Sunday, 2007-04-22

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mithrohey people00:01
nashheyo mithro00:02
mithronash: logs are back :P00:04
nashI use my own ;-)00:07
mithroyour logs don't include the time you are offline :P00:08
mithro~seen cherez00:16
tpbmithro: cherez was last seen in #tp 10 hours, 54 minutes, and 28 seconds ago: * cherez resumes his lab writeup in defeat00:16
Epyon~seen Epyon00:35
tpbEpyon: Epyon was last seen in #tp 1 week, 2 days, 15 hours, 54 minutes, and 29 seconds ago: <Epyon> xD00:35
mithro~seen Epyon00:35
tpbmithro: Epyon was last seen in #tp 1 second ago: <Epyon> o.O00:35
* Epyon 's off to sleep/00:36
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mithroTBBle: ping?03:37
TBBlemithro: pong04:00
mithroTBBle: you possible have an email at your bigworld account :P04:00
TBBleInteresting. I didn't know I had a bigworld account.04:01
mithroTBBle: well then it could have possibly disappeared into thin air :P04:02
TBBleO_O TP moved to git?04:02
mithrowhats your prefered email address?04:02
TBBleFor anything that isn't MF-related, [email protected]04:03
TBBleBeh. Have to go through and recheck out stuff. But at least I've got some practice with git. ^_^04:03
mithroTBBle: should have an email at your normal account now :P04:04
* TBBle waits for fetchmail to do its thing.04:04
mithroTBBle: the email was basically, "Where are you debs" :P04:06
mithroTBBle: we moved to GIT for many reasons04:07
mithrodarcs being unable to checkout our web repository was a major one04:08
TBBleYeah, sorry about that. We just had a milestone at work, so I've been flat out for two weeks, and this weekend was tied up with upgrades at the ISP.04:13
mithroTBBle: just thought I would poke you so it stays somewhere on the top of the TODO list :P04:14
TBBlegit'll make it really easy for me to update the .debs, since I've been playing with git and packaging since LCA, playing with xrandr1.204:15
TBBleIt's still up there, near the top of my 'not-work-related' todo list. It's just that my work-related todo list was too much recently.04:15
TBBleOh, and I was also evaluating Lord Of The Rings Online to see if it was worth buying a Founder's membership. I decided it wasn't. ^_^04:15
TBBlePlus the other thing near the top of my 'not-work-related' todo list is second-life viewer packaging, and that's stalled waiting on a response from their licensing people. ^_^04:17
mithroTBBle: well you shouldn't be having any licensing problems with TP :)04:22
mithroTBBle: well that is cool (re GIT)04:24
TBBleYeah. It'll be good to actually strecth my newfound knowledge into commits that I'll keep.04:27
TBBleAnd I would have had to repull them anyway, since git 1.5 redid how it handles branches and remotes, into a much better system.04:28
TBBleHmm. Is there an order of preference for getting things packaged?04:28
TBBleAh, found my old packaging stuff. I'll start on that I guess.04:29
TBBleHmm. Your gitweb doesn't give cloneing addresses in the summary screen.04:30
mithroTBBle: how do I add it? :P04:32
TBBleDunno. has it. doesn't. ^_^04:33
TBBle"fetch-pack from 'git://' failed."04:34
TBBleOh, wait.04:34
TBBleCopy-paste error on my part04:34
TBBleMuch better04:34
TBBleMeh. I'm gonna have to convert my bzr repo over to git someday, if I ever get around to working on stuff in it again.04:37
mithroTBBle: whats in your repo?04:38
mithroi've been getting good at converting repositories with tailor04:38
TBBleOh yeah. bzrweb's broken, no python module on that server.04:41
TBBleThe only thing in there is libnifi, my library for talking to a Nintendo DS's wireless multiboot protocol.04:41
TBBleOoops, dinner's ready. Back later.04:41
TBBleAs for the URL on the gitweb summary, you'd have to check the gitweb source. Different projects have different things, it might just be an entry in the description file...04:42
mithroTBBle: i've figured it out :P04:44
mithroTBBle: they should all have URL's now04:46
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mithrohey llnz04:54
llnzhi mithro04:54
mithroIRC bot is back :)04:54
* llnz looks at nash's patch05:05
TBBleYup, URLs are there.05:11
mithrodunno how xorg doesn't have .git on it
tpbTitle: git (at
nashllnz: It's not that tricky05:19
nashmithro: They have patched their gitweb (or there is a config options somewhere).  Look at the URLs - they contain .git05:22
mithronash: i know05:22
mithroi can't find a config option05:22
mithroand from what I can see - gitweb should be stripping it alread05:22
llnznash: you will have to tell me how to merge that emailed patch shortly05:23
nashweird then05:23
nashllnz: git-am or git-applymbox05:26
mithrois working for you?05:26
tpbTitle: Git (at
nashYes it works05:28
CIA-17nash tpserver-cpp * rffc770b74f88 /modules/games/minisec/ (build.cpp move.cpp):05:37
CIA-17Minor updates to build and move messages.05:37
CIA-17Build message is now a sentence.05:37
CIA-17Add a reference to the objects new parent on a move order.05:37
llnzcia-bot :-)05:37
llnzbut, in push:05:37
llnzhooks/update: line 11: /tmp/git-update-hook: Permission denied05:37
llnzhooks/update: line 22: /tmp/git-update-hook: Permission denied05:37
mithrollnz: should be fix05:41
llnzi fixed it05:41
llnzjust set g+w on the file /tmp/git-update-hook05:42
llnzno email yet?05:42
nashAny reason why something is being executed out of /tmp?05:45
mithrohavn't found an email script yet05:45
mithronash: it's not - it's been written too05:45
llnzit's not05:45
llnzit's writing a log their05:45
mithroinfact i could probably remove it now05:46
mithroanyone know of a good email log thing for git?05:50
nashhave a look in the contrib directory05:54
nashof git itself05:54
llnzcould someone with a working client log into the tpserver-cpp on and add orders and things please06:01
nashllnz: You have an AI06:02
llnzevery 5 seconds it does a get time remaining?06:05
CIA-17mithro scratchpad * ra33508afde9a /temp: Testing the email.06:07
llnznash: what is the ai up to?06:08
nashSending Seq 16 Type 12 [MsgInsertOrder] Len: 52 [(nil)]06:08
nash** Error: Seq 16: Err 4: No such Order Queue06:08
nashNot much06:08
llnzthanks, will have to fix that06:09
nashtell me when06:12
llnznash: try now06:18
nashending Seq 19 Type 12 [MsgInsertOrder] Len: 56 [(nil)]06:19
nash** Error: Seq 19: Err 4: No such Order Queue06:19
llnzany idea of the contents of the frame?06:19
llnz(in particular the objectid/orderqueueid)06:20
llnztry again06:21
nashllnz: A fleet06:22
nashNope, sorry 0 it;s aplanet06:23
llnzworking this time?06:23
nashnot then06:23
nash** Error: Seq 19: Err 4: No such Order Queue06:24
nashbe back later06:26
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sijmenmorning all!06:30
sijmenmithro, ping06:31
mithrosijmen: pong!06:31
sijmenEven though 404 is handled nicely, I still get a connection refused errro, with title "network error".. so I found all instances of those and put a stacktrace call there06:32
sijmenNow I do have a stacktrace but it's not useful at al06:32
sijmenJust a sec and I'll pastebin06:33
sijmenoh no :|06:34
mithrosijmen: ?06:34
sijmenit seems like it's a legitimate error06:35
sijmen :/06:36
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at
sijmenI didn't notice that first line before06:36
llnzsorry that demo1 is not up yet06:37
sijmenI'm getting the same for demo206:37
llnzdemo2 has never run yet06:38 is running06:38
llnzbut i'm reseting it fairly often06:38
sijmenah okay06:38
llnzin fact, even it's down right now (while i fix a bug)06:40
llnztricky bug06:42
CIA-17mithro scratchpad * rd0a1e30bb7f9 /temp: Another test of the email script.06:46
mithrosijmen: i'm not quite sure the problem?06:47
mithroyou are connecting to a server which doesn't exist and you are getting a connection refused error?06:48
sijmenyeah that's where the 'oh no' came from, only now I realize it had nothing to do with the media thing ;(06:49
llnzok, is going again06:50
mithrosijmen: it should be pretty trival to get a local tpserver-cpp working :P06:51
sijmenThat might be more than a good idea :)06:52
sijmenWhere to get what media seems to be client-side coded.. is that correct?06:52
llnztp04 the server tells the client where the media is06:53
CIA-17mithro scratchpad * rbd60d53cb525 /temp: More commits to test email...06:54
mithrohrm - I don't think I like this script :/06:57
CIA-17mithro scratchpad * ra0551714c2dc /temp: More testing :(06:57
llnzsijmen: are you working on the broken media in tpclient-pywx?06:59
mithrollnz: what do you think of the cvs emails?06:59
llnznot good06:59
llnzdoesn't say what repo, or what files07:00
mithrollnz: the latest one - not the first 207:00
llnzoh, hasn't arrived yet07:00
llnzhave it now07:02
llnzwould be nice to have first line of log in subject, and a diff in the body07:03
mithrollnz: I think modifying the cia bot script would be easier07:03
mithrothis produces 1 patch per push07:03
mithrorather then 1 patch per commit07:03
sijmenllnz, yup07:03
llnzmithro: ok, i would like them 1 email/cia update per commit07:04
llnzsijmen: what is the media repo url?07:04
mithrothe media repo is currently down07:04
* llnz thought so07:05
mithrosijmen is fixing up the error handling when the media repo is down07:06
llnzah, cool07:06
llnzdo you have the media repo somewhere?07:06
mithrollnz: you mean a copy of it?07:07
mithro modules/games/minisec/build.cpp |    2 +-07:07
mithro modules/games/minisec/move.cpp  |    8 ++++++--07:07
mithro 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)07:07
mithroa message like that would be okay for me07:08
llnzi guess that would be fine07:08
llnzyeah, a copy07:08
llnzperferably of the svn master07:09
* llnz really needs working adding orders in a client07:09
mithrollnz: yes - I have a copy of the svn database07:11
mithrollnz: you want to work on the email script?07:14
sijmenfunction_name or functionname?07:14
llnzmithro: i could have a look07:15
mithrosijmen: what ever is already used in the file :P07:15
sijmenhaha okay07:15
mithrollnz: maybe what nash used to generate that email to the list would be good to use07:23
mithrosijmen: how are you going?07:26
mithrollnz: with the attached diff?07:28
llnzthe diff isn't that important, really07:28
mithroit's useful07:28
llnzsometimes, but gitweb and cg-log can give it07:29
mithromaybe a link to the diff?07:29
llnzthat would be cool07:30
sijmenmithro, updated() is fixed, getfile() is trying to get a modified date from the header07:30
tpb<> (at
sijmenclose to done.07:30
mithrothat link shouldn't be to hard to generate07:30
mithrosijmen: cool!07:30
mithrothis link works better07:32
tpb<> (at
mithronash: ping?07:35
mithrollnz: you don't seem to have done the cronjobs yet?07:36
llnzi haven't because i'm not sure if the repos are getting updated yet07:37
sijmenhow to get a diff of all files under the current working directory? (ie, recursive)07:42
llnzin git? cg-diff07:43
llnz(or git-diff07:43
sijmenI've done that but I only get diffs for files in the current directory, not of files in subdirs of the current dir07:43
mithrocg-status ?07:46
sijmenoops.. changes were in different repos ;)07:47
llnzmithro: web update cron job in place, first run in 10 minutes07:50
mithrosijmen: hehe :P07:50
llnzmithro: just ran it manually, seems fine07:52
mithrollnz: okay07:52
llnzi don't think the repo checkouts get update though07:53
sijmenmithro, I pretty much think I'm done07:54
mithrosijmen: cool07:54
sijmengit-format-patch --stdout doesn't print anything07:59
mithrosijmen: you commited it?08:05
tpb<> (at
sijmenno, I'm not sure whether the quality is okay..08:06
* sijmen is away for foo08:06
sijmen*food :P08:06
mithrosijmen: looks okay08:15
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llnzhi niphree08:20
sijmenmithro, okay, how to commit?08:21
sijmenneed to set my username first, right?08:21
mithrogit format-patch --stdout --keep-subject --attach origin | git imap-send08:22
mithroi think08:22
* mithro pokes nash with something sharp and pointy08:22
sijmen"git-format-patch --stdout --keep-subject --attach origin" seems to do nothing at all08:23
mithrosijmen: hrm :/08:24
mithrollnz: almost got a new email script08:41
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mithrowouldn't happen to know how to get the users name from /etc/passwd?08:42
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brlcadman 3 getpwent08:43
mithrobrlcad: thanks!08:43
mithroverbal:/git/scratchpad.git# getpwent08:44
mithrobash: getpwent: command not found08:44
brlcadsection 3 .. api :)08:44
brlcadi presumed you meant code08:44
mithrobrlcad: no in bash :P08:45
brlcadgetpwnam() and friends08:45
brlcadah, well just grep username /etc/passwd :)08:45
llnzthe username or the user's real name?08:46
llnzgrep and cut, i think08:47
brlcadthere's also finger08:48
mithrogrep tim /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f 5 | cut -d',' -f 108:48
mithrothat seems to work08:48
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mithro_JLP_: having connection troubles?08:52
brlcadif you need to be unique, grepping tim will get a lot more potentially -- you may want "^tim:"08:54
mithrobrlcad: thanks08:55
brlcadalso, that's not a portable cut if you need portability -- some passwd's have additional fields between the real name and the username08:55
llnzit only has to run on one host08:57
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CIA-17mithro scratchpad * r09f81bdef714 / White space change.09:11
CIA-17mithro scratchpad * rf2e07733dd96 / (temp temp2):09:11
CIA-17Another email test.09:11
CIA-17Added some temporary files to do the testing.09:11
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llnzinteresting email09:14
mithrollnz: which one?09:19
llnzhas two commits in it09:20
llnzthe lastest to tp-cvs09:20
mithrollnz: so which one do we prefer09:20
mithrollnz: the last commit should have produced 3 emails09:20
llnzat GMT 13:11?09:21
mithroSubject: [tp-cvs] scratchpad - White space change.09:23
mithroSubject: [tp-cvs] scratchpad branch master, updated.09:23
mithroSubject: [tp-cvs] scratchpad - Another email test.09:23
mithrothe 2 "scratchpad -" are from the new script09:24
mithrothe other one is from the old script09:24
mithronash: ping?09:24
llnzthe new script is better09:24
brlcadahh, lazy sunday ..
mithrollnz: okay can you try a push to tpserver-cpp?09:28
llnzmithro: i don't have anything to push atm09:29
mithrobrlcad: he he okay09:29
brlcadif you still have a need, that should be a fully portable means to get the real user's name09:29
brlcadat least for non-windows platforms09:29
llnzi have a massive commit coming, but i need tpclient-pywx fixed so i can test it09:29
mithrollnz: which fix?09:29
llnzbug 170520509:30
llnzor the bug in python-avahi09:30
sijmenllnz, need hte media bug fixed?09:30
llnzbut you might as well fix 1705205, so that stable tpclient-pywx can add orders09:31
llnzsijmen: nope09:31
sijmensf took waaay to long to open :P09:31
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx * r1ef03b24456d /windows/
CIA-17Fixed bug [ 1705205 ] Can not add orders.09:34
CIA-17Was caused by libtpproto-py becoming more strict in it's processing.09:34
mithrollnz: give that a try09:35
llnzdidn't help09:47
llnzmaybe the xstruct for the order type has I instead of S for the slot number?09:48
mithrowhat type of order are you trying to insert?09:48
llnzwas a build order, will check others now09:49
llnzall types fail09:49
mithrowhat about a move?09:49
llnzall types fail, including move09:50
mithrocan you change09:51
mithroline 483 in winOrder09:51
mithroargs = [-1, self.oid, slot, type, -1, []]09:51
mithroargs = [-1, self.oid, slot, type, 0, []]09:52
mithroI don't have a tpserver-cpp locally atm09:53
llnznope, no change09:53
llnzthat looks better09:56
llnznote that tpserver-cpp might be refusing orders currently09:56
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CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx * r3685e52f1426 /windows/
CIA-17Really fix [ 1705205 ] Can not add orders.10:01
CIA-17Two more places places where the stricter checking has caught errors.10:01
mithrollnz: give that a try10:03
mithroi like git-cherry-pick :P10:04
mithrosijmen: so, where do be this email?10:05
llnzcool, that works10:05
llnzit also appears that tpserver-cpp is working as well10:06
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r54b7b6e3f2b6 /windows/
CIA-17Fixed bug [ 1705205 ] Can not add orders.10:06
CIA-17Was caused by libtpproto-py becoming more strict in it's processing.10:06
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r724ae6160423 /windows/
CIA-17Really fix [ 1705205 ] Can not add orders.10:06
CIA-17Two more places places where the stricter checking has caught errors.10:06
CIA-17llnz tpserver-cpp * r8e9cc1816828 /tpserver/ (orderqueue.cpp orderqueue.h): Added setAllowedOrderTypes, sometimes easier to use than add and remove10:07
llnzbtw, your planet xstruct must be wrong because it doesn't unpack the resources correctly10:09
llnzmissing an uint32 in the list maybe?10:09
llnzwill try to make big commit tomorrow night10:11
mithro        substruct = "j[jjj]"10:11
llnz15 files, 358 adds, 297 removes currently10:11
mithro        *  a SInt32, the id of the player who "owns" this planet or -1 if not owned or unknown10:11
mithro        * a list of,10:11
mithro                * a UInt32, the resource id10:11
mithro                * a UInt32, the units of this resource on the "surface"10:11
mithro                * a UInt32, the maximum units of this resource remaining which are minable10:11
mithro                * a UInt32, the maximum units of this resource remaining which are inaccessable10:11
llnzthat looks right10:11
llnzoh, yeah, four uint32 in the list, you only have three10:12
llnzi'm off10:14
* llnz wanders off10:14
llnzlater all10:14
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CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx * rc8318806e543 /windows/
CIA-17Added support for displaying resources.10:30
CIA-17A quick hack so that information about resources on planets is now looked10:30
CIA-17up and displayed in a human format.10:30
sijmenmithro, just did a dist-upgarde.. it's coming up10:32
mithrosijmen: okay cool10:32
sijmenI shouldn't have enabled the GL desktop though, Gnome is acting weird now :P10:33
mithrosijmen: i'm going to head to bed10:36
mithrosijmen: if you any good on writing user manuals, the manual could use a bit of work :P10:36
sijmengood night then10:38
sijmennah got some school work to do :)10:38
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sijmenMy  mail came through? (just checking to be sure)13:51
sijmenyay it appears it did13:57
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cherez'lo everyone14:31
tpbcherez: <mithro> anyone know how to get find to remove all files which are older then 7 days? // <cherez> crap // <cherez> I tried to google to help that // <cherez> thinking to search a man page // <cherez> "find older man" // <cherez> it was bad :( // <cherez> real bad...14:31
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sijmenquitting for the night.. seeya16:47
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mithrocherez: ping?19:10
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mithrocherez: ping?20:23
nashmithro: Did you sort out the patch issue last night?20:30
cherezmtihro: pong20:40
mithrocherez: tunnel still down20:43
mithronash: which patch issue?20:43
nashGenerating the emailed patch20:45
nashYou said you had problems with git-format-patch last night20:47
mithronash: i was hoping you new how to get it to include the first line of the patch in the email too20:50
mithrothe web conversion finished successfully20:51
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nashshortly - setting up a new machine :-/20:56
cherezmithro: the tunnel should be up now21:04
mithrocherez: thanks21:04
cherezdid you see us on bash?21:04
mithrocherez: yes21:04
* mithro is very lagged atm21:05
mithros/very/very very/21:05
mithrocherez: not having much luck :/21:07
chereztry again?21:12
mithroworking now21:13
cherezI feel very inclined to rewrite this tunnel program21:14
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mithrocherez: put it in a while loop? :P21:26
mithrocherez: do you mind if I do a big upload now?21:26
mithro141 mb21:26
jothambash, while, ssh + keys = win21:26
jothamor ssh agent i guess21:26
jothammind you nash will abuse me for promoting bash :p21:27
nashjotham: Spoken like a true person who never used zsh ;-)21:29
jothamthat's it21:30
jothammanifold:30531# apt-get install zsh21:30
jothamit's on now21:30
cherezmithro: that's fine21:39
nashjotham: Give in to the darkside... it's tab completion makes bash's look like the pale imitation it is21:39
cherezI've got at least a gig to spare21:39
nashAnd you save 1 keystroke when typing your shell name ;-)21:39
mithronash: eta on git web repository - 30 minutes21:52
nashrsyncing it up I take it?21:54
mithronash: compressed tarballing it up21:55
mithronash: what was the compact command again?21:55
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Epyonyo :)21:56
nashgit-repack -a -d21:57
* nash wonders if he can get tpb to answer that question21:58
EpyonShould I take that as a "hello"? :P21:58
nashEpyon: yes21:58
jothammanifold% echo $SHELL22:12
nashWelcome to the 21st century22:17
mithroweb repository is 126M22:22
mithronash: could you clone it a bit later?22:24
cherezmithro: get it done?22:24
mithrocherez: appears to look goot22:26
Epyonmithro, nash, anything I can be of service?22:27
EpyonIf you wont set uop that wiki I'll do it myself dammit.22:28
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mithroEpyon: paitences :P22:32
mithroor however you spell it :P22:32
Epyonmithro, don't worry, I never know how to spell that anyway :P22:33
nashEpyon: You saw the art list?22:34
Epyonnash, no? :D22:34
mithronash: website is now running from the git repository22:36
nashmithro: Sweet...22:37
nashEpyon: give me a minute...22:38
nashI'm not sure what the URL is22:38
nashmithro: I can't vlone it22:39
nashInitialized empty Git repository in .git/22:39
nashFetching pack (head and objects)...22:39
nashremote: Generating pack...22:39
nashremote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side.22:39
nashfatal: early EOF22:39
nashfatal: index-pack died with error code 12822:39
nashcg-fetch: fetching pack failed22:39
mithronash: what does it say?22:39
nashmithro: Is the mtsec art page up somewhere?22:40
nashmithro: The error is just above22:40
nashCan you clone it?22:40
mithrowhat command are you running?22:40
nashcg-clone git://
mithronash: can clone locally22:41
mithrojust about to test a remote clone22:41
CIA-17root web * r6d3ce4a8592b / (9 files in 3 dirs):22:42
CIA-17Minor updates to fix things for GIT.22:42
CIA-17Added executable bits on scripts.22:42
CIA-17Added .keepme file so that empty directory still exists.22:42
* mithro beats himself with a stick22:44
mithronash: is there a way to get cg to work on a bare repository?22:44
nashGIT_DIR=. cg-<blah> should work22:45
nashEpyon: email?22:47
nashI'll email you the art doc for now.  Get you a proper link later22:48
Epyon[email protected].22:49
mithroit complains :/22:50
nashYou should have mail22:50
* mithro did it the hard way22:50
nashmithro: So can you clone locally?22:50
mithronash: yes22:50
nashDo you need to touch a file or something?22:51
mithronash: i thought i had already22:52
mithroonce I install cg one another machine I can test :P22:53
*** duncanm has joined #tp22:54
* Epyon got mail. Epyon will go throgh it once he sobers up.22:54
duncanmis it true that you guys have a wrapper for the zeroconf stuff to make it work for both avahi and bonjour?22:54
EpyonI still think that a wiki would be better suited for that :P22:55
mithrothis is bad22:57
mithroduncanm: yes!22:57
mithro(well in python)22:57
mithro"remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side" :/22:57
* Epyon wants a EliteSec with a cool client.22:58
EpyonDid you take a GSOC'er with a client?22:58
mithro"fatal: Out of memory? mmap failed: Bad file descriptor" :/22:58
duncanmmithro: that's awesome, where can i find out more about it?22:58
mithroduncanm: well it's not seperate22:59
mithroand it's still very limited22:59
mithrobut it works well enough :)23:00
mithroduncanm: check out libtpproto-py23:01
mithroand then look in the tp/netlib/discover directory23:01
* Epyon wants a EliteSec with a cool client.23:02
* Epyon wants a EliteSec with a cool client.23:07
* mithro beats Epyon with a stick23:08
* Epyon beats mithro with a stick23:09
*** duncanm has left #tp23:11
nashanyway - lunch time23:41
nashtalk to you all soon23:41

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