Friday, 2007-05-18

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mithrodmpayton: i'm not seeing any login attempts for you00:01
mithrossh -v [email protected]00:03
dmpaytonWhat part of the key do I use to login? the key I sent Lee is 3 lines long...00:04
mithrodmpayton: you use the part00:04
mithroin the verbose output it should say something like00:05
mithrodebug1: Trying private key: /home/tim/.ssh/identity00:05
dmpaytonmithro: Yeah, at the bottom. All that's in .ssh is a known_hosts file00:09
mithrodmpayton: when/where did you generate your ssh-key?00:09
dmpaytonThat's what I was about to bring up... I generated it on XP a few weeks ago.00:10
mithroand you probably didn't make a backup of it right?00:10
dmpaytonmithro: I used putty-gen, and I have the files still.00:11
mithrodmpayton: well, lets just regen the file?00:12
mithrodmpayton: then you need to send me the public key part00:20
mithroand I will upload it00:20
mithrodmpayton: emailed?00:28
dmpaytonmithro: Sorry, the woman just got home with some wedding stuff *twitch, twitch*00:28
mithrodmpayton: :)00:28
dmpaytonmithro: email?00:29
mithrodmpayton: give it a whirl now00:38
mithroMay 18 00:39:35 sp3016a sshd[2120]: (pam_unix) authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser=  user=derek00:39
mithroMay 18 00:39:37 sp3016a sshd[2117]: error: PAM: Authentication failure for derek from
mithroyou are trying to use password authentication....00:39
mithrowhat is verbose saying about the ssh key?00:40
dmpaytondebug1: Trying private key: /home/derek/.ssh/identity00:43
dmpaytondebug1: Trying private key: /home/derek/.ssh/id_rsa00:43
dmpaytondebug1: Trying private key: /home/derek/.ssh/id_dsa00:43
dmpaytonBah, got it.00:48
mithroMay 18 00:48:15 sp3016a sshd[8147]: Accepted publickey for derek from port 51657 ssh200:50
mithroMay 18 00:48:15 sp3016a sshd[8150]: (pam_unix) session opened for user derek by derek(uid=0)00:50
mithrothere we go :P00:50
mithrowell that took a lot longer then it should have :/00:50
mithronow you should be able to do a00:50
mithrocg-clone git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpclient-pyweb00:51
dmpaytonDoesn't help that I keep getting pulled away from the comp. :/00:51
mithrodmpayton: thats okay00:59
dmpaytonoi, brb00:59
mithroi'm horribly lagged00:59
dmpaytonto update the branch, it's cg-push tpclient-pyweb git:// ?01:07
mithrodmpayton: to push your local changes to the remote end you use cg-push just by itself01:12
mithrowhich will push to the "origin" branch01:12
mithrowhich is where you cloned from01:12
dmpaytonmithro: I read something about having to add files individually... do I need to cg-add for each new file? or will cg-push upload all changes including new files?01:14
mithrothis is how it works01:14
mithroyou use cg-add to add new files01:14
mithroyou then use cg-commit, to commit changes locally01:15
mithroyou then push the commits to the remote location01:15
mithroyou can do multiple commits locally before you push to the remote version01:15
mithrodmpayton: ie, I currently have about 10 commits in my local tpserver-py which I have yet to push01:17
dmpaytonif I create a whole bunch of files, I can do "cg-add -a" instead of a cg-add for each file, yes?01:18
mithrodmpayton: not sure :P01:18
mithroI add each one manually01:18
mithrobecause I like to be selective01:18
dmpaytonI see.01:18
mithroyou use cg-status to find out what changes you have yet to commit01:18
mithroand cg-diff to find out the exact details01:19
mithroI prefer lots of small commits01:19
mithrotry to keep only changes relavent to a commit together01:20
mithrofor example, If I fix a bug - but discover another bug in the process01:20
mithroI like to have one commit for the first bug01:20
mithroand a second commit for the second bug01:20
mithroeven if both the changes happened in the same file01:21
dmpaytonBrb again. I'll be back in 15-20 mins.01:21
mithrodmpayton: however, I don't always follow that :P01:21
mithrowe really should setup a commit policy and follow it01:21
mithrobut we are a bit lazy01:22
dmpaytonmithro: Back.01:44
dmpaytonmithro: Nothing wrong with being's an attribute of a great programmer!01:44
mithroI'm going to be disappearing in a bit01:47
dmpaytonRegarding development, am I taking care of setting it up on my server, or did you want to set it up on
mithrodmpayton: both eventually01:50
mithrobut for now just work locally01:50
dmpaytonmithro: Alright.01:50
mithrodmpayton: so going to push a TODO file or something?01:51
dmpaytonHow is Python setup on the tp server? (f)CGI? mod_python?01:51
dmpaytonAnd yes I will.01:51
mithrodmpayton: no python is setup on the server01:55
mithrodmpayton: so are you going to do this push soonish?01:56
dmpaytonwhen I do cg-commit, it pulls up a text-editor. How do I confirm the commit?02:06
nashJust write the file and quite your editor02:09
nashIt chacks the file has been modified, and then does the commit02:10
mithronash: tired?02:11
mithrodmpayton: you can tell it which editor to use with the EDITOR enviroment variable02:12
nashmithro: Not partcicularly02:12
CIA-3derek tpclient-pyweb * r9395404f9e48 /todo.txt:02:14
mithrohrm, where is the log message :P02:14
daxxarWhat made you guys choose git to move to?02:15
dmpaytonMusta got lost. I warned it not to wander... :P02:15
daxxarIn comparison to mercurial, darcs, arch, bzr, etcetera.02:15
nasharch/bzr both suck hard.02:16
nashperformance for both is unacceptable02:16
daxxarTopic is cut, btw, ends at 'cpp-ser' here ;-)02:16
dmpaytonSame here.02:16
nashdarcs proved it was incapble of doing one the two basic things a revision control system should be able to do - checkout code02:16
daxxarI'm asking because I'm looking to start using a distributed rcs instead of svn, so was hoping to be able to leech on your "research" before changing. :)02:17
nashIt was a toss up up between hg and git02:17
mithrodaxxar: you are correct02:17
daxxarhaha, :-P02:17
nashThey are the premier DRCS at this time02:17
mithrodaxxar: darcs sucks because it consumes bastard loads of memory02:17
mithromercurial was the only other real contender02:17
dmpaytonfor a log message, it's cg-commit -m message yes?02:17
mithroand git has more people using it02:17
daxxarNothing that tipped teh scales, so to speak?02:17
nashdmpayton: Or cg-commit then use your editor02:18
daxxarWhat about monotone?02:19
daxxarIn April 2005, Monotone became the subject of increased interest in the FLOSS community after Linus Torvalds mentioned it as a possible replacement for BitKeeper in the Linux development process.[2] Instead of adopting Monotone, Torvalds wrote his own SCM system, git. Git's design uses some ideas from Monotone, but the two projects do not share any core source code.02:19
nashdaxxar: No advocate ;-)  And yeah... git is equal or better ;-)02:21
mithrodaxxar: monotone has had some disasters :P02:25
mithroand is quite slow02:25
mithrothey have broken backwards compatibility a number of times02:25
daxxarok =)02:28
daxxarExam-time! Have a pleasant day. :)02:28
nashhave fun02:29
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mithrohowdy people09:00
mithro~seen dmpayton09:00
tpbmithro: dmpayton was last seen in #tp 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: <dmpayton> for a log message, it's cg-commit -m message yes?09:00
dmpaytonSorry this isn't dmpayton. This is his fiance again.09:01
mithrodmpayton: thats okay09:03
mithrojust was checking that he hadn't said anything since the last time I was on09:03
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mithrohey niphree09:11
mithroany luck with the banks?09:11
niphreeyes - I'll send you all details09:14
mithroniphree: cool!09:15
mithrosomething just popped up and I have no idea what09:16
mithroniphree: are you going to have some time this week to get you all setup so you can start coding?09:22
niphreemithro: I'm planing to start next week.09:24
niphreemithro: I almost forgot to tell you. I'm going home for this weekend - I'll be back on sunday09:27
mithroniphree: okay09:27
mithroso we will get you setup monday?09:27
mithrodo you want to organise a time on monday, or should we just take it as it comes?09:35
niphreehmm - I should be almost whole day on IRC on monday09:39
niphreebrb (1-2 hours)09:41
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sijmenhi all :)16:11
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dmpayton'llo sijmen16:16
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mithromorning people23:01
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mithromorning people23:23

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