Sunday, 2007-05-20

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* xdotx lives00:29
mithrohey xdotx00:32
mithroso you going to get hacking soon?00:32
xdotxmithro: going to start writing some plans and playing some rfts00:33
mithrowas rfts multiple player?00:34
xdotxmithro: negative00:34
mithrohow are you finding tpserver-cpp?00:35
xdotxmithro: what i've seen looks good, but haven't had much time to play with it00:36
mithroxdotx: might be an idea to give a MiniSec game a go00:37
* xdotx nods00:37
xdotxmithro:  any suggestions for a dos emulator?00:37
mithronash's AI is almost impossible to beat :P00:37
xdotxinstalling dosemu now00:38
mithrodosbox was pretty good last time I used it about 3 years ago00:38
xdotxbuilding newest one00:38
tpb<> (at
mithrospecifically used it to play Dune 200:38
mithroactually I think it's closer to 6 years ago now00:38
xdotxoh.. I actually already installed that too00:40
* xdotx gives it a try00:40
nashRFTS was multiplayer - hotseat or email turns though00:43
xdotxthe first version?00:43
nashThe AIs were good, but humans were the real challenge.00:44
nashTo play multiplayer - with non-hotseat you need to basically do a turn, send it, opponent does turn, send it... until last person does turn, they then gen, do the next turn, and send...00:45
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nashAny decent human player could beat an AI 90% of the time00:45
nashMost of the time if you lost it was easy to see either a series of big screwups early on, or really really bad starting positions (AI in reach of your homeworld, but you not in reach of theirs)00:46
xdotxdosbox is workin' great00:48
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xdotxyep, hotseat multiplayer quite apparent  (now that i can read the intro screen text)00:50
nashFor anything else you do the turn, save, and send that .trn (i think)00:50
nashMost games are hotseat however.00:50
* xdotx is so going to challenge his room mates00:50
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r9c738d707e93 / (3 files in 3 dirs):00:51
CIA-3Add ability to turn off SQL echo.00:51
CIA-3Removed some excess prints..00:51
mithronash: i'm liking "git-commit --interactive"00:52
nashI rarely use it00:53
mithroit compensates for the fact I don't commit enough00:54
mithroor the fact that I end up solving bugs in groups rather then one at a time00:54
nashOKay, i commit at the drop of a hat00:55
nashParticualrly with git where commits are fast ;-)00:55
mithronash: I really should branch more often00:55
nashAlso a interesting habit to get into.00:56
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r99d2256c29d6 / Removed unused file.00:56
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r43dbc1c6a616 /tp/server/bases/
CIA-3Allow new game objects again.00:56
CIA-3The singlton cache broke the ability to create a new empty game object.00:56
mithrowhat I should really do is the following00:56
mithro"Oh I found a bug I should fix..."00:56
mithro"Fixed the bug, yay"00:56
mithro<merge branch back into my working>00:57
nashPersonally I fix bugs on mainline, and add features on branches00:57
nashI don't see the real need for bug branches00:57
mithronash: yes - well that is another way to do it - but really I should branch more often00:58
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mithrohello pschulz0101:23
mithroyou intrested in Thousand Parsec?01:23
pschulz01Howdy.. I was lookign for a game to join, but I though I might start up my own server instead. Unfortunately, I'm having a problem with ./configue finding 'libtpr'01:23
pschulz01Just found out why there isn't a ubuntu package for this.01:24
mithropschulz01: sadly, the demo server is down at the moment01:24
pschulz01mithro: I'm looking for an new game to play.01:24
mithropschulz01: it's developed by Lee for Thousand Parsec, you can find it on the website01:24
mithropschulz01: we really need a deb packager for Ubuntu :P01:25
pschulz01Do you think that there would be interest ??01:25
pschulz01Let me do the client first.01:26
mithropschulz01: well, it would make life a lot easier for everyone to just try it out01:26
mithroall the dependencies (apart from ones developed by Thousand Parsec) are already in Ubuntu01:27
pschulz01Yes.. I noticed that :-)01:27
nashpschulz01: If you are packaging... feel free to package galaxie too - it's a little trickier dependancy wise however...01:27
pschulz01The client 'just ran'.. although are some packages on the page which I couldn't find, but didn't look like they were needed.01:28
mithropschulz01: which client are you using tpclient-pywx?01:28
pschulz01nash: one thing at a time :-)01:28
pschulz01mithro: yes.l01:28
mithropschulz01: okay cool, I really need to do a new release sometime01:29
pschulz01mithro: Can you release a tarball directly from the git?01:29
mithropschulz01: possibly, why?01:30
pschulz01mithro: I'll get the 'git tree' and create 'tar' from that, then use that to create the deb.01:30
pschulz01Otherwise I'll just use the 'tar'01:31
nashman 'git-archive'01:31
mithropschulz01: well, it's probably best to start with the "released" versions01:31
nashpschulz01: I belive that is what you want01:32
pschulz01nash: Ta.01:33
mithropschulz01: then we can figure out the best way to do the unreleased versions01:33
pschulz01mithro: Yes01:33
mithroTBBle was working on doing debian packaging, but got very busy and hasn't been around much01:33
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mithropschulz01: we are currently working on more intresting games then MiniSec01:42
mithroxdotx: is doing a RFTS clone for the Google Summer of Code01:42
mithroand the development version of tpclient-pywx is quite different to the stable version01:44
pschulz01I don't have the package 'python-gettext'01:48
pschulz01Not on Ubuntu.01:49
* mithro checks01:50
pschulz01The 'release version' 0.2.2 runs from the directory, but the git version checks for this and reports warnings and quits.01:51
mithropschulz01: can you do the following01:52
pschulz01This is in feisty01:52
mithro>>> import gettext01:52
* mithro runs fesity01:52
pschulz01same with 'psyco' etc?01:53
TBBleI dunno about Ubuntu, but on Debian's python2.4 the gettext module comes with the base python2.4 package.01:54
pschulz01mithro: Run 'python' as root?01:54
mithropschulz01: as a user is fine01:54
mithrohey TBBle01:54
mithroso why don't we have debian packages? :P01:55
mithrolooks like gettext should be part of the stock python01:55
tpb<> (at
TBBleAs it happens, I'm looking at them now.01:55
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TBBleHmm. I presume you want the debian/ directories updated in master branch?01:55
LHXgood evening (morning if you're on the other side of the world)01:56
TBBleHappily, I'm now experienced enough with git (mucking about with X drivers) that I'm ready to get my ass into gear on this.01:56
mithrohello LHX01:56
LHXhi mithro01:56
mithroyou intreseted in Thousand Parsec?01:56
LHXi came here to find out what it can and can't do at the present time01:57
LHXand not in a programming manner01:57
pschulz01TBBle: So.. is the plan to have ./debian directory in each 'git' archive?01:57
mithrowow, whats with everyone turning up at once?01:57
LHXI'm looking for a 4x game that is more like Stars!01:57
LHXwith PBEM against humans only the main course01:57
mithroLHX: Thousand Parsec does not support PBEM01:58
mithropschulz01: did that commands work?01:59
mithropschulz01: Play By Email01:59
pschulz01mithro: Oh ta. :-)01:59
pschulz01Um.. yes.. but not sure what I was trying to do..01:59
pschulz01TBBle: Which ones are you debianizing?02:00
mithropschulz01: okay, start up python in the terminal02:00
mithro(by running python)02:00
mithrothen in the console type "import gettext"02:00
pschulz01no error02:00
LHXsorry, batteries died in wireless kb02:01
mithropschulz01: oh...02:01
LHXwell fooey02:01
LHXI keep looking for my ultimate chess game02:01
LHXI had it for awhile with SE IV02:01
mithroLHX: we decided to not support PBEM because of the dynamic nature of Thousand Parsec rulesets02:01
LHXand then SE V came out and is still not playable02:01
LHXspace empires02:01
LHXi understand mithro02:01
pschulz01mithro: 'import pysco' gives an error though.02:02
mithropschulz01: can you msg me the error?02:02
LHXso you're saying the rulesets evolve during the same session of play?02:02
mithroLHX: they can if you want02:03
LHXto be honest, all I know of TP was what i heard from the free orion forum, and the brief screenshot gallery at TP's site02:03
LHXi liked the functionality and lack of flash in the GUI02:03
mithroLHX: basically, Thousand Parsec is a framework for building 4X space games02:03
LHX(I'm not a programmer) but are you saying it's like pyGame, or is it more like a free civ that can be modded?02:04
mithroLHX: currently we have one complete ruleset (MiniSec), and two new rulesets underdevelopment, a RFTS clone and a MTSec02:04
TBBleWell, libtpproto-py and libtpproto-cpp already have debian/ directories, as does libtpclient-py.02:05
TBBleSo I'm updating those first. Conviniently, libtpclient-py only needed a small change.02:05
TBBleHmm. Where should I send patches? I presume we have a -devel mailing list, but I don't think I'm subscribed.02:06
mithroTBBle: yeah, the -devel list would be good02:06
mithroor upload to the SF bug tracker02:06
mithroor if you are going to be active enough, I can give you a git account02:06
LHX<mithro> how long is a typical MiniSec game?02:07
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx * rbf2fa1243010 / Fixed a few errors in requirement output.02:07
mithroLHX: dunno, we havn't had enough players to actually give a real game a go02:07
mithroLHX: we really need people to test our stuff02:08
LHXif i drop an email ya'll can get a hold of me if you need an extra player for testing purposes, I start law school in August but until then I'm just goofing off02:08
mithroLHX: have you ever played RFTS?02:09
LHXno... is that reach for the stars?02:09
TBBleWell, for the moment, I'll post to the mailing list, that seems to be the way git's structured for non-committers.02:10
LHXi've heard about it, but no experience... I played Stars! and SpaceEmp 4 competitively, was fond of Moo2, tried VGAP but couldn't get into it... just looking for a new game02:10
mithroLHX: well, xdotx could probably use some players over the summer :)02:11
LHXsorry if I sound like a complete newb.. but what's xdotx02:12
LHXwould RFTS be something I could find on the underdogs? (assuming that website is still around?)02:12
mithroxdotx is a person :)02:12
* xdotx is working on the RFTS game02:12
LHXshould've looked at the chan list02:13
mithroxdotx got accepted into the Google Summer of Code, he will be working on implimenting RFTS "on Thousand Parsec"02:13
xdotxand yes, underdogs is where I found it ;)02:13
LHXcongrats xdotx02:13
LHXI wish I could code02:13
mithroLHX: as I said, we need testers too02:13
LHXI've picked up a couple of python books but when it came to actually getting anything accomplished I failed miserably02:14
LHXdo ya'll have a mailing list?02:14
LHXI have an xp 32 box, a osX box a ubuntu box and an arch linux box up and running02:15
mithroLHX: yes, we have a few02:15
mithrotp and tp-devel are good to track02:15
mithrowe used to have forums to, however they are currently down02:15
LHXwell i just put myself onto TP02:16
LHXI'll try to read the digests when I have time02:16
mithroLHX: they are very low volume02:17
mithroabout 5-6 emails a month02:17
LHXwell then, i'll be sure to read them... just make a call for testers when the time comes, I can't promise I'll have free time but I'll give it my best to support OS games. It was a pleasure chatting with you mithro, thanks for being patient and for answering all my questions!02:18
mithroLHX: your welcome02:18
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TBBleHmm. How do we want versioning to work? I can push a commit that brings debian/changelog up to matching the current tag, and that's what the python stuff seems to be doing too...02:30
mithroTBBle: not sure I quite understand02:31
TBBleOK, don't worry about it then.02:32
TBBleI'm just setting up to start pushing patches.02:32
mithroTBBle: I would be happy to give you push access02:32
TBBleYeah, that'll work for me to... I've never used push access before, mind you. I'll have to read up on it a little, so for now, I'll just push these by email.02:33
TBBleUh. "me too" I meant.02:33
mithroTBBle: will need a ssh pubkey02:34
nashTBBle: git-push or cg-push will pretty much do what you want ;-)02:35
TBBleOh, good.02:39
TBBleOK, lemme dig up my pubkey. (Laptop just ground to a halt, SL viewer's final link line is ~40k)02:39
TBBleShall I query it to you, mithro?02:40
mithroTBBle: query it?02:41
mithropmsg or email would be fine02:41
CIA-3Paul.Hampson libtpclient-py * rabbadb9a8471 /debian/rules: Remove workaround for setup.cfg left next to setup.py02:58
CIA-3Paul.Hampson libtpclient-py * r1e2c8a007c8b /debian/changelog: Update Debian packaging to current version number02:58
CIA-3Paul.Hampson libtpclient-py * ra6bd007ec7cd /debian/ (changelog control): Build-depend on python-all, to ensure runtimes are present02:58
tpb<> (at
tpb<> (at
TBBleHmm. An easy way to test the functionality of the tp-netlib and tp-client python modules?03:12
TBBleWell, importing works OK, at least.03:12
mithroTBBle: yeah, importing is a good first step03:16
CIA-3Paul.Hampson libtpproto-py * r123b96bb8013 /debian/changelog: Update for new upstream version03:17
CIA-3Paul.Hampson libtpproto-py * r1b954c7a2f3e /debian/ (changelog control):03:17
CIA-3Build-depend on python-all so we build against all supported03:17
CIA-3python runtimes03:17
CIA-3Paul.Hampson libtpproto-py * rd5830e03c893 /debian/ (changelog rules): Remove some workarounds and ensure package builds against all requested runtimes03:17
mithroother then running a client there arn't really any other tests03:17
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r89db14d62b8a /tp/server/ Actually used the SQL echo setting.03:23
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * rbe27444fca60 /tp/server/bases/ Added colour helper functions.03:23
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r93743aa080af / (6 files in 5 dirs):03:23
CIA-3Started adding support for locks.03:23
CIA-3This will stop the server from doing stupid stuff in the middle of turn03:23
CIA-3Required moving the transactions out of tpserver-tool and into the actual03:23
CIA-3commands where it belongs.03:23
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r3c69c1d9078b / (8 files in 4 dirs):03:23
CIA-3Locking now appears to be working.03:23
CIA-3The turn process will lock the database. The tpserver-py will refuse to do03:23
CIA-3operations while the lock is in place.03:23
CIA-3"tpserver-py-tool --status" will give you information about the current03:23
mithroTBBle: so how do we go about having our own debian repository with all the stuff in?03:23
CIA-3status of games and the associated locks.03:24
mithroand how do we build it for ubuntu (dapper|edgy|fesity) and debian (stable|testing|unstable) ?03:25
TBBleHmm. Do you want pysco or psyco? pysco is a long-dead python music thingy module collection, psyco is the specialising compiler thing.03:25
* TBBle is referring to in tpclient-pywx03:26
mithroTBBle: see  rbf2fa124301003:26
tpb<> (at
TBBleWhoops, forgot to pull. ^_^03:27
TBBleDo you want daily debs, release debs, or both?03:28
mithroTBBle: well, we want release debs definately03:29
mithrodaily debs would be cool03:29
mithrobut i'm not sure how useful they would be03:29
TBBleYeah, I'm inclined to agree.03:30
mithroactually daily debs of the stable branch would be okay03:31
TBBleWell, for release debs, once someone tags the release, build debs from those and use apt-ftparchive to build an apt-able repo.03:31
TBBleHmm. Might want to note that psyco is x86 (32-bit) only...03:31
mithroTBBle: not quite sure how to detect x8603:31
TBBleYeah, I dunno if you can.03:35
mithroso how goes tpclient-pywx packaging?03:37
TBBleHmm. platform.machine() and platform.architecture()03:38
TBBleI have to read up on the python policy section on python programs, and find some examples.03:39
mithroTBBle: it's designed so that you can install everything into03:39
mithroand then use the ./doc/tp-pywx-installed as /usr/bin/tpclient-pywx03:40
TBBleOh fun, ran it from the directory and it sefaulted.03:40
mithroTBBle: oh?03:40
mithrothat is a bit unushal03:41
TBBleOK. Dropping everything into /usr/lib won't work, it's all arch-indep apart from the .pyc files which are generated at install time.03:41
mithroTBBle: thats how mailman seemed to work03:41
tpb<> (at
mithroTBBle: so do you have debs of the python libraries you could upload?03:44
mithroyou definately don't want to install things from tpclient-pywx into the shared python directories03:47
mithroas the names are very likely to conflict03:47
mithroi don't have any x64 machines to test platform.machine()03:49
TBBleMailman isn't exactly a shining example of the python policy, it rather predates it and in fact ends up as painful mass of symlinks03:49
TBBleWell, platform.architecure()[0] will return '32bits' on a 32-bit arch, I believe.03:49
TBBleYeah, I could stick the .debs I built up, but they're marked 0.2.2 even though they're from current master.03:50
mithroTBBle: ahh, thats a little naughty :P03:50
TBBleStackframe for the sig11 is 122 deep, Goes through wx to gtk and then back to python, where it dies.03:50
TBBleHowever, I could grab the current 0.2.2 release tarballs and build/upload those.03:51
mithroTBBle: that would be good03:51
mithroyou could put them in the web repository if you wanted (with the other stuff)03:51
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx * r0ca8dcb3f232 / Warn that psyco is x86 only.03:52
TBBleHmm. from tppproto-cpp, I've still got the one I built for you at LCA, since there's not been an update since.03:53
TBBleHmm. I see the debian/ directories I gave you at the time didn't make it into 0.2.2 of the libtp*-py either.03:54
mithroTBBle: actually, I think I may have deleted them before releasing (as they where for 0.2.1)03:56
TBBleGah. I was kinda hoping you'd just bump the version number, since that should have been all that was needed.03:58
TBBleYou know, your GIT versioning system needs consideration. You prolly should bump the library version immediately after tagging a release...03:58
TBBlecpp-ser, BTW?03:58
mithroTBBle: yeah, I've been trying to do that03:59
mithrobut I forget :)04:00
mithroit would be good if you could package tpserver-cpp04:00
mithrobut it should probably be split into more then 1 package04:00
mithro(IE each module in it's own package)04:00
CIA-3snwallace tpclient-pywx-development * reefb77fe603c /
CIA-3Small fixes to requirements.py04:05
CIA-3 - Use wxversion to make sure newer versions are imported04:05
CIA-3 - Check for pyOpenSSl as OpenSSL04:05
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r93df16555176 / Fixed a few errors in requirement output.04:05
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * rca67efe06a05 / Warn that psyco is x86 only.04:05
mithronash: ping?04:13
nashmithro: Soryr - busy04:14
CIA-3snwallace tpclient-pywx-development * r49753fa5adbc /
CIA-3Small fixes to requirements.py04:16
CIA-3 - Use wxversion to make sure newer versions are imported04:16
CIA-3 - Check for pyOpenSSl as OpenSSL04:16
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * rdc59a1b1a530 /
CIA-3Fixed a few errors in requirement output.04:16
CIA-3(cherry picked from commit bf2fa12430103b6e2a2c97fb421f98d4381b4e71)04:16
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r04c92b86ab86 /
CIA-3Warn that psyco is x86 only.04:16
CIA-3(cherry picked from commit 0ca8dcb3f232fc6eb9774ab41f29d44f614ef622)04:16
mithronash: wouldn't happen to have a good url for how to do branching properly in git04:18
nashI can probably find one...04:21
nashpoke me in an hour or two04:21
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mithronash: okay04:30
mithrowill do04:30
mithroTBBle: hows it going?04:30
pschulz01mithro: Which package do I need for 'aclocal' (aclocal in libtprl)04:47
mithropschulz01: hrm, I think it's just autoconf04:47
pschulz01mithro: automake (i think)04:48
mithropschulz01: one of thoses :P04:48
pschulz01needs aclocal04:48
pschulz01hmm.. 'libtool' also required.04:50
mithrothey are standard development tools04:52
pschulz01mithro: Not on a newly installed ubuntu box :-p04:52
pschulz01configure: error: Cannot find tgetent in termcap or ncurses libraries!04:52
mithroapt-get install libreadline-dev04:53
mithroapt-get install libreadline5-dev04:53
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mithrohopefully he will be back05:32
mithroTBBle: ping?06:08
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mithrowb pschulz0106:38
mithronash: you going to have time to test out tpserver-py tonight?06:39
pschulz01Distracted by food and oolite06:39
pschulz01 - Elite clone06:50
tpb<> (at
mithroshould point it out to nash07:07
tpbTitle: Traders - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
mithronash and Epyon are working on that07:10
nashmithro: Seen oolite... I play with it a bit07:12
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * rd2d75288e3f5 /.gitignore: Ignore .swp files.07:12
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r9d2d27d889af /tp/server/ Fix up the signal operations.07:12
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r64ffb136fc53 /tpserver-py-tool: Don't echo when doing a status report.07:12
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r9504f033a0b0 /tp/server/ (13 files in 2 dirs):07:12
CIA-3Make game part of the primary key.07:12
CIA-3Can't use autoincrement then, have to use a transaction to get the id then07:12
CIA-3insert max(+1). This is probably bad as if the last item has been deleted07:12
CIA-3then you get a new object.07:12
nashmithro: looking at tpserver nw then07:12
CIA-3Should investigate sequences.07:12
nashYeah.. north west...07:12
nashOr now maybe07:12
mithronash: cool07:13
mithroyou might want to pull that first07:13
nashActually I need a fresh clone at home07:14
nashSo theoretically... the steps I need to take to get tpserver-py can be found at?07:15
nashapt-get install python-numarray python-wxgtk2.6 python-gettext python-pysco python-pyopenssl python-imaging python-gconf07:17
nashE: Couldn't find package python-gettext07:17
nashI believe you mentioned you shouldn't need that?07:17
nashWant to remove it?07:17
nashE: Couldn't find package python-pysco07:18
nashNot going so well for the debian instructons...07:18
mithronash: getting started on the web?07:18
mithronash: luckly they are commendations :P07:19
mithronash: luckly they are recommendations :P07:19
nashSo I just clagged that - so mistake is there07:19
nashmithro: Also no pything-gcong package I can see07:19
mithroii  python-gconf                               2.18.0-0ubuntu1                            Python bindings for GConf207:20
mithroubuntu has it07:20
nashWell while fixing the other errors, you may want to mention it's not in debian... or under some other name :-/07:21
mithroi find it intresting that it's not in debian :/07:22
nashIt's python-gnome207:22
nashWell I assume it is - it depeds on gconf07:22
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mithrohey jotham07:23
mithroyes, it seems ubuntu splits it out07:23
nashHmm.. you need to document the packages one needs to tpserver-py07:24
nashAlso... gettingstart.php still lists _cvs_ commands07:25
mithrothat is very old :P07:26
nashI assume I'll need an up to date tpproto as well?07:27
nashmithro: ?07:27
mithromkdir tp07:28
mithrocd tp07:28
mithrogit-clone git://
mithrogit-clone git://
mithrogit-clone git://
mithrogit-clone git://
mithrocd scratchpad07:28
mithrosh setup.sh07:28
mithrocd ..07:28
mithrocd tpclient-pywx07:28
nashTp client? or tp SERVER?07:30
* nash needs to install a mithro autopoker07:31
nashmithro: ?07:33
nashtpb: seen DystopicFro07:33
tpbnash: DystopicFro was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 5 days, 5 hours, 54 minutes, and 21 seconds ago: <DystopicFro> nash: I'll email you the location that you can clone from when I get it up07:33
mithronash: that will get you the development client07:33
mithrothen just do a07:33
mithrogit-clone git://
mithroand rerun setup.sh07:33
llnztpb: seen xdotx07:34
tpbllnz: xdotx was last seen in #tp 5 hours, 20 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: <xdotx> and yes, underdogs is where I found it ;)07:34
mithrohe was on earlier07:36
llnzi see07:36
llnzhi btw07:36
mithrohelllo llnz07:39
CIA-3mithro web * rcce7815d4458 /gettingstarted.php:07:39
CIA-3Lots of fixes to gettingstarted.php07:39
CIA-3Fixed up some package names for installing tpclient-pywx.07:39
CIA-3Reformatted and cleaned up the cpp section.07:39
CIA-3Added a temporary tpserver-py instructions.07:39
mithrollnz: can you look over the cpp section?07:39
llnzok, will do shortly07:40
nashtranquillity:[~/work/thousandparsec/scratchpad]% ./setup.sh07:41
nashchmod: cannot access `tpserver-py-turn': No such file or directory07:41
nashmithro: ?07:41
mithrotpserver-py-turn has done07:41
nashahh... the joy of being a beta tester...07:42
* nash waits for next updatw07:43
CIA-3mithro scratchpad * r8266afaa2396 /
CIA-3Remove the chmod.07:43
CIA-3It's no longer needed since we are using git now.07:43
CIA-3mithro scratchpad * r1c8cc0574cd2 /git-helpers/ ( These scripts can be quite dangerous in their current form.07:43
mithronash: it's a non fatal error07:43
nashReally... hard to tell :-)07:43
mithronash: the chmod isn't needed now we used git07:44
mithrodarcs didn't record +x's07:44
nashtranquillity:[~/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-py]% ./tpserver-py-tool --addgame tp minisec admin@localhost "A test game"07:44
nashThis game references a ruleset which doesn't exist anymore! Please reinstall the ruleset.07:44
nashThat ruleset does not exist! Please check your spelling or install the correct module.07:44
* nash notes yet another reason why the darcs authors shoudl get out of academia and use a computer for a change07:44
mithrookay, that is rather weird07:46
nashIs there a tpserver-py-tool command to list known rulesets?07:46
mithronash: not at the moment07:47
mithrodo a07:47
mithrols ./tp07:47
mithrols -l ./tp07:47
nash-rw-r--r-- 1 nash nash    0 2007-05-20 21:29 __init__.py07:47
nash-rw-r--r-- 1 nash nash  137 2007-05-20 21:47 __init__.pyc07:47
nashlrwxrwxrwx 1 nash nash   29 2007-05-20 21:43 netlib -> ../../libtpproto-py/tp/netlib07:47
nashdrwxr-xr-x 6 nash nash 4096 2007-05-20 21:47 server07:47
mithrois the netlib link broken?07:48
mithrothis is very weird07:49
mithrodo you have a tp.db file?07:50
nashremove it?07:50
mithrooh wait, did you have a tp.db before you updated?07:51
nashI have nfi07:51
nashNo, I didn't - I just cloned the directory07:51
llnzmithro: getting started page looks fine07:51
mithrookay so then thats not what I was thinking07:51
pschulz01mithro: Is there a reason for '' installing into /usr/local/lib? rather than /usr/lib ?07:52
mithropschulz01: by default that is where things you make yourself install too07:52
nashpschulz01: Anything installed from source should be in /usr/local07:52
mithrobtw llnz is the developer of libtprl07:52
mithronash: I just did a fresh clone and I can't reproduce your error07:53
llnzhi pschulz0107:53
pschulz01llnz: Howdy..07:53
llnzthe configure script sets the prefix for where the library gets installed07:53
nashmithro: Cool... so any suggestions on what I can do to fix it?07:53
pschulz01llnz: I'm looking to create a deb.07:54
mithronash: try the following07:54
llnzby default the prefix is /usr/local, if you set it to /usr it will install07:54
llnzpschulz01: cool07:54
mithrostart python in the tpserver-py directory07:54
llnzpschulz01: it might help to know that libtprl uses autoconf and automake07:54
pschulz01llnz: Where is it set ?07:54
nashPython 2.4.4c0 (#2, Jul 30 2006, 15:43:58)07:54
llnzmight make things a little easier07:54
mithro>> import tp.server.rules.minisec07:54
nashpschulz01: --prefix=<>07:54
nashwhere <> = /usr07:55
llnzpschulz01: ./configure --prefix=/usr07:55
nashTraceback (most recent call last):07:55
nash  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?07:55
nash  File "/home/nash/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-py/tp/server/rules/minisec/", line 23, in ?07:55
nash    import actions.FleetCombat as FleetCombat07:55
nash  File "/home/nash/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-py/tp/server/rules/minisec/actions/", line 275, in ?07:55
nash    from elementtree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring07:55
nashImportError: No module named elementtree.ElementTree07:55
mithroyah need elementtree07:55
* mithro does up a file07:56
* nash installs python elementtree07:56
* nash also looks for mithro's next update to the getting started page ;-)07:56
pschulz01llnz: building07:57
llnzpschulz01: cool07:57
nashmithro: That worked07:58
mithronash: yay!07:58
mithrowhat was the package name again?07:58
nashsurprsingly ;-)07:59
nashmithro: Used port 6923 -> Using port...08:01
mithronash: you have a local tpserver-cpp running?08:01
tpbTitle: 1t2 PasteBin - Package contents (at
nashmithro: No, just grammar is wrong08:01
mithronash: bah :)08:01
nashmithro: Your naming system for planets could use work...08:02
nashBut I have connected.08:02
mithrono segfault?08:02
nashAlthough I seem to own every planet ?08:03
nashI'm getting a lot of "Service unavalible" messages... Ahh - time remaining08:03
mithrohow many planets do you see?08:04
nashSystem 0 -> 9 + nash Solar System08:05
nashPlanets seem to be 2 each08:05
nashI have to zoom out twice to see them however08:05
llnzpschulz01: that looks about right08:06
llnzpschulz01: cool08:06
pschulz01llnz: Is there somewhere I can push my git commits?08:07
nashmithro: When do turns generate?08:07
pschulz01llnz:: .. otherwise I'll set up a repo you can pull from.08:08
mithronash: when you run the "tpserver-py-tool --turn tp"08:08
llnzpschulz01: you can email patches to me or the mailing list (tp-devel)08:08
TBBlemithro: pong08:08
llnzsee the instructions at
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : Source Code (at
mithroTBBle: how is it going?08:08
mithroTBBle: you get any further with the packages?08:09
nashtranquillity:[~/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-py]% tpserver-py-tool --turn mstiny08:09
nashTraceback (most recent call last):08:09
nash  File "/usr/local/bin/tpserver-py-tool", line 42, in ?08:09
nash    import config08:09
nash  File "/etc/tpserver-py/", line 23, in ?08:09
nash    import tp.server.rules.minisec as ruleset08:09
nashImportError: No module named server.rules.minisec08:09
nashDo I need to kill the already running version?08:09
nashmithro: ?08:10
mithronash: no08:10
mithrohrm - why is your doing that import?08:10
nashYou tell me...08:11
nashAhh... found the issue...08:11
nashmithro: So the client needs to manually update the turn?08:12
mithronash: yes at the moment08:12
mithroEOT notification will occur very soon08:12
* llnz can't even be bothered to see how far back tpserver-cpp got EOT notification08:13
* llnz also notes that tpserver-cpp supports TP04 notifications08:13
nashllnz: It was one of the first things the galaxie handled ;-)08:13
nashmithro: I don't seem to getting ship designs08:13
mithroEOT processing is done by a completely seperate program in tpserver-py08:14
*** _JLP_ is now known as JLP08:15
llnzhi JLP08:17
JLPahoy people08:17
mithrohey JLP08:17
mithrolong time no see08:17
mithronash: ship designs might be borked08:17
mithroyet to test that08:17
nashmithro: I think you can s/might/are/08:17
mithroin fact it's probably just that the minisec isn't populating the design tables08:18
JLPmithro: yeah, one nasty exam at uni and some other work, but slowly i should get back, only a few easier exams left08:18
JLPand first thing to do is to get git working08:19
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * rf4046c17de9b / Added requirements file.08:19
JLPi tried using this form: cg-clone git+ssh://[email protected]/var/lib/git/project.git08:19
mithro cg-clone git+ssh://[email protected]/git/project.git08:20
mithroJLP: did you end up resending llnz your pub key after the hacking?08:20
JLPmithro: nope not yet, i'll resend right away08:20
mithroJLP: you don't seem to be added08:20
mithrollnz should add you :)08:21
llnzwill do08:21
TBBleNope, and I've gotten tied up with some work stuff this evening. >_<08:21
mithroTBBle: :/08:21
JLPllnz: you've got mail08:22
JLPis /var/lib/git/ == /git/08:24
JLPok, just to make sure instructions on web are ok08:25
mithrollnz: tpserver-py supports virtual hosting games however :)08:27
mithroeven games of different rulesets08:28
llnztpserver-cpp *has* multiple rulesets08:28
llnzand could eventually support cluster/distributed processing08:29
mithrollnz: tpserver-py supports clustered/distributed processing when used with mysql08:29
llnzmithro: how does it manage that?08:30
mithrollnz: by the fact that it's a thin wrapper over sql08:30
mithrothere is no reason you couldn't have two tpserver-py reading from one database08:31
llnzJLP: you are now set up, try cloning again08:31
JLPllnz: ok let's try08:32
llnzmithro: must be very inefficient when processing the EOT08:32
llnzrepeatedly querying for the next thing to do08:32
mithrollnz: turn processing can only happen at one node - it's a seperate program remeber08:33
llnzahhh.... i was looking at both user processing and EOT processing across multiple nodes08:33
mithrollnz: but at the moment you can do neither :)08:34
llnzwhen i fix mysql persistence, you will be able to use NDB for using MYSQL cluster08:34
mithroI have mysql and sqlite and postgres support ;)08:39
llnzgood for you08:39
llnzJLP: working?08:41
JLPllnz: yeah, just cloned web and parsek, looks like it's working08:42
JLPnow i just need to make a change and see how submiting works08:42
mithroJLP: web can take a while08:43
JLPbtw what is the change between git clone and cg clone and others08:43
mithroas of 1.5 cogito is going away08:47
JLPah so it is just some nicer interface to git but now git has become more like cogito itself08:48
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mithroJLP: yeah08:52
llnzJLP: when we both have the time, I would like to talk to you about libtpproto-cpp08:59
JLPllnz: ok08:59
JLPregarding git, now that i have made a change ho do i now record and upload it?09:00
mithrocg-commit, cg-push09:03
mithronash: if you send a SIGUSR1 to the server, in theory it should cause it to send EOT09:07
nashAnyway - I'm off to bed.09:10
nashNight all09:10
mithrosee ya09:14
llnzi should go too09:14
* llnz wanders off09:14
llnzlater all09:14
mithrojotham: ping?09:14
*** llnz has quit IRC09:15
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r44229167b240 /tp/server/ Fixed SIGUSR1 handler09:15
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r6a7e924414e7 / Merge with git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpserver-py.git09:15
pschulz01mithro: I've just sent a patch though.. I;m off..09:20
mithropschulz01: for?09:20
pschulz01debianising libtprl09:21
pschulz01first cut..09:21
mithropschulz01: you have to be subscribed to the list to post?09:21
mithrooh I see your patch09:22
JLPmithro: i have problems with push, it is asking where to push to09:22
mithroJLP: oh09:22
mithrocg-branch-add origin git+ssh://<>09:22
mithroJLP: btw you see the Wiki?09:22
JLPmithro: oh i forgot to add branch09:23
JLPmithro: yeah, i've seen wiki09:24
mithroif you clone with cg-clone the origin branch should have been automatically added09:24
JLPmithro: oh i've used git clone, should orogon alse be there before doing a commit?09:26
mithroJLP: no09:26
JLPmithro: anyway when doing a cg-push now i get this:09:26
JLPupdating 'refs/heads/master'09:26
JLP  from cce7815d4458a448a19746451fe20a3525acb5ca09:26
JLP  to   eca3b3ed6c6773349915c986300c3e606b68f9e409:26
JLPGenerating pack...09:27
JLPDone counting 4 objects.09:27
JLPDeltifying 4 objects.09:27
JLP 100% (4/4) done09:27
JLPWriting 4 objects.09:27
JLP 100% (4/4) done09:27
JLPTotal 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)09:27
JLPUnpacking 4 objects09:27
JLPerror: unable to create temporary sha1 filename ./objects/tmp_obj_YPNP08: Permission denied09:27
JLPfatal: failed to write object09:27
JLPunpack unpacker exited with error code09:27
JLPng refs/heads/master n/a (unpacker error)09:27
mithroJLP: llnz forgot to added you to the codemonkey group09:28
mithrotry again now09:28
CIA-3jlp web * reca3b3ed6c67 /bits/
CIA-3Test if Git works with some changes to web page.09:29
CIA-3Signed-off-by: Jure Repinc <[email protected]>09:29
JLPyay, seems to be working now09:29
mithroJLP: cool09:30
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r69066188f6ac /tp/netlib/support/ Get the colouring around the right way.09:30
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * rc9b9e4e564d7 /tp/netlib/ Always display the received packet.09:30
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r504d5a92e72e /tp/netlib/ Version bump.09:30
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r25a240b55f5c /debian/ (changelog control rules): Merge with git+ssh://[email protected]/git/libtpproto-py.git09:30
mithroJLP: you should try out gitk09:30
CIA-3mithro libtpclient-py * rec801746489a /tp/client/ Version bump.09:31
CIA-3mithro libtpclient-py * rf3d0c380bb01 /debian/ (changelog control rules): Merge with git+ssh://[email protected]/git/libtpclient-py.git09:31
mithroJLP: it's particularly cool to look at on git's own repository09:31
*** pschulz01 has quit IRC09:33
JLPah that gitk, and i was looking at generalized interface toolkit09:33
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * ra8851b7ebbd9 / Require 0.2.3 (git) of libtpproto-py.09:34
mithroJLP: he he no :P09:34
mithrogalaxie is intresting too :P09:34
JLPmithro: yeah will have to check out what has happened over all this time that i was away09:37
mithroJLP: not a huge amount that would concern what you are doing09:38
JLPmithro: ah ok, i've seen a lot of commit emails, and galaxie should be quite ahead now, judging from how fast nash was working during the AI competition09:40
mithroJLP: yeah, to bad it so ugly ;)09:41
mithrothat reminds me09:41
mithroI was going to do a video of nash's AI's fighting09:41
mithroJLP: git's "octopus merge" looks rather intresting :)09:42
JLPmithro: hm let me see what it is about09:43
mithroJLP: it's where you can merge quite a few heads together09:43
mithroIE if you have 6 branchs and want to merge them all together09:43
JLPhehe first i'll need to do some branch, only working on trunk now :)09:44
mithroJLP: yeah, i'm just getting use to the concept of working on seperate features on different branches09:45
JLPmithro: i should also get used to that, before adding a new feature, create a branch for it and work there09:46
mithroJLP: yeah09:46
mithroi tend to have a short attention span so end up working on like 6 different features at once09:46
JLPmithro: hm quite interesting to search for 4X related stuff on technorati and google blog search09:49
JLPi've just come across this:09:50
tpb<> (at
JLPand this:
tpb<> (at
JLPthere are also lots of reviews and ideas about 4X games there, so maybe we could use this to see what people think about this kind of games09:53
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*** ChanServ sets mode: +o tpb09:54
mithroJLP: pimp Thousand Parsec?09:55
JLPmithro: yeah, that was my idea, to use comments to tell people about TP, maybe find some people who could help testin or even programming09:56
mithroyeah that would be good09:56
mithroJLP: I'll leave it in your hands :P09:56
JLPwell and it is interesting to read what people like and on't like about 4X games and what ideas they have09:56
mithrowe are already mentioned on
tpb<> (at
JLPnice, looks like people are already doing my work :)10:00
mithroJLP: don't even know who that is :)10:01
JLPI'll add a comment and invite Jason to this irc channel10:02
JLPand i'll add some of those 4X search links (with rss feeds) to wiki10:04
mithroJLP: that would be good10:09
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r5e47967cae70 /tp/netlib/ (4 files in 2 dirs):10:10
CIA-3Support the Games_Get frame.10:10
CIA-3The Games_Get frame just returns a list of games avalible on the server.10:10
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pytext * r239a27519e67 /tpclient-pytext: Added support to get games from server.10:10
mithrowell, I'm going to watch some TV10:10
mithrothen head to bed10:10
mithrohave a gnight10:10
mithroJLP: good to see you around again :)10:10
JLPmithro: yeah i'm also glad that i'll have more time now and again help around here10:11
JLPmithro: enjoy the TV and have a good night then10:11
*** TBBle has quit IRC10:36
CIA-3jlp web * r64edd5547553 /news/ Fixing link.12:08
CIA-3jlp web * r075dc375a6b0 /bits/ Fixing XHTML error - h1 can't be inside a12:14
CIA-3jlp web * r027594b9ea6a / (4 files in 2 dirs): Some more XHTML fixes.12:31
CIA-3jlp web * r79d56ad2c275 /news/ Front page should now pass XHTML validation12:50
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mithroafternoon people23:47
mithrojotham: ping?23:47
pschulz01mithro afternoon23:47
mithrohey pschulz01, any more success?23:48
pschulz01No time :-).. but I have made my git changes available here:
tpb<> (at
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