Wednesday, 2007-05-02

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tpbTitle: xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe (at
mithronash: your ctrl-z problem should be fixed it you pull tpserver-py and libtpproto-py00:16
nashmithro: I saw, cool00:17
mithronash: but there are probably a bunch of other problems00:17
nashAnd I still think having to catch an exception to deal with a select failure is pretty damn lame00:17
mithronash: i'm not quite sure what you mean?00:19
nashexceptions were designed for heavy weight errors, things that checking on the spot made no sense for.00:20
nashFor select - it is par for the course00:20
nasheg Out of memory makes sense for an exception00:23
mithronash: it's a bit werid, i had never seen that before today00:41
* nash wonders if he should start sending random signals to random python programs to see what happens00:51
mithronash: give it a try and see what happens :P02:46
mithroi think it may have to do with me importing the signal module02:46
nashmithro: At work currently - maybe tomorrow02:49
mithroI think i'm going to remove the signal stuff and just check for a message in the db02:50
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mithrohey llnz03:25
llnzhi mithro03:25
mithroyour around a bit earlier today?03:25
llnznothing else on this evening03:26
llnzand it's cold and wet outside03:26
nashAnywya... I'm about to bail03:27
nashtalk to you all later - probably03:27
llnzmithro: are you finished on llnz?03:27
llnzfor now03:27
mithrollnz: ahh yea03:27
mithroit took a while to figure out what you where saying then :P03:28
mithrollnz: i didn't get a chance to figure out the cache bug03:28
CIA-30llnz tpserver-cpp * ra8e5f3ac6b28 /tpserver/object.cpp:03:33
CIA-30Use direct methods of getting data for tp03 and eariler where available03:33
CIA-30in IGObject allowing cleanup of ObjectData interface.03:33
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CIA-30llnz tpserver-cpp * rf44d990526d5 /tpserver/playeragent.cpp: Use the OrderQueue directly for probing orders in PlayerAgent03:44
CIA-30llnz tpserver-cpp * r5da0c6467d80 / (10 files in 3 dirs):04:19
CIA-30Remove unused code in ObjectData and from Fleet and Planet subclasses04:19
CIA-30because the OrderQueue handles it all.04:19
mithro~seen xdotx04:23
tpbmithro: xdotx was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 6 days, 0 hours, 23 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: <xdotx> I'm glad that ruleset Dev Env got accepted, it looks/sounds cool04:23
mithrono xdotx yet? :/04:23
llnzapparently not04:23
mithrollnz: might want to fire of an email?04:32
llnzi think i'll give him to friday04:37
* llnz notes it's only Wednesday morning where he is04:37
CIA-30llnz tpserver-cpp * r118a055dd2ff /tpserver/ (orderqueue.cpp orderqueue.h):04:49
CIA-30Added active and repeating fields to OrderQueue for future use04:49
CIA-30for inactive queues (defaults to active) and repeating queues (defaults to04:49
CIA-30not repeating). Easier to add it now before persistence is fixed.04:49
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mithrowb nash05:10
llnzhi nash05:12
nashsorry - trying to set up vmware05:24
mithronash: why are you sorry about that? :P05:31
CIA-30llnz tpserver-cpp * r94ca4794a71d /modules/games/ (4 files in 2 dirs):05:31
CIA-30Made the position and velocity of the fleet object available in Fleet05:31
CIA-30both in Minisec and MTSec. This will clean more code out of IGObject.05:31
mithronot that bad :)05:32
nashyes it is...05:32
* mithro uses the free vmware-server at home 05:32
nashI'm installing it to run windows on a perfectly fine amd64 linux box05:32
mithromainly use it to do electronic tax and such05:32
mithrooh, and for testing Thousand Parsec under Windows05:33
* llnz ponders06:52
* llnz worries06:58
mithrollnz: ?06:59
llnzi seem to be about one quarter of the way in to a near complete rewrite of minisec....06:59
mithroarg, I'm so close to getting the required results07:00
mithrollnz: why is the worrying?07:00
llnzit's a very big change07:00
llnzand i don't really know what the result will be or if it will even run07:01
nashllnz: So will it help mtsec?07:07
llnznash: yes07:07
nashSO do it then ;-)07:07
llnzi will have to redo the current mtsec so I can do the cleanup i was refactoring to do07:08
llnzit will also close at least one bug07:08
mithrollnz: what change are you working on?07:10
llnztrying to strip as much as possible out of IGObject and ObjectData07:11
llnzoh, ffs07:17
Epyonmithro, pong!07:18
mithroEpyon: hey, havn't seen much wiki improvement :P07:19
mithrollnz: what now?07:19
llnzcurrently rewriting EOT for minisec07:19
mithrofinding lots of bugs?07:20
llnzthinking of moving all the actual order processing (like the moving of objects and colonising planets) in the Turn Process instead of in the various orders07:20
llnzthis just isn't very modular07:21
mithroyou doing something similar to how tpserver-py works?07:31
llnzi am moving it to the end of turn you have suggested07:40
llnz(ie, move orders first, then combat, then the other orders)07:40
mithroso it does all orders of type x, then action y, then all orders of type y, then all orders of type z?07:43
llnzpretty much07:43
llnzMinisecTurn is more or less complete, and a bit simpler07:57
llnznow to fix up the various orders and object types07:57
mithrollnz: cool08:02
mithrollnz: can you log a feature request against metaserver-lite about the ip-address stuff you wanted08:09
mithrothat way niphree will now about them08:10
llnzoh, i thought of yet another metaserver bug08:23
nashI just want to be able to have my client to browse a list of games08:40
nashfrom the metaserver ;-)08:41
mithronash: what do you mean?08:47
mithrollnz: can you assign them to niphree rather then me?08:47
llnzthey were auto assigned to you, i will change them now08:48
nashSo the client can connect to the metasever, get a list of games, and the user can just click on one to connect08:48
nashAnyway - I'm off to bed08:49
mithro“I’m sine-squared, you’re cosine-squared, let’s get together and be 1″08:50
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* Epyon|S eyes Epyon09:36
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CIA-30llnz tpserver-cpp * r56a125109da4 /tpserver/ (objectdata.cpp objectdata.h): Make the type name available in ObjectData.09:49
CIA-30llnz tpserver-cpp * r622a2a198479 /tpserver/ (objectdatamanager.cpp objectdatamanager.h):09:49
CIA-30Save the Object Type names and give type number by name, and general cleanup09:49
CIA-30in some of the oldest code in the server, ObjectDataManager.09:49
CIA-30llnz tpserver-cpp * rbbe603008d30 /tpserver/ (game.cpp game.h): In Game, make the TurnProcess available generally, useful for Orders.09:49
CIA-30llnz tpserver-cpp * re12b4e91cbe2 /tpserver/objectdatamanager.cpp: Fixed wrong dereference type in ObjectDataManager09:57
CIA-30llnz tpserver-cpp * r2d239e49b235 /tpserver/ (objectdata.cpp objectdata.h):10:27
CIA-30No longer have to implement tp03 packExtraData in ObjectData subclasses.10:27
CIA-30Surpassed by TP04 ObjectParameters. Only use for tp03 compatible games.10:27
CIA-30llnz tpserver-cpp * rb7a83d30fcb6 /modules/games/mtsec/ (avacombat.cpp fleet.cpp mtsec.cpp): Minimal fixes until I rewrite MTSec.10:28
CIA-30llnz tpserver-cpp * r7e247134dd6c /modules/games/minisec/ (16 files):10:31
CIA-30Rewrote parts of Minisec, now version 0.3.10:31
CIA-30Uses ObjectData subclasses to access data not in the common IGObject now.10:31
CIA-30Rewrote turn processing to do the right thing, colonisation no longer moves10:31
CIA-30the fleet and takes no parameters. Move, then combat, then the other orders10:31
CIA-30is the arrangement of processing in MinisecTurn.10:31
mithrollnz: all done?10:33
llnzfor minisec yet10:34
* mithro goes to look at the new code10:34
llnzwill do mtsec sometime, and then clean up IGObject10:34
llnzand others10:34
mithrollnz: maybe you should have done a branch before this?10:34
mithrollnz: where is the turn processing code kept?10:36
llnzwhy should I have branched?10:37
mithrollnz: so we still have a working server while you fix this?10:38
llnzit is working10:38
llnzi only commit when it's working (although it was broken for a short while there)10:39
mithrollnz: hrm - I still don't think you are doing this the right way - what happens if you have a Move then Colonise, if the move arrives in the same turn - why shouldn't colonise occur?10:39
llnzbecause that was the way i wanted to10:39
mithrowhy not do a "collect all move orders at pos 1 -> set velocities", "preform move", "do combat", "find all colonise orders at pos 1 -> do colonise"?10:40
mithroyou are also not collecting all combattants at a location before performing combat10:41
llnzbecause i don't want to have to iterate through all the objects just to find them, would rather do it just once10:41
mithrollnz: correctness is better then efficent :P10:42
llnzit's still correct10:42
llnzjust a different correct10:42
mithrollnz: well not really, if I have a Move to the same location I'm at, then a Colonise, the colonise should occur10:42
CIA-30llnz tpserver-cpp * rfaea2ce2a516 /modules/games/minisec/ (build.cpp fleet.cpp mergefleet.cpp planet.cpp splitfleet.cpp):10:43
CIA-30Fixed the Order names so they are consistent, with spaces.10:43
CIA-30Closes bug: 166811710:43
llnzit will occur, the next turn10:43
mithrollnz: why should it take 2 turns to do something which clearly should take 1?10:43
mithrollnz: what about the combat issue?10:44
llnzit doesn't take two turns, it takes n turns to move somewhere, then one turn to colonise10:44
llnzwhat combat issue?10:44
mithrobut you don't have a n turns to move somewhere, where n==010:44
mithro---> you are also not collecting all combattants at a location before performing combat10:44
mithrotwo small fleets at the same location differ from 1 large fleet10:45
llnzah, that combat issue10:45
llnzi know, will fix that later10:45
mithrothe correct way I think is to loop over all objects putting them into a location list10:46
mithrothen loop over the location list, combat occurs where number of objects at a location is more then 110:46
llnzthat doesn't work too well10:47
llnzwhat happens when they aren't exactly at the same spot, but are overlapping (diameters)10:47
mithrowell I guess you could loop over all objects, checking the current location against all other locations already binned, an put it in the correct bin that way10:49
mithrothats n^2 however :/10:49
mithrox*n where x == constant is much nicer10:50
llnzocttree or kd-tree10:50
mithroand I think you'll find that n >>> x most of the time10:50
mithroso even if you have 100 order types - and you have to search through all objects to find the orders for each order, thats still only 100*n10:51
mithroand n is likely to be 10,000 or 100,00010:51
llnzfor minisec i don't really care10:52
llnzit works, it's playable10:52
llnzMTSec is slightly different10:52
llnzanyway, it's nearly 3am10:52
* llnz wanders off10:53
llnzlater all10:53
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Epyonnash, ping!11:21
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nashEpyon: ?16:54
nashWell I'll be back on line in about 2 hours17:07
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* nash waves Epyon18:58
Epyonnash, I was working on the material images...18:58
nashA problem?18:59
EpyonAnd have no clue how the antimatter and antiparticle icons should look like... ?18:59
nashI was thnking some sort of containment field18:59
nashSort of a movie-style biohazrad container - glowing green18:59
nashAnd then a more super high tech version for the antiparticle one19:00
EpyonHmmm, a reference image would help :P19:00
jothamdid you see the vials i 3D rendered a couple of weeks ago?19:00
jothammight be some inspiration in look-and-feel (not actual model shape)19:00
EpyonNo I didn't see it...19:01
jothamtheres a few19:01
tpb<> (at
jothamwas for someone elses game project19:01
EpyonHmm, I have an idea.19:02
cherezan idea?19:03
tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-05-02T19:05:41 not replied to.19:08
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nashheyo llnz19:45
llnzhi nash19:45
nashllnz: I see a lot of changes to tpserver - question - are you pushing them individually? Or waiting until to you have a non-trivial amount?19:52
llnzgenerally individually19:52
nashAny particular reason?  Or you just like to keep tpb busy?19:53
llnzbecause that's the way i have always done it19:54
nashFair enough19:55
Epyonnash, you're here?20:03
tpb<> (at
nashOnly comment so gar - is it possible to make the 4 different bars look a little more distinct20:06
nashMaybe use a less processed look for one or two20:06
nashThe yellowcake, and two containment fields look cool though ;-)20:07
EpyonMaybe use a "disc" shape for the uranium?20:07
Epyon(like on the wikipedia)20:07
nashYep - that would work20:07
nashThe important thing is some sort of visual distinctiveness20:07
Epyona brick for thorium?20:09
nashMaybe use some unprocessed ore for one of them?20:09
nashA pile of rocks?20:09
EpyonNah, better rock fot thorium, and brick for massivium20:11
nashIf you really want to try something cool - gravitational distortion around the massivium20:13
jothamlooks good Epyon20:14
llnzbbl (hopefully)20:14
jothambut that lens flair is serious business20:14
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Epyonjotham: ?20:16
tpb<> (at
nashEpyon: Awesome20:26
EpyonAny more comments? Or should I render those at 64x64?20:26
EpyonBTW, facing left, or facing right?20:26
nashOnly thing I'm worried about is that hte colours aren't strong enough on the first 4.  But I'm ot sure how to fix that20:28
nashAnd as long as they all face the same way - which ever looks best20:28
nashProbably left20:29
nashShips should probably generally face right20:29
EpyonThis image is facing LEFT, yes? :
nashEpyon: Left is retrograde motion - so agressive ships/obejcts should face right20:34
nashSo war ships are best facing forward, to give a cowardly look, face right - great for transports20:34
nashScouts should also face right20:34
EpyonOk :)20:35
Epyonpng 24 bit, no alpha channel?20:40
nashPlease... have an alpha channel20:41
nashRGBA 8888 is my preferred format20:41
EpyonThen there will be no reflection on floor...20:41
EpyonI mean RGBA8888 but no alpha data :P20:41
nashYou can still do the reflection20:42
EpyonOr do you want a transparent background?20:42
nashTransparent background20:42
nashAlways ;-)20:42
nashI hate square boxes...20:42
EpyonI'll remove the floor then20:42
nashCan you reflect of a transparent floor?20:42
EpyonProbably yes...20:42
* nash likes to make it hard20:43
EpyonSorry, can't find it :(20:48
EpyonI guess I'll skip the reflections. They will be not visible on 64x64 much anyway20:50
tpb<> (at
nashEpyon: Cool21:10
nashLook good...21:10
* nash notes we need an implementation of mtsec before they can really be tested...21:10
nashCan you link the individual images to the wiki?21:10
EpyonI think I can21:11
EpyonWill try it later21:11
nashAnd then we'll make sure they are in the media archive when mtsec goes gold... or whatever ;-)21:11
EpyonBTW, I'm working on ships for my own game now, I guess I'll be able to provide you the ships for mtsec using the designs I make for you.21:12

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