Sunday, 2007-05-13

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mithrohowdy people00:02
nashheyo mithro00:12
nashmithro: Some sucess with VoIP - ekiga is doing the job for me00:12
nashAnd free conference rooms are available00:12
mithronash: cool00:22
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llnz~seen xdotx03:52
tpbllnz: xdotx was last seen in #tp 1 day, 23 hours, 32 minutes, and 20 seconds ago: <xdotx> mithro: easy enough. thanks!03:52
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* llnz has added the RFTS branch to the sloccount page04:34
mithrollnz: cool06:40
mithrollnz: we got him setup with being able to push and stuff06:42
llnzi saw06:42
mithrollnz: xdotx sent his welcome email07:53
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* nash waves08:20
llnzhi nash08:20
nashhow is life?08:20
llnzat the end of this coming week things might be a little calmer08:21
nashheh - close to the end now08:21
llnzwell, my thesis is in08:22
nashCool - happy with it?08:22
llnzit's in, i don't really care now08:24
nashI understand that feeling08:25
nashI also remember the allnigheter I did when I handed mine in - midday on tuesday08:25
nashAnd I remember being at the uni bar from midday to about 6pm... then I went home and collapsed08:26
llnzi'm currently in a show08:27
nashA show?  As in stage show/08:27
llnzyes, a musical08:27
* llnz wanders off08:47
llnzlater all08:47
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mithronash: Lee has been in a number of the musicals :P09:37
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* nash didn;'t know that... Anyway - I'm off to work17:55
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mithro~seen Epyon19:13
tpbmithro: Epyon was last seen in #tp 3 days, 23 hours, 18 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: <Epyon> OpenGL :D :
mithro~seen niphree19:13
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 4 days, 12 hours, 1 minute, and 43 seconds ago: <niphree> hello19:13
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* nash waves to mithro21:34
mithronash: you don't happen to know of a similar tool to this -> for linux?21:49
tpb<> (at
nashNever really looked - gs is where to start, else libpoppler21:53
mithroahh huh! I can get oo to recompress when it outputs a pdf21:58
mithro60Mb pdf -> 1.6Mb pdf22:02
nashSlight improvement22:03
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