Sunday, 2007-04-29

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mithrohowdy people01:46
tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-04-29T01:56:24 not replied to.01:58
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tpbnick change by tpb` to tpb on worldforge01:58
mithronash: this is rather intresting
tpbTitle: Cibyl - SpelWiki (at
* nash looks02:54
nashmithro: gjcc makes a hell of a lot more sense02:55
mithronash: I was thinking that :P02:55
mithronash: long sec :P04:33
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mithrohey llnz05:50
llnzhi mithro05:50
mithroyou submit your thesis tommorrow?05:50
mithrollnz: it all done?05:50
llnzin the next 19 hours05:51
mithrollnz: you got/getting it bound?05:51
llnzyeah, just a few little things05:51
llnza few last revisions, print, bound and hand it05:51
llnzmithro: did you see my question/self-discussion earlier about autoadd_players?06:05
llnzany thoughts?06:05
llnzbtw: xdotx emailed me back06:07
nashs = shortly06:16
nashso there mithro06:16
llnzhi nash06:17
nashheyo llnz06:18
nashBTW: I'm a bit confused by your changes to the username stuff06:18
nashWhy only reject '@' as the first character06:18
llnzbecause everything after the first '@' is taken as the game name, and is removed from the username06:19
llnzand if it's the first character, then the username is empty06:19
llnzit doesn't reject the user, marely converts it to '_'06:20
nashRight - so your tokenisation seems a bit strange then06:20
nashShouldn't you split on '@' (if there), then validate?06:21
llnzi am thinking of changing it to use a std::string instead, and then just removing from the last '@', then checking it's length06:23
nashI'd split on the first '@' myself, since it's not a valid username06:25
* llnz wonders if nash has an opinion on autoadd players06:27
nasha) Extremely convienient & b) extremely ugly ;-)06:27
nashPersonally I think it's good for the short term, but the real soluion involves some sort of lobby idea06:28
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nashAn on/off feature on servers is good for now06:57
* nash jsut wants to play a game of mtsec...06:57
nashspeaking of things like that...06:58
nashDystopicFro: ping06:58
* nash pokes DystopicFro with a mallet06:58
llnzwhen i stop breaking persistence, and fix persistence, then I will look at mtsec again06:58
* nash thinks persistence is overrated for now06:59
sijmenis there some kind of goal the TP is working towards, or is just just bugfixing & adding wanted features?07:01
sijmen*the TP project07:01
mithrosijmen: being a full framework for easily building your own turn based space empire game07:01
sijmenokay.. assuming that's the longer term goal, what's the shorter term one?07:02
llnzsupport tp04 protocol07:02
* nash thinks it si MTSec07:02
nashAnd survive SoC07:02
nashllnz: tp04 is a step, not a destination07:03
mithroMTSec is the short term goal07:03
sijmenand just wondering: will the 'turn done' message in tp04 be extensively used or will we be waiting 10 minutes per turn again? it seems that puts of a lot of players07:04
llnztp04 support is my current goal for tpserver-cpp, the mtsec07:04
llnzthen mtsec...07:04
sijmen*puts of -> puts off07:04
nashsijmen: I'll be using turn done ;-)07:04
sijmenhow about idling players?07:05
llnzi hope to support that (as part of tp04)07:05
nashsijmen: If necessary I'll implement it myself in both seervers07:05
nashllnz: it should not be hard.07:05
sijmenidling players? :P07:05
nashThe console command alreasdy works07:05
nashsijmen: turn end07:06
nashAnyway - I'm off for a while again07:06
mithrowe should do a tp map07:16
llnzsorry to all those playing on, about to reset server07:21
CIA-30mithro libtpclient-py-development * r18c31a3e7feb / (.boring .gitignore): Removing darcs .boring and added git .gitignore07:28
sijmenmithro, tp map?07:34
mithroa map with where people are07:35
sijmenah okay07:35
mithrollnz: where is xdotx located?07:36
llnznot sure,  Redmond, Washington i think07:40
CIA-30llnz tpserver-cpp * rcdd6e1a49441 /tpserver/playerconnection.cpp:07:41
CIA-30Fix validating usernames correctly07:41
CIA-30Now uses strings and lenght checks.07:41
llnzxdotx should be on irc later in the week07:54
mithrollnz: okay08:26
sijmenI'm off for vacation!08:26
sijmenbb somewhere between wednesday and saturday depending on the wheater :)08:27
sijmenhave fun08:27
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* llnz wanders off09:24
llnzlater all09:24
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mithrocherez: ping?10:45
cherezmithro: pong?11:11
mithrocherez: you can clean up all the mess in my home directory now11:11
cherezgot the repository migrated, then?11:13
mithroit is all working fine11:15
CIA-30mithro tpclient-pywx-development * rd956803af805 /.gitignore:11:17
CIA-30Ignore the wxversion file.11:17
CIA-30wxversion file lets you choose which version the client should use.11:17
CIA-30mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r97bffbedf9d4 / (6 files in 3 dirs): Fixed [ 1630535 ] tpclient-pywx segfaults if python-imaging is not installed.11:17
mithrocherez: so what are you plans for over summer?11:17
mithrodid you see the new wiki?11:17
mithrothis is Nash's idea for a ruleset
tpbTitle: Traders - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
cherezmithro: not really sure about summer yet12:53
cherezI've been very busy lately12:53
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* nash waves19:14
* nash goes to a meeting19:14
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mithrohowdy peopl.e20:05
mithrochannel is looking a bit empty20:05
cherezit certainly is20:08
mithro~seen xdotx20:10
tpbmithro: xdotx was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 3 days, 16 hours, 11 minutes, and 1 second ago: <xdotx> I'm glad that ruleset Dev Env got accepted, it looks/sounds cool20:10
tpbBug #1709605: Galaxie segfaults when connecting to tpserver-py20:11
mithronash: i'm pretty sure it's tpserver-py doing something wrong, but galaxie shouldn't segfault20:12
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mithroEpyon|S: |S ?21:19
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Epyonuh, thanks :P21:19
nashmithro: Agreed21:36
* nash just got back from super meeting21:36
nashmithro: I'll look into it21:37
nashDystopicFro: *poke*21:38
nashmithro: Is there a version of tpserver-py that is runnign some where?21:38
nash~seen DystopicFro21:45
tpbnash: DystopicFro was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 3 days, 18 hours, 43 minutes, and 45 seconds ago: <DystopicFro> alrighties...g'night all21:45
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DystopicFronash: pong22:15
nashHaven't heard from you in a while.  Just wanted to check how you are?22:19
DystopicFroplugging along, I do apologize if I'm in and out of contact for the time is...ever so loving, and ever so meddling, when I relocate over the summer I should be less flaky22:21
nashJust worried you'd disappeared of the face of the planet22:22
nashIs your code in revision control at all - that would make me feel lots better to see commits ;-)22:23
DystopicFrothat'll pretty much be the first order of business this week for me, I think22:24
nashYou want it on tpserver?22:24
nashAre you comfortable with git?22:24
DystopicFroI've been messing around with git a bit, but I'm not at a level of competency that I'm comfortable with yet, no22:25
nashOkay - so have you time now?22:26
DystopicFrosorry, but nar, I figured that it was beyond time to check in here, though. I'll make time to be here either tomorrow or the next day, though22:27
nashOkay cool22:27
nashI should be available again tomorrow morning from about 9am my time (so in 21 hours from now)22:28
nashAnd I can lead you through the initial import and things22:28
nashIt's not that different from any other RCS system22:28
DystopicFroI'll be around here at about that time, then22:30
nashSweet ;-)22:30
nashAnd I hope you sort your family issues out.  They can be a major stressful concern :-(22:31
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nashmithro: How do I install libtpototo-py23:13
nashAnd when you answer that... can you add it to the README23:13
mithronash: what do you mean by "install"?23:15
nasha) dependancies23:15
nashb) equiv of make install23:15
mithroyou want to run tpserver-py without polluting the system with all the python libaries?23:16
mithro"cg-clone <>/scratchpad; cg-clone <>/libtpproto-py; cg-clone <>/tpserver-py; cd scratchpad; ./"23:17
nashI'm quite happy to pollute /usr/local/.. <some python cruft>23:17
nashI am happy to do an rm -rf on /usr/local if it gives me grief23:18
nashmithro: This needs to be in the readme - for both tpserver and tpproto23:18
mithronash: python cruft doesn't install to /usr/local/.... it install to /usr by default23:20
mithrothe install system of python is a big problem23:20
* nash has one further piece of evidence against python developers23:20
mithronash: i dunno how they managed to get installing soooooo wrong23:21
mithroi think it's because the install system was pretty much developed for a windows/commercial unix standpoint23:22
nashAnd you need to do something about:23:22
nashImportError: No module named sqlalchemy23:22
mithroapt-get install python-sqlalchemy23:23
* mithro should complain about all the dependencies he had to install to get galaxie to make23:24
mithrohad to install some edje_cc or something23:26
nashmithro: It is documented23:29
nashanyway - luhnchies!23:31
nashback soonish23:31

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