Tuesday, 2007-02-27

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mithrohowdy people01:10
nashmithro: So any luck with my bug?01:15
mithroi think Lee decided to go to eb01:15
mithros/eb/bed instead/01:15
nashDid he fix the fencepost error I reported at least?01:17
nashmithro: So was there any update on the homeworld issue - is there an official way of doing it?01:27
* nash wants to make it so hitting 'Home' goes to your homeworld01:27
mithrojust the resource that the server has01:29
nashSo no official - documented way of doing it?01:32
* nash doesn't want to rely on server specific features01:32
nashAnyway - about to go to lunch01:35
mithronash: well at the moment you kind of have to, MiniSec document doesn't define orders or similar01:35
nashmithro: You should report that as a bug then...01:36
nashOr at least make sure mtsec reports it01:36
* nash will do it01:37
mithroanyway got to run01:57
mithrosee ya!01:57
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mithronash: ping?04:18
nashhow is going mithro?04:18
mithronash: could you try something? set a move order with the current position as the destination04:19
nashblerg - not easily04:19
nashCurrently the only orders that get submitted are by the AI04:20
nashI don't have a UI for setting moves04:20
nashI can try it in the pyton client I suppose, but that is painfully slow over the network (and I can't install it on this machine natively)04:20
mithrohrm, you can't with the python client :/04:21
nashokay I'll make a hack to always set dest to current location04:22
nashHmm... tpserver is segfaulting on me04:24
* nash knew he should have tested it after upgrading last night04:24
nashgive me a few minutes04:24
mithronash: okay04:26
nashhmm... tpserver doesn't compile out of the box anymore...04:26
mithrowhats happening? did you re-run autogen.sh and ./configure?04:27
nash../../../tpserver/object.h:65: error: `uint32_t' was not declared in this scope04:27
* nash blows away some configure crap and tries again04:28
mithronash: that error looks very weird04:28
nashNot that weird04:29
nashJust a screw up with includes04:29
* nash notes it happens all the time when people use configuree04:29
nashmuch better04:30
nashokay runhnign with "order = move to here" on fleets (all 1 of them...)04:30
mithroi want to know if you are getting the same behaviour you where getting with colonise04:31
nashSeems to do nothing04:31
nashActually wait a while..04:33
nashneed to remember turns are not 10s on this server04:33
nashMessage is: Board 1 Slot 2 Turn 204:33
nash  Subject: Move order complete04:33
nash  Body: The move order is complete on this object04:33
nashSeems to do nothing04:33
nashI'll let it run a few iterations04:33
mithrocan you try a position about 5 units in any direction?04:34
nashI can.  Do you think it is going to prove anything?04:36
* nash notes you guys need a test harness... or a more sophisticated game so you can get people playing...04:36
mithroI think I know what is causing your weirdness04:36
mithro(we atleast part of your weirdness)04:36
mithronash: I agree we need a test hardness04:37
nashWell I just got it going in the wrong direction on a colonise order.04:37
nashNo, I take that back04:38
nashI misread it04:38
mithroi'm currently looking for an object which has arrived at the destination but still has a velocity04:38
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nashMaybe that should be the next comp...04:40
* nash personally thinks you need force yourselves to sit down and play a full game of minisec.04:41
mithronash: I agree04:41
jothami have been researching childrens games/websites/portals for the last 2 days at work, it is quite disapointing what is out there for them04:44
jothambut this one thing is pretty cool, lego haev a tool that let you build/design a model in 3D then you can purchase your model and they will send it to you as a kit, including a glossy box with an image of the model on it04:44
mithrojotham: i heard about that a while go, it sounded pretty cool then too :)04:45
jothamam trying to find examples of things that go beyond websites, i.e. that have real world parts to them04:46
jothambut there is very little04:46
mithrowhat do you mean "real world parts"04:46
jothamfor instance there is one site that has a blue-tooth enabled tamagotchi device (virtual pet) that you must let 'play' online with other virtual pets (and can breed) but you have to exercise in real life by taking it for a walk (i assume it has a gyro in it like a pedometer)04:48
mithronash: i forgot how slow the stable version of tpclient-pywx was04:51
nashmithro: Very slow.04:51
nashVery very very slow04:52
nashAnd hard to use04:52
mithrohard to use I remeber04:52
mithrowell I found atleast 1 bug04:54
nashSo anyway - when is MTSec coming out... it looks interesting ;-)04:56
* nash wants to have a fully usable client for that04:56
mithronash: i'm hoping 6 months :) but it's likely to be 1204:57
nashWhat needs to be done still?04:58
* nash wants to push TP, as it has done a lot already, and it can get to a good state04:58
nashDo you have a plan? A tasklist?  People assigned to do X?04:58
nashWithout that you can s/months/years/ on your past estimate04:59
mithronash: pushing is good, I'm not very good at pushing04:59
* nash volunteers to kick some heads05:00
* nash actually kicks some heads to get the right to kick some heads05:00
mithrocurrent plan, Step 1: Finish AI Competition, Step 2: Impliment Protocol 0.4 using MTSec as a test05:00
mithroin C++, how does on call a function on an object instance?05:01
nash() is invoke in C & C++05:01
mithroyou use -> even when it's not a pointer?05:01
nashIf it's not a pointer use .05:02
mithroIE "Vector3d vel" ?05:02
mithrookay, thats what I expected05:02
jothamis't it -> for a pointer and . for a reference05:02
nash(You can also do (*object).method if you want to avoid -> on pointers05:02
nash. is also (and traditionally) for value, reference looks like value05:03
mithroisn't object->method syntaxtic sugar for (*object).method ?05:03
* nash hates reference syntax05:03
nashmithro: Yep05:03
jothamif you use the proper, and kinda verbose casting syntax you can save those risks afaik05:03
jothamscroll down to just before "dynamic_cast" and it lists the various cast types for C++ http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/typecasting.html05:04
tpb<http://ln-s.net/JMt> (at www.cplusplus.com)05:05
jothamok, going home, bbiab05:05
mithronash: was your problem that objects that arrived at a destination still had a velocity?05:05
nashNo, they got a new velocity05:05
nashThey headed of in a bogus direction - always one of the 4 cardinals, or between the cardinals05:05
mithroin the direction you use to be heading?05:06
mithro(or inverse?)05:06
mithroyou sure the objects where are the same position?05:08
mithroIE a planet is slightly different coords to a system05:08
nashLook at my dump in the bug report05:10
nashYou can see where the ship was 1 turn ago - when it began it's strange intergalatic jaunt05:10
CIA-20[email protected] * tpserver-cpp/ (9 files in 2 dirs): Set the velocity to zero when arriving somewhere.05:10
TBBleWait. C++ casts are ugly to discourage their use. What're you trying to use them to avoid?05:11
mithronash: it may be related to that bug, can you see if that fixes it?05:11
nashmithro: okay05:12
nashgive me 10 minutes05:12
nash(this work thing you know)05:12
mithroLee will most probably kick me for that implimentation :)05:12
nashmithro: Can you give me a summary of the state of mtsec, and the tp04 protocol design.05:13
nashprobably email or something05:13
nashmithro: Take a few minutes to see the results05:14
* nash restarts with 10s turns05:16
mithrookay I'll probably do the summary during my Comms IV lecture :)05:16
* nash wants to get you guys a plan05:16
nashAnd see mt sec before 200805:17
mithroanyway must head to Comms 405:19
mithromight not have wireless there so i might not be back till I get home05:19
nashmithro: Nope - didn;t fix it05:19
nashWant the dump?05:19
mithronash: yes05:19
nashObject ID 299 Type 4 Name: 'A Fleet'05:19
nash        Size 205:19
nash        { x = -319767296, y = -1572175000, z = 0 }05:19
nash        { dx = 200000000, dy = 0, dz = 0 }05:19
nash        0 children:05:19
nash        5 orders: 3 1 0 4 505:19
nash        1 current orders05:19
nash        OrderSlot 0 Type[ 3]: Colonise05:19
nash        Turns: 21  Resources: 005:19
nashColonising object 36:05:19
nashObject ID 36 Type 3 Name: 'Cassious' Shadow 5'05:19
nash        Size 205:19
nash        { x = -519767296, y = -1572175000, z = 0 }05:19
nash        { dx = 0, dy = 0, dz = 0 }05:20
nash        0 children:05:20
nash        0 orders:05:20
mithrocan you tell me the position of the object you are trying to colonise?05:20
nash        0 current orders05:20
nashEnd col05:20
* nash tells mithro to look at what I just pasted again... ;-)05:20
mithroi'm lagged :)05:20
jothambut then lots of C++ coders have racist-toned statements to make about all the *_cast methods05:21
jothamoh TBBle already proved that point05:21
mithrois squarerooting 0 safe?05:21
jothamTBBle: prejudiced05:21
TBBleOooooh kaaaaay.... *bizarred*05:22
jothama lot of C++ coders do have prejudical things to say about the various *_cast methods05:23
TBBleThat'd be because of all the warnings and gotchas attached to them in The C++ Programming Language, I should think.05:24
jothamright, which is all i was trying to say :p05:24
jothambut i also notice the same people tend to have things to say about pointers too05:25
TBBleAnd it doesn't answer my question, which was what were you suggesting using them to avoid?05:25
jothamavoiding using -> on pointers, something nash said05:25
* jotham shrugs05:25
jothami have a cold and don't claim to be an expert on C++, but i've seen plenty of prejudical things said about most of the languages features05:26
TBBleWhy would you avoid using -> on pointers? For that matter, I'm not clear how typecasting can fix that.05:26
mithroa divide by zero is bad right?05:26
* jotham shrugs05:26
jothamyeah a divide by zero is bad05:26
mithronash: do you ever get this when trying to colonise something in the same system?05:27
mithrois assert part of C++?05:27
jothamyou can use assert in C++ yeah05:27
TBBlejotham: I think you're casting too wide a net in your aspersions. I'm desperately unfond of _casts, although obviously they're better than C-style casts, but lurve pointers. ^_^05:28
mithrowhat do you need to include to get it?05:28
TBBle<assert.h> I think.05:28
TBBleAnyway, if the language designer writes a book that attaches a lot of warnings and gotchas to a particular feature, people who aren't prejudiced against them are either very expert, or have missed the point. (Or haven't read the book ^_^)05:29
jothamnaah, people also pass prejudices on without questioning them05:29
TBBleLanguage features are not people, they are allowed to be considered ugly, second-class, or a bad idea.05:29
TBBlejotham: That's true, but not what I said.05:30
jothamanyway, i have a cold and you seem to be quite excited by the topic05:31
jothami have no opinion on the _cast, was just providing it during the topic of C++05:31
TBBleI'm a bit worried when you've somehow conflated racisism with prejudice with aesthetics of language feature use, particularly when I've recently enjoyed a couple of days fixing 32-bit assumptions caused by excessive typecasting.05:32
TBBleWell, not a couple of days. Day and a half.05:32
jothamit was an offhand remark, i apologise for making it05:32
jothami'll remember not to be silly in here05:32
mithronash: can you paste the stuff between05:33
mithro2007-02-27 16:03:09 < Info  > End Of Turn started05:33
mithro2007-02-27 16:03:09 < Debug > Moving 48746 at 500000000 speed05:33
mithro2007-02-27 16:03:09 < Debug > IGObject::setNumOrders05:33
mithro2007-02-27 16:03:09 < Debug > Container object 1005:33
mithro2007-02-27 16:03:09 < Debug > Adding service 'Tpserver-cpp'05:33
mithro2007-02-27 16:03:09 < Info  > End Of Turn finished05:33
TBBleAnyway, I initially asked because I'm also not an expert, and was suddenly worried about the 'risks' you mentioned, but I couldn't see in the backlog.05:33
nashmithro: I have NFI.05:34
nashI may have05:34
nashmithro: Looking now05:35
nashBlerg - which one do you want?05:35
nashmithro: There is a lot here - there are quite a few objects on teh map at this point05:36
nashDo you want me to paste the whole thing?05:37
* nash pokes mithro05:39
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mithronash: ping?05:57
nashDo you want the big paste?  Or shall I mail you or something?05:58
mithro[16:23] <mithro> nash: can you try the following,05:58
mithro[16:24] <mithro> change line 193 of object.cpp from if (futureposIsEnd) {  to if (!futureposIsEnd) {05:58
mithro[16:26] <mithro> and try again?05:58
mithrotry that first05:59
* nash notes that wasn't in this channel05:59
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mithrofencepost error?06:00
nashThe off-by-one error I reported last night as well06:01
mithronash: does changing line 193 fix your problem?06:03
mithroi'm mainly after the " 2007-02-27 16:03:09 < Debug > Moving 48746 at 500000000 speed" lines06:03
nashmithro: Sorry - work interfereing with debugging06:06
mithronash: that okay06:07
nashmithro: Nope06:08
nashStill screwed06:08
nash2007-02-27 17:10:10 < Info  > End Of Turn started06:08
nash2007-02-27 17:10:10 < Debug > IGObject::setNumOrders06:08
nash2007-02-27 17:10:10 < Debug > Moving 3894967296 at 200000000 speed06:08
nash2007-02-27 17:10:10 < Debug > velo [0, -200000000, 0]06:08
nash2007-02-27 17:10:10 < Debug > Moving 4294967296 at 200000000 speed06:08
nash2007-02-27 17:10:10 < Debug > velo [0, -200000000, 0]06:08
nash2007-02-27 17:10:10 < Debug > Container object 106:08
nash2007-02-27 17:10:10 < Debug > Container object 106:08
nash2007-02-27 17:10:10 < Info  > End Of Turn finished06:08
mithrohrm, and those 2000* are the wrong bits?06:19
mithronash: well have to head home now06:20
mithrowill have some more commits for you when I get home06:20
nashokay - I'll be leaving shortly too06:21
nashDon't forget to fix that off by one errror06:21
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mithroopps no nash07:14
mithro~seen nash07:16
tpbmithro: nash was last seen in #tp 55 minutes and 2 seconds ago: <nash> Don't forget to fix that off by one errror07:16
jasminenash was seen 55 minutes and 2 seconds ago.07:16
CIA-20[email protected] * tpserver-cpp/ (12 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)07:29
CIA-20Fix the previous patch so it works.:07:29
CIA-20 Previous Patch:07:29
CIA-20 - Tried to fixed updatePosition so when an object arrives somewhere it's07:29
CIA-20 velocity is set to zero (this patch finishes the previous07:29
CIA-20 one)07:29
CIA-20 This Patch:07:29
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mithro(18:32:31) Mithro: yes08:04
mithro(18:32:39) Lee: the latest patched didn't fix a problem, btw08:04
mithro(18:32:49) Mithro: both patches?08:04
mithro(18:33:21) Lee: yes, the velocity should still be set, the velocity is how far it travelled in the last turn08:04
mithro(18:33:33) Mithro: no, velocity is the current heading08:04
mithro(18:34:26) Mithro: 3 by Int64, velocity of object08:04
mithro(18:34:35) Mithro: not previous velocity of object08:04
llnzi guess it could go either way, but my interpretation of it was always the difference from the previous position08:06
mithrowell thats the interpration the client has always used08:07
mithrowhats the use of the previous velocity?08:08
llnztells you were it was last turn, and were it's likely to be next turn08:08
mithrobut if it's stopped thats a bit of a misnomer?08:09
llnzit depends a little on when the EOT is...08:10
llnzoh well08:10
llnzif you want it that way then fine08:10
mithroif there is an advantage of your intpretation, maybe we should do it that way?08:11
mithroyou would know what the previous position from the previous turn?08:13
llnzthe advantage was that it was cheap to figure out and didn't need to be calculated and set separately08:13
mithrollnz: i'm assuming you don't like the patch's solution?08:14
llnzit works, it makes it work that way around, i supose it's what i would do08:17
mithrollnz: the debugging I added should help us figure out nash's bug too08:19
mithroI would like to add similar debugging to the other orders08:19
llnztpserver-cpp does not exist to debug clients08:20
llnzit would make it very slow, even with log messages to info and above08:20
mithrollnz: but from what I'm seeing, its a tpserver-cpp bug, not a bug with his client08:20
llnzok, you can add it i suppose08:21
llnzwhat was the refactoring you hinted at earlier?08:21
mithrowell the following bug exists, Ship A (single frigate) is 1 Turn away from Planet it's trying to colonise, Enemy Ship B is 1 Turn away from defending the Planet08:21
mithroWhat will happen will depend on the object ids,08:21
mithroif Ship A is a lower id, it will arrive and colonise the planet, Enemy Ship B arrives and has combat with an Enemy Planet08:21
mithroif Enemy Ship B is a lower id, it will arrive and see an empty planet, then it will have combat with Ship A08:21
llnzEOT processing.....08:21
mithrohow I would like it to work is the following,08:22
mithro Collect all x orders, preform all x orders08:22
mithro Collect all y orders, preform all y orders08:22
llnzis this for minisec, or all possible games?08:23
mithrowell - that was the other refactor, move all order collection and processing to the game module08:25
mithros/game/minisec or mtsec/08:25
llnzwell, i have been thinking about it, but i'm a little unsure about it08:25
llnzjust what sort of control should the rulesets have08:26
mithroso for example, Minisec most probably makes sense to do it the following order, <doCombat><Move><Intercept><updatePositions><doCombat><Colonise>08:26
llnzand if and what the core should do itself, and was interfaces, etc08:26
llnztwo lots of DoCombat?08:27
mithrowell, if objects are at the same position before a move, they should probably do combat? and if they end up at the same location they should do combat to?08:28
llnzso if two scout fleets are at the same place, they should fight twice each turn?08:29
mithrollnz: not sure - maybe combat always occurs after move?08:29
llnzthat sounds better, or fleets (like scouts) have to fight twice before a move order can take them away08:30
mithrobut its a game module issue?08:30
llnzyes, i guess so08:32
mithrollnz: so would you be happy with a patch which does that - IE moves the processing to the modules and do the ordertypes seperately?08:33
mithroor do you wish to do that yourself?08:34
mithro(any patch would have to be cleared by you - like the libltdl stuff)08:34
llnzi would like to do it myself08:35
llnzfirst i would move the current EOT out to the game modules, the fix it from there08:35
mithroso how long is it going to take you to do it is the next question?08:35
mithrowell some EOT is common (ie the frame sending)08:36
llnzcan i do 0.4.1 first?08:36
mithrollnz: it's probably a good idea08:36
llnzi need to sit down and figure out what's common, etc08:36
mithroI think the updatePosition and similar are common - but when it's called is pretty much module specific08:37
llnzyeah, so have to think about how to do it, nicely08:37
mithrohe he okay08:39
mithroon a side note, can we run something over tpserver-cpp to fix the formatting?08:39
llnzEOT in tpserver-cpp is currently 139 lines long and is around order (2n + n^2)08:40
llnzmithro: i try to update it as i touch things, same with int -> uint32_t, etc08:40
mithrollnz: tpserver-py is order (x*n)08:41
mithrocombat is done by building a set(position)(list of object ids)08:42
mithropreforming combat when the list of object ids > 008:43
mithros/> 1/08:43
mithrowhich is only order(2n) (n to build the map then n to iterate over the list)08:44
mithro(but expensive in terms of memory)08:46
mithrollnz: I would like to figure out nash's bug before 0.4.1?08:47
llnzso would i08:47
mithrohopefully we can figure it out when nash comes back08:48
mithrollnz: it appears to be [0, 1, 0] * speed08:49
mithroor similar08:49
llnzyeah, i noticed that08:49
mithrobtw are asserts on by default? or do you have to turn them on?08:52
llnzshould be on by default08:52
llnzcaused the server to exit directly, ungracefully08:53
mithrowhat formatting do you use? 2 or 4 spaces?08:55
llnz2 spaces08:55
mithrosome bits are using 2 others 408:55
llnzi know, the bit you reformated to 4....08:56
mithroi didn't reformat anything?08:58
llnzhumm... moving EOT out to the game modules means that potential i can remove all trace of combat from core server08:59
llnzyes you did, or you made me, back before 0.1.0 iirc08:59
mithrohe he okay, i don't remeber that08:59
mithrollnz: yes it looked that way08:59
llnzthat would make it more flexible09:01
mithroyeap :)09:01
mithroI have to admitt i was suprised in the way you ended up doing it09:02
llnzsuprised how?09:03
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*** llnz changes topic to "AI Programming Competition in progress - http://www.thousandparsec.net/tp/comp.php | metaserver - metaserver.thousandparsec.net | 2007-02-26, TP ranked 126th on SF"09:35
jothami found some nice opensource fonts09:46
jothamand have got the event stuff sorted, need to do a mockup of the summary screen tomorrow09:47
jothamand look at adding the widgets09:47
llnzmithro: c++ has default args09:48
* llnz goes to fix the code09:48
jothamand mithro i can't use those example xml files you generated because of some missing entity types, homeworld and maybe some others, will investigate tomorrow09:48
jothamanyway this cold has imploded my brain, night09:48
mithrollnz: wasn't sure10:21
mithroi'm back now, sorry when to dinner10:21
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (object.cpp object.cpp object.h object.h):10:26
CIA-20Use default parameter instead of separate method in Object:10:26
CIA-20 Just a slight simplification.10:26
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/modules/games/minisec/ (move.cpp move.cpp):10:29
CIA-20Move order fixed max_speed = distance for completion, and ETA:10:29
CIA-20 ETA is a little odd, because currently every order takes at least 1 turn, so return 0 is wrong.10:29
mithroso llnz, how does it go?10:31
mithroit appears nash didn't come back :/10:31
llnzmaybe he will be around later10:36
mithroi guess it's only 9:30pm where he is10:37
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* nash waves10:47
nashmithro: llnz: Heyo!10:47
llnzspeak of the devil!10:48
mithro[21:03] <mithro> it appears nash didn't come back :/10:48
mithro[21:08] <llnz> :-(10:48
mithro[21:08] <llnz> maybe he will be around later10:48
mithro[21:09] <mithro> i guess it's only 9:30pm where he is10:48
nashSorry - been watching dacing with the stars with my wife ;-)10:49
mithronash: that sounds like punishment enough ;)10:49
nashNot that bad.  It could be much much worse...10:49
mithrollnz: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gcgreatcode/ http://astyle.sourceforge.net/10:50
tpbTitle: SourceForge.net: GC GreatCode (at sourceforge.net)10:50
nashmithro: Why?10:50
tpbhmm... mithro: Why are the weaponpoints comming out of the parser a list, i can see why you'd have the pixels inside the weaponpoints as a list, but multiple weapon point lists? multiple weapons on one machine? how do we associate the weapon type with the weapon points for that type, nash10:50
* mithro ponders tpb10:51
mithromaybe I should turn that off10:51
nashIs it possible to make sure tpb doesn't say anything unless we mention his name10:51
nashIt can be okay, but only with name10:51
mithrotpb: tp?10:52
tpbRumor has it tp is the framework for creating the games, mithro10:52
nashHmmm - just doing a pull on the tpserver changes...10:52
nashWhat is if (distance == 0) [_$_] return 1;10:52
nashI really can't parse that statement10:53
mithrollnz: astyle seems to be doing a fairly good job10:54
nashllnz: Can you tell me what that statement does?10:55
llnzwhen the distance is 0, it makes the ETA 1 turn, because an order has to take at least one turn10:56
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (9 files):10:57
CIA-20Added ping limiting code, and reformated touched sections in PlayerConnection:10:57
CIA-20 Been meaning to do this for a while, was easier than I thought.10:57
nashI really meant the [_$_] bit10:57
nashWeird... got that problem from earlier again...10:58
nashIn file included from avacombat.cpp:22:10:58
nash../../../tpserver/object.h:65: error: `uint32_t' was not declared in this scope10:58
nashllnz: WRT the [_$_], I don't know that syntax - is it a statement, a compiler hint?10:58
llnzi don't know what that is10:59
llnzwhere did you see that?10:59
nashWhen I did a darcs pull - it was in the patch when I viewed it11:00
nashIs it a darcs thing?11:01
llnzmight be11:01
* nash never used darcs before either11:01
mithronash: yes thats a darcs thing11:01
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/object.h : Added missing include of stdint.h in object.h11:01
nashokay... I didn't think my C++ was that out of date (been about 6 years since I used it)11:01
nashllnz: You missed the chance for a bug on sorceforget about this ;-)11:02
* llnz doesn't really like the sf tracker much11:03
llnzbut it works11:03
llnzprefer bugs that are hard or will take a while to fix11:03
mithrollnz: gives us exposure :)11:04
* nash hates it too.. but he knows mithro likes the stats11:04
llnznash: can you try the ship going away from target bug please (when up to date and built)11:06
mithroi have to admit, I havn't found anything which is very good11:06
nashA working bugzilla set up decently works damn well in my experience11:06
nashllnz: In file included from game.cpp:27:11:06
nashplayer.h:39: error: `uint32_t' was not declared in this scope11:06
llnzgrrr.. wtf is happening?11:07
mithronash: i've never been able to get bugzilla working to my liking11:08
nashllnz: I have nasty warnign and error flags.  I like clean compiles ;-)11:09
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (player.h player.h): Added missing stdint.h include in player.h11:09
llnzsomething else normally pulls it in, but i don't mind adding the includes anyway11:09
nashmithro: Once I got a few saved searches and reports set up, using bugzilla at work is a dream.    I have 100 bugs assigned to me at the moemnt, and no problems managing them.11:09
mithrodoesn't give us sf exposure?11:10
nashllnz: I personally prefer to not have #include in headers at all... and leave it in the source file11:10
llnznash: same, except of things that are actually required to make the header cleanly compile by itself11:11
llnztherefore, superclasses, templates (stl) and types11:12
nashNope, my headers have no includes - forces you to avoid cyclic dependancies... I also avoid typedefs and enums whereveer possible to make sure I can avoid #ifndef crud11:13
nashllnz: superclasses and templates make it a little different for C++11:13
mithronash: didn't get around to finishing the whats needs to happen11:15
nashmithro: That's okay... I'll keep pestering you... but the sooner the better.11:15
nashOne of the things you need is to get that list down - it;s more for yourself.  Then order that list and do it11:16
nashllnz: In file included from designstore.cpp:22:11:16
nashcategory.h:36: error: syntax error before `)' token11:16
nashcategory.h:45: error: `uint64_t' was not declared in this scope11:16
nashThere is a pattern here...11:16
nashIf you don't have a plan you'll just play around fixing little things and never tackle the big (important) tasks11:16
nashHaving said that I think the first thing you need to do is get a tp04 draft up11:17
nashllnz: design.h has the same problem11:17
nashllnz: Also strangely autoconf has decided to use g++-3.3, even though I have 4.1 installed11:18
nashthat may be part of it11:18
* nash waits for the next round of patches...11:23
nashllnz: hello?11:35
llnzhere is comes11:35
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (11 files): Added missing stdint.h include, and reforming in design.h component.h and category.h11:39
llnzhumm... should be reformatting, oops, my bad11:39
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (design.h design.h design.h design.h design.h design.h): Reformating in design.h11:42
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nashllnz: So the redirect bug - shoudl it be fixed?11:44
nashThe fly of into space on colonise local object bug11:44
llnzwell, maybe11:44
llnzbut there is more logging on EOT to check what's happening11:45
* nash runs his AI... to see if it happens11:45
nashYep.. It happened11:46
nash2007-02-27 22:48:17 < Debug > Object(303)->updatePosition(): Moving object to [855167296, -1678175000, 0] (which is the destination? No)11:46
nash2007-02-27 22:48:17 < Debug > Object(303)->updatePosition(): Velocity is now [-200000000, 0, 0]11:46
mithronash: what was the move part above it?11:47
mithro(way above the updatePosition starts)11:47
nash2007-02-27 22:48:17 < Debug > Object(302)->updatePosition(): Moving object to [1345241128, -1824613756, 0] (which is the destination? Yes)11:47
nash2007-02-27 22:48:17 < Debug > Object(302)->updatePosition(): Velocity is now [0, 0, 0]11:47
nashNot enough buffer11:47
nashCan I save this to a file somehow?11:47
llnzon tpserver-cpp console type:11:47
nashtell me the magic mojo11:47
llnz> settings set log_file thelogfilename11:48
llnzerrr... hold on a moment11:48
nashSeems to work11:48
llnz> settings set logfile_name thelogfilename11:48
llnz> settings set log_file yes11:49
nashOkay - happened again11:50
nash2007-02-27 22:51:40 < Debug > Object(321)->updatePosition(): Moving object to [767127296, -743140000, 0] (which is the destination? No)11:50
nash2007-02-27 22:51:40 < Debug > Object(321)->updatePosition(): Velocity is now [-200000000, 0, 0]11:50
nashstuff at the top:11:50
nash2007-02-27 22:51:40 < Debug > Object(321)->Move->doOrder(): Moving 4294967296 at 200000000 speed (will take about 21 turns)11:50
nash2007-02-27 22:51:40 < Debug > Move->doOrder(321): Velocity is [-200000000, 0, 0] (will arrive at [767127296, -743140000, 0])11:50
nash2007-02-27 22:51:40 < Debug > Object(322)->Move->doOrder(): Moving 316349432 at 200000000 speed (will take about 1 turns)11:50
nash2007-02-27 22:51:40 < Debug > Move->doOrder(322): Velocity is [-194744889, 45545889, 0] (will arrive at [1080379583, -769601193, 0])11:50
mithromaybe it should output where it's trying to go?11:51
nashCan I ask: WTF is the 316349432 and 4294967296 numbers?11:53
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nashback in a minute11:54
mithronash: the distance between the current position and where it's going11:55
mithronash: email sent11:56
nashmithro: Looks good.11:58
nashWill need to look over it a bit better tommorrow11:58
nashanyway - how long before the next patch - I need to be up in 7 hours11:58
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mithronash: i don't think we have figure out what is causing your problem11:59
nashI know - but I assume you want more targetted debuggind11:59
nashAnyway - let me know, and I can run some more tests.11:59
nashBut for now, I'm off to bed.12:00
nashBTW: You should be able to reproduce this with any client12:00
nashTalk to you later12:00
nashgood night12:00
mithronash: i'm unable to reproduce with tpclient12:00
nashHmmm... interesting12:00
* nash may try12:00
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mithronash: any chance we could get access to your client to test with?12:01
llnzsorry, was afk12:03
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mithrowb llnz12:39
llnzthanks, adsl bounce12:39
llnztpserver-cpp> turn number12:42
llnzThe current turn number is 586012:42
llnz40.69 days12:43
llnzhad better sleep12:51
llnzcya later12:51
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mithromorning nash21:10
mithrohow does one handle two objects which are set to intercept each other?21:10
nashEasy - Lowest ID moves first towards current location of target21:11
nashSecond lowest ID moves21:11
nashDon't worry about uneven use of fuel or anything ;-)21:11
mithrohave to go to the gym21:16
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