmithro: Do I need to update tpproto and tpserver-py?21:06
mithronash: yes21:06
* nash updates21:06
* nash finds it irritating to do the multistep update all the time21:08
mithronash: you have email21:08
nashmithro: Those order things are when I am getting info on the object21:08
mithroactually, you probably didn't need to update tpproto - the changes there are about getting tpserver-py on the metaserver21:08
nashmithro: Yeah... 3500 in my inbox alone ;-)21:08
jothamheh maybe spx2 is a bit young21:09
nashtranquillity:[~/work/thousandparsec/scratchpad]% ./setup.sh21:09
nashls: scratchpad/git-helpers/*.sh: No such file or directory21:09
nashjotham: ?21:09
jothamreading the scrollback21:10
jothami sent him here from ##C++-social21:10
jothambecause he was going on about writing another chat client, i suggested doing something useful and sent him here21:10
nashmithro: Get that?21:10
mithronash: which?21:19
mithrojotham: yeah, he is a little21:19
nashscratchpad issue21:19
mithrobrx: so, why/where did you learn scheme21:19
mithronash: oh...21:23
mithronot really an error21:23
brxa few years ago I picked up common lisp and loved it. some time after, I decided to take a look at scheme because I was led to believe that it encouraged an aesthetically more pleasing coding style.21:23
CIA-3mithro scratchpad * r99b2cf6aebbc / Ignore the removed git-helpers.21:24
mithrobrx: did you look at how we use scheme?21:24
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mithro~seen niphree21:24
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 1 day, 12 hours, 42 minutes, and 52 seconds ago: <niphree> ok21:24
Jessicatzhello mithro, do you need any webdevs/deisgners? =)21:25
mithroJessicatz: sure!21:25
brxmithro: I am currently looking at the two pages you linked to21:25
mithrobrx: we are using scheme as a glorified calculator ;)21:26
mithroJessicatz: dmpayton has just started on a web client, I'm sure he would appreciate help with making it look snazzy21:26
JessicatzI can do coding to. I'm fluent with c++21:27
mithroJessicatz: the website also needs a bit of a reorganisation so it's a bit more sane, specially since we will now have multiple working clients and servers21:27
mithroJessicatz: our "main" server is written in C++21:27
mithroand JLP is working on a KDE client in C++21:28
Jessicatzis there a general todo-list online?21:28
mithroJessicatz: so there is lots you could help out with!21:28
mithroJessicatz: how did you find out about the project?21:29
Jessicatzits jothams and my little secret21:29
Jessicatzoh damn now I said it!21:29
tpb<> (at
jothami felt so bad about spx221:29
brxmithro: does tpcl really use ',' inside the parameter list? :)21:30
mithroJessicatz: also, you can check out the SoC page
tpb<> (at
nashmithro: This channel got wonderfully busy ;-)21:31
* mithro is very lagged21:33
Jessicatzok, much to work on is provided21:34
Jessicatzman, I should stop subscribing to oss projects and do paid work instead...21:34
mithrobrx: hum?21:35
mithrobrx: my scheme knowledge is pretty limited :P21:35
Jessicatzdo you use scheme in the project?21:35
brxmithro: ah, are you responsible for tcpl?21:36
jothamgod all i've done is read and respond to emails today21:36
mithroJessicatz: yes, we use a subset of scheme for our Design/Property/etc processing21:36
mithrojotham: i spent most of my weekend doing that21:36
mithrobrx: kind of :)21:36
dmpaytonhrm... crossover seemed promising but it looks like I may have to keep a partition for windows after all. =/21:37
* Jessicatz uses virtualbox21:37
jothamit's deflating mithro21:37
jothamfeels like i've done nothing and it's already 2pm21:38
brxmithro: I was only referring to (lambda (design, bits) ...)21:38
mithrojotham: yeah, I got nothing done over the weekend21:38
mithrobrx: is that not correct?21:38
nashmithro: Still haven't got your email21:42
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brxmithro: scheme is based on s-expressions, the parameters inside the paramater list are "whitespace separated", usually. see for why an expression such as the above would lead to an error in r5rs compliant schemes :)21:42
tpb<> (at
mithronash: hrm, it's left my inbox21:43
mithrobrx: can you give me the URL where you saw that?21:43
tpb<> (at
* brx fetches a yoghurt21:45
nashmithro: Can you send it again21:47
mithroMay 27 21:43:27 lester postfix/smtp[6375]: connect to[]: No route to host (port 25)21:48
mithroMay 27 21:43:27 lester postfix/smtp[6375]: 7BF35BAED: to=<[email protected]>, relay=none, delay=1549, delays=1542/0.03/6.4/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to[]: No route to host)21:48
mithrojotham: you have been on a recuriting drive for us?21:50
mithroJessicatz: what is virtualbox?21:50
mithrohey dmpayton21:50
nashmithro: hope the sponsers fees are worthwhile21:50
nashmithro: Hmm... my upstream mailserver seems to have died21:50
nashmithro: Can you send to [email protected] then21:50
Jessicatzmithro: virtual machine host21:51
jothamyesterday i saw spx2 was at a loose end and told him to consider contributing to the OSS community, this project came up - anyway he didn't turn out so well, so I felt a bit guilty.  Anyway today Jessicatz was also at a loose end so i again pointed her at the TP website21:51
mithroJessicatz: ahh, I use vmplayer21:51
mithrojotham: keep up the good work!21:51
jothami originally told spx2 to write a quick log analyser for apache221:52
jothambut he wanted to write a chat client21:52
brxhow is your soc coming along by the way? if I may ask :)21:52
mithro16 (  219.345 ms  218.805 ms  218.512 ms21:53
mithro17 (  229.074 ms  228.712 ms  281.492 ms21:53
mithro18  * * *21:53
nashmithro: I know21:53
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mithrobrx: i dunno, these students are really slack ;)21:55
nashmithro: I so agree... can't even keep an internet connection up...21:55
jothami have to use 2 seperate RSA SecureID appliances (little counter items i got mailed to me from europe)21:55
jothamto log into this god damned vpn21:56
brxmithro: I don't know what to say, but that definitely put a smile on my face :)21:56
brxmithro: what use would you have for me?21:59
xdotxoh man.. did i just get burned?21:59
xdotx...and take a few minutes to notice? :P21:59
nashbrx: What sort of things do you want to do, and what sort of skills do you have, or want to learn?21:59
nashxdotx: :-)21:59
mithrobrx: well, nobody picked up the comma problem until now :)21:59
nashxdotx: Indeed ;-)21:59
mithroso just general scheme experiance is useful :)22:00
brxnash: ah, I am one of the scummvm soc students, mithro more or less summoned me because I'm a little schemer.22:01
nashSo you are going to start implementing more of rulesets in scheme then... most of mtsec then ;-)22:01
mithrobrx: maybe we can convince google to let you work on Thousand Parsec instead ;)22:02
mithronash: you get it?22:03
nashmithro: LOL - works mail server is being rebooted22:03
nashGive me a minute or two22:03
xdotxer nvm :P22:03
mithrodmpayton: ping?22:04
mithrodmpayton: what your timezone? I guessed Pacific - my clock is saying it's 7:08pm22:04
brxmithro: I don't know about that :) but if I find some spare time and you can point me to something specific that needs doing then, I will see what I can do. my project over at scummvm is not so trivial and will require lots of exploration though, so I can't guarantee anything. what I will do however, is lurk here.22:05
mithrobrx: well, even just having you lurk here so we can pester you with Scheme questions would be cool22:05
brxmithro: sure thing, anytime.22:06
Jessicatznighty night22:08
brxnight sweetheart22:08
*** Jessicatz has quit IRC22:09
mithrojotham: i'm using the flyweight pattern in tpserver-py :)22:12
pschulz01brx: You know scheme?22:13
nashmithro: *sigh* You;'ve been greylisted...22:13
nash /me and email aren't going so well today22:14
brxpschulz01: yes.22:15
jothammithro: you are on the pygame list?22:15
jothammy aim was to confuse those guys even more22:16
mithrojotham: yes, I ghost the pygame list22:17
pschulz01brx: :-)22:21
pschulz01brx: I've just spent the last 20 years of my life at various stages trying to learn various versions of scheme/lisp/elisp.22:22
pschulz01brx: I will have some questions for you at some stage.. :-)22:23
pschulz01off to lunch.22:23
brxpschulz01: you are welcome, I am also a brave bearer of the emacs flame ;)22:24
jothamonce upon a time i found emacs, i enjoyed it, i side-graded to xemacs, then i found myself playing netris inside of xemacs - i uninstalled xemacs/emacs and went to vim22:25
jothambut i don't do any lisp22:25
tpb<> (at
brxjotham: I used vim until I started getting into lisp. I struggled a while before finally giving in to all the peer pressure and use emacs for lisp development and soon after for everything. never looked back :)22:36
jothami convinced a vim friend who started doing lisp to use emacs22:41
jothampeople piss and moan a lot, but muscle mmeory and unconcious-compitent processes don't take very long to re-lear22:41
mithroemacs has a vim mode :)22:42
brxyes, viper, and it is poisonous22:43
brxshort of restarting emacs there is no way to permanently exit viper mode once toggled on22:44
xdotxheh.. viper.. poisonous22:44
brxconsidering that most emacs users do not restart their emacs session for months, this is extremely annoying :)22:45
mithrobrx: why would you ever want to leave vim mode? :P22:45
dmpaytonmithro: pong. Sorry I vanished. Yes, I'm Pacific, and yes it was 7:08pm22:46
dmpaytonhad to clean the snake tank and make dinner.22:46
mithrodmpayton: thats okay22:46
mithrodmpayton: just checking, you got the requirements email?22:47
dmpaytonmithro: Yep.22:47
mithrodmpayton: okay cool22:47
dmpaytonwhere are programs kept on linux? (ie. on windows it's c:/program files)22:50
xdotxi don't think there's an easy answer to that one :)22:51
xdotxdmpayton: why do you need to know?22:51
nashor /bin or /usr/sbin or /sbin22:52
brxdmpayton: the answer to that question is not that simple. you might want read
tpbTitle: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (at
xdotxnash: well, i guess that's an easy answer :P22:52
brxtpb: you, sir, are a very weird bot22:52
nashanyway... lunch22:54
dmpaytonxdotx: I wanted to connect to an internet radio station in xmms, but was only being given the option to open it in rhythm box22:58
mithrobrx: when tpb sees a URL it'll echo the title of the page23:00
mithroit's useful for a number of reasons23:00
brxmithro: I figured that out by now, just the first time I saw such behaviour :)23:00
jothamdmpayton: generally programs are in /usr/share or /usr/share/local where as the actual commands that run them are stored in /usr/bin or /usr/share/bin23:01
jothamdmpayton: the general idea is that /usr is the equivilent to the 'installed user programs' and /home is the equivilent of documents and settings23:02
dmpaytonjotham: gotcha.23:02
dmpaytonThanks everyone. :)23:02
brxuser settings as opposed to system wide residing elsewhere23:02
jothamer sorry, /usr/local and /usr/share23:03
xdotxdmpayton: alternatively, you can sometimes sneak a peak at where the link points in your Applications menu (gnome)  either manually, or using alacarte23:04
xdotxdmpayton: or use locate!23:04
* xdotx loves locate23:04
jothamyeah locate, and find are nice action23:05
* brx tips his hat23:13
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