Friday, 2007-05-25

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CIA-3mithro battleviewer * r504c13f2df03 / ( Added excutable bits.00:07
CIA-3mithro battleviewer * r86a9d299aacf /tests/ (6 files):00:07
CIA-3Updated xml.00:07
CIA-3They should conform to the DTD now..00:07
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r4dcfb29fdcc2 /tp/server/rules/minisec/actions/ ( tests/
CIA-3Output should conform to DTD now.00:08
CIA-3A script to run all the tests is also included.00:08
mithrojotham: give that a whirl sometime :P00:40
jothamwill do00:40
mithrocan anyone remeber what dmpayton's timezone is?02:04
mithrosometimes I wonder about the gnome guys02:21
mithrohow the fsck they not support setting a timezone for each clock on a panel02:21
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mithrowow, my sister is stoned03:44
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mithrohey llnz04:08
llnzhi mithro04:08
mithroobjects are big for history support04:09
mithroit would be nice if you could see a history of orders you have issued too04:09
jothamstoner sister =o04:18
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jothamhum, did you make those changes mithro?04:38
jothami mean i see them up there04:39
jothamgit is telling me my local is up to date04:39
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* llnz wanders off08:10
llnzlater all08:11
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mithro~seen jotham09:08
tpbmithro: jotham was last seen in #tp 4 hours, 28 minutes, and 52 seconds ago: <jotham> git is telling me my local is up to date09:08
mithrojotham: ping?09:08
mithroI assume you have probably gone to bed09:08
jothamit's friday09:13
jothamthere is something wrong with my git, well i'm using cogito09:14
mithroyou use cg-update?09:24
mithrosorry about the delay there is something up with my internet09:29
jothambandcamp:23851$ pwd09:36
jothambandcamp:26577$ ls09:36            BATTLEFORMAT         battleview.pyc   entities      README               tests        weapons.pyc09:36
jothamactions.pyc      example1.xml      TODO         WISHLIST09:36      constants.pyc    fonts  utility.py09:36
jothambattlecontroller.pyc  battleparser.pyc     doc              minisec            utility.pyc09:36
jothambattle.dtd    out.xml       states.pyc           weapons.py09:37
jothambandcamp:12465$ cg-fetch09:37
jothamFetching head...09:37
jothamFetching objects...09:37
jothamFetching tags...09:37
jothamUp to date.09:37
jothamsorry for the spam09:37
jothambut shouldn't your updates have come through?09:37
jothami am reluctant to do anything until i know what's up09:37
mithrojotham: okay09:40
mithrowhat does cg-status show?09:40
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at
mithrocg-branch-ls too09:44
jothamahh that's what i wanted to know09:44
tpb<> (at
mithrookay - well that would be why :P09:45
mithrocg-branch-chg origin git+ssh://[email protected]/git/battleviewer.git09:45
jothamhum09:46 is my home server and not our primary git server :)09:46
jothami didn't know it had changed, ok09:46
mithrojotham: ahh, I didn't even know my old repository was still up :P09:47
jothamheh, i was only gone for 2 weeks :\09:48
jothamoh well sweet as09:48
jothamgonna take a look at that validation stuff now09:49
mithrojotham: btw what is your timezone?10:00
jothamSat May 26 02:03:06 NZST 200710:00
jothamGMT + 1210:00
mithrowhat do you use for tzset?10:02
jothami don't follow? i have my bios clock set to local time usually (non dst), but these days i tend to just use ntpdate to keep everything in time across my computers10:06
mithrojotham: i mean when you set your timezone what do you click on?10:08
jothamduring a linux install? uh New Zealand isn't often an option, so i tend to use GMT+12 like i said10:08
jothamright now we are in NZST like my date said before10:08
mithrojotham: my timezones have gone all wacky10:10
mithroit is really 2am?10:14
mithro~seen niphree10:18
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 4 days, 1 hour, 7 minutes, and 15 seconds ago: <niphree> mithro: brb - another project meeting :]. I'll be back in few hours10:18
mithroEpyon: ping?10:18
JLPhi all10:45
jothamSat May 26 03:06:59 NZST 200711:04
jothamthat's the time here right now mithro11:04
jothamlooks like DTD parsing is going to require yet another module dependancy11:25
jothamspecifically PyXML11:33
jothamshame there isn't some validation script i can just throw in the project11:34
jothamthis being the best reference i found
tpbTitle: The State of the Python-XML Art, 2003 (at
mithrojotham: damn11:54
mithrojotham: I guess it could be optional?11:54
jothami don't think having consistency in our files should be optional11:55
jothambut it's your project11:55
jothamanyway, gonna get some sleep11:55
jothami guess the reality is we only need it while we develop stuff11:55
jothamsince a finished product should be consistent11:56
jothambut when is something finished ;-)11:56
jotham..when the artist leaves it alone11:56
jothamanyway, bed time11:56
mithrojotham: well we can always check with command line tools too11:58
jothambut that assumes we will think to check wehn something goes horribly wrong11:59
jothamit just doesn't sound like good programming practice11:59
mithrojotham: another dependency is probably just as bad12:00
jothamahh well, what i'm gonna do is have it validate if the module is installed12:01
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mithrojotham: i think thats a good idea12:01
jothambut you should make the server do the same12:01
mithrowhen you figure out how I will do so :P12:01
jothambecause this xml inconsistency thing is really really silly12:01
jothamit should never have happend really, especially not with a .DTD file floating around12:02
mithrothis of course assumes our DTD is correct :P12:02
jothamat least if it isn't, validation will ensure changes to it actually take effect in the source code12:02
mithrojotham: true12:09
mithrojotham: xml made the "mistake" of being plain text - which means nobody really does validation12:10
jothamwe validate at work, but maybe we are a utopian oasis12:10
mithrojotham: well, its just to easy to get out the old regex :P12:11
mithroi'm suprised at the lack of validating xml stuff in python however12:11
jothamyeah i am too12:11
jothami would have thought it'd be part of some base library12:11
mithrobut, I guess python people are used to "duck typing"12:12
mithroIE - If it quacks like a duck, then it is a duck12:12
mithrowhat do you use at work?12:13
jothamregularly i would use python, ecmascript (javascript, actionscript), C++, and lingo12:13
jothamsince we appear to be transforming into a web firm more ecmascript these days12:14
jothamwhich is one of the reasons i'm leaving my job in november12:14
mithroso how do you do validation at work?12:14
jothamactionscript has a library12:15
jothamthat's the only place i use xml regularly12:15
jothamjust to validate that what the CMS is throwing us is the agreed upon format12:15
jothamsaves having to sanity check my parser too12:15
jothamwhich makes the code cleaner12:15
mithrojotham: I don't understand why the parser just didn't die12:16
jothamit did here12:16
mithroit didn't here12:17
* jotham shrugs12:17
jothamhere it threw the errors you would expect12:17
jotham    return getattr(Parser, tag)(**d)12:18
jothamTypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'name'12:18
mithromaybe wrap that in a "try/except TypeError" - please check the xml is valid?12:27
jothami'd rather we just feed it sane data12:28
jothami'll just make the parser optional12:28
jothambut yeah, i guess there needs to be some option for an end user to be told gracefully what went wrong12:29
jothami'll look at how to catch the error nicely in your parser12:31
mithrojotham: probably a good idea, because the parser could even be given things which aren't even meant to be battle data12:32
mithroie accidently calling it on a binary or something12:32
mithroanyway I think we should probably both be in bed :P12:34
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JLPniphree: hi, how's it going12:55
JLPniphree: btw mithro was looking for you earlier12:56
niphreeJLP: hi :]12:57
niphreeJLP: I realy couldn't be sooner :/12:57
niphreeJLP: Now I'12:57
niphreeI'm instaling everything from the begining12:57
JLPniphree: no problem, that's how it is if you live on the other side of our planet12:57
niphreeJLP: jeah - I sometimes forget that we are on diferent continent :]13:00
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* llnz ponders20:11
xdotx hey llnz20:34
* dmpayton heads to dinner20:35
llnzhi xdotx20:37
llnzxdotx: hos is it going?20:58
xdotxllnz: not bad, was just reading over some of the rfts manual20:59
xdotxi'm pretty excited- i've got a 4 day weekend (with all my homework done) to really sit down and devote some good work time21:00
xdotxwell, with some breaks here and there. i've got a friend coming to visit that i haven't seen in years21:03
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mithrodmpayton: ping?23:20
mithrohey llnz23:20
llnzhi mithro23:45
mithrollnz: sup?23:55

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