Sunday, 2007-02-25

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* nash looks around for anyone... mithro?00:02
nashJLP: ?00:02
tpbJLP: is that different to the Xlib mopdel, nash00:02
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nashllnz: Quick question - how do I know when an object has been destroyed?00:43
llnzcurrently, it disappears from the universe00:43
nashSo - to find out I need to get a list of all objects, and see what is missing?00:43
llnzmithro's already complained about this, tp04 will fix it00:44
nashllnz: Unforunately my AI needs to work with tp03.  And thats a clanger00:44
nashllnz: Do object IDs get reused?00:48
llnznope, unique00:49
* nash wonders if a slow 'check for unused objs' will work00:49
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* nash also wonders why some of his colonisation orders aren't working00:55
nashllnz: Okay - how do I know if an order failed?  Is there automated thing I can look for?  Should I/Do I get a message to the system message board?01:14
llnzyou should get a message on your personal board01:14
nashRight... I'm getting really weird effects.01:18
llnzwhat are you trying to colonise, and who is the current owner?01:19
nashPlanets and the current owner is '-1'01:19
nashThere is only the AI in the game01:19
nashWhen it reachs the destination the ship seems to start flying off in a random dirrection01:19
nashOkay - I know there is something odd now01:25
nashAll ships get two orders... Always.  Well some of my ships flying of into deep space have only one order on them01:25
llnznash: did the lastest darcs version of tpserver-cpp fix your invalid order kills server problem?01:40
nashllnz: Don't know... I stopped sending the server invalid orders.01:40
nashI'll give it a try01:40
nashSeems to01:41
nashStill get nothing on errors01:41
nashOkay... first issue at time...01:42
nashI don't seem to get any message on a failure frame...01:42
nashAhh... error code comes first...01:45
nashIs there a list of error codes somewhere?01:45
llnzyes, under the Fail frame description in the protocol doc01:46
nashOnly 5?01:46
* llnz notes it's even in as an enum in tp04 xml doc01:46
nashAh... much better01:48
nashNow to nail any errors I'm getting from the server01:53
nashThen I can work out if it is another bug01:53
nashSo... now I've set it so it exits on an error frame01:53
nashllnz: Interestingly now an order that was working isn't working after I updated the server01:55
llnzyou probably did it wrong01:55
llnzor i stuffed up again01:56
nashIt's the freaking probe order01:56
* nash glares at llnz... mithro and I went through this about a dozen times before.01:56
nashA probe order... 9 words long01:57
llnzwhat type of probe order?01:58
llnz(which order type)01:58
* llnz needs to have a look at the protocol doc01:59
nashOkay... this error is new - it wasn't here with the older version of the server02:01
nashserver output is useless:02:01
nash2007-02-25 13:01:30 < Debug > [0;mIG Frame processor02:01
nash2007-02-25 13:01:30 < Debug > [0;mdoing probe order frame02:01
nash2007-02-25 13:01:30 < Debug > [0;mFinished Processing02:01
nash2007-02-25 13:01:30 < Debug > [0;mAbout to Process02:01
nashDo you want a dump of what I am sending?02:02
nash00000056 ffffffff 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000002:03
nash(That is in host byte-order)02:03
llnzat least the server doesn't exit any more02:04
llnz<usual frame 14 bytes><objid><slot><type><turns><list of res(0 items)><selection list (0 items)><selected list (0 items)>02:05
nash14 bytes?  Mean 16?02:06
nashMax length of name, name02:06
nash<Max length of name>, <name>02:07
nashthat is02:07
llnzok, yeah, plus name02:07
nashWell looks the same to me, with the exception of name...02:07
nashAlso can you fix the string "Order not correct format" to make it english02:12
llnzI will look at it when I get home02:13
nashOkay - I just added an extra field to the end - and it works fine..02:19
llnzi will check the conditions, they might be wrong....02:20
nashThey are... almost certainly02:21
nashThe set message is also not working now02:21
nashSo... what time will you be getting home?02:21
llnzin about 6 hours, and i'll send the update when my adsl comes on after that (if it does)02:22
nashWeird - the response is "3: Could not add order" (3 == unavil temp)02:22
nashllnz: So.. how do I revert those updates in darcs?02:28
llnz"darcs unpull"02:28
llnzhave to go, cya later02:28
llnzwill try to fix it later02:28
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mithrohowdy people04:50
mithrohey nash04:50
mithronash: sounds like your having a hard time :/04:57
mithronash: even if your the only one who enters the AI comp, i think the amount of things which have been fixed, cleaned up, etc has made it worth it05:08
TBBlemithro: You were looking for me a week or two ago...?05:09
mithroTBBle: hey!05:10
mithroyeah, i was/am about to do another tp release05:10
mithroso was hoping to get debs :)05:10
mithroJLP has been working on doing gentoo ebuilds and rpms05:10
mithroTBBle: what did you end up packaging?05:11
TBBleAh, thought it'd be something like that. There's a slight problem, in that my contract requires me to get permission before I work on this sort of thing outside the company, and I forgot to do so before I did those packaging things for you.05:11
TBBleSo I'm kinda having to hold off until I get a response from my boss regarding second-life client Debian maintainership. If that goes ahead (it's closer to the space we work in) then I don't forsee any problems with TP debian pacakging stuff.05:12
mithroTBBle: intresting, I doubt that type of agreement/contract is 100% enforcable in Australia - but better safe then sorry05:14
TBBleNow the stuff I did wouldn't have any issues for you even if I was not allowed to do it, I based it on other GPL'd sources (as I believe I noted in the copyright file...) so it's not like they could make any sensible claim on it, but they _can_ contractually make a claim on my programming work in the game space.05:14
TBBleYou reckon it's not 100% enforcable? I'd love to follow that up. Any suggestions on how it's not enforceable?05:14
TBBleOh, and I haven't gotten around to watching the Gaming miniconf videos yet (although I'm seeding them) but I didn't see one marked as being Murph's talk...05:15
mithroTBBle: well in Australia (depending a bit on the State) you can't have a non-compete type clause in an employment contract (according to the advice I was given when I was requested to sign one)05:16
mithroTBBle: yeah, I need a release form signed by Murph and he's kind disappeared05:17
TBBleAh, yes, they had some potential licensees in town the week after LCA, so he was tied up with them I believe. Have you faxed the form across to him, 'cause if so I'll happily poke him about it.05:18
mithroTBBle: i belive i have05:19
mithroTBBle: but my fax machine was playing funny buggers a couple of weeks ago05:20
mithroTBBle: the advice I was given was also, they had no claim on any work you did outside your normal working hours unless you used their resources05:21
mithrothey can however fire you for doing work outside your hours and working for a competing company at the same time05:23
mithroTBBle: but the only way to make sure is to get a (few) lawyers advice05:23
mithroi dunno how the work choices stuff has change stuff as well05:23
TBBleI'd have to check my contract for the exact wording of what I've promised, but I believe it says I won't do any work for anyone in the same business as them (ie games development), I don't believe it had to be another _company_, in which case TP would fall in that zone.05:24
TBBleI've let them know that I'm still doing a bit of work for my previous employer, which does not share any markets with them, and they've been fine with that.05:25
TBBleI started after Work Choices kicked in, so any changes in it would affect me.05:26
mithroTBBle: well my understanding is the "I won't do any work for anyone in the same business as them (ie games development)" is not legal (IE they can't prevent you for working on other game development), however they are allowed to fire you for it (at least in SA)05:27
mithroanyway TP isn't a game, is a simulation ! ;)05:28
TBBleAnd Second Life isn't a game, but I'm pretty sure it crosses their market.05:28
TBBleIn that case the clause might be null, but it's certainly something I don't want to get fired over.05:28
mithroTBBle: yeah, as I said, better safe then sorry05:29
TBBleOur lead programmer is doing DS homebrew stuff in his spare time, so I doubt it'll be a problem. ^_^05:29
mithroand you really don't want to get into legal battles over anything05:29
TBBleAlthough I'd love to know if it is unenforcable, so I can tell the guys who draft the contracts. I already had to have it changed before I started because the initial contract violated the new Work Choices rules on working hours.05:30
TBBleDamn. I went to my inbox to do something, and I can't for the life of me remember what it was. -_-05:31
mithroanyway got to run05:37
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* nash waves08:08
nashmithro: I'm startung to think this thing hates me...08:14
nashAs for made it worthwhile... well it may be worth it for you.. but at this point unless there are some more confirmed entries... I may end up with squat ;-)08:15
nashWell I seem to have fixed the errors...08:23
* nash starts to memprof to look for memory errors08:23
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nashhey llnz ...08:41
llnznash: hi08:41 fixed them bugs yet ? ;-)08:41
llnznope, catching up on my email08:42
nashlikey story... ;-)08:42
nashCool - no leaks... 600k heap when running ;-)08:45
* nash whines that the python client is so slow..08:50
llnznash: is bug 1666729 "Screwed up order frame causes server to exit." fixed now?08:51
nashDepends on how you define fixed... yes it doesn't cause the server to exit, but now a valid order frame doesn't seem to work08:52
llnzvery odd09:08
mithronash: in what way?09:13
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mithrowell that was unplesent09:21
mithromy X just crashed for no reason :/09:22
mithrollnz: ping?09:22
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llnz2oh ffs09:26
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mithrohey llnz09:26
mithroi've figured out how to do the svn stuff with tailor09:27
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/listparameter.cpp :09:30
CIA-20Fixed length remaining check in listparameter:09:30
CIA-20 Was checking under, so isn't the cause of the current problems.09:30
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/player.cpp : Better fail message, added log message in processProbeOrder09:32
llnznash: are you still using the build order you describe in the bug 1666729?09:36
llnzbecause it doesn't follow the order description on tpserver-cpp with minisec09:37
mithroThe message sent is wrong, but exiting is even worse ;-)09:40
llnzdoesn't exit any more09:46
nashllnz: Still there?09:49
nashmithro: Still there?09:49
llnznash: yes09:50
mithronash: sure!09:50
nashSweet - llnz - so you want my current message that was causing grief?09:50
nashbuf[0] = htonl(o->oid); /* What */09:50
nashbuf[1] = htonl(-1); /* Slot */09:50
nashbuf[2] = htonl(build_id); /* Order type */09:50
nashbuf[3] = htonl(0);       /* Number of turns == 0 */09:50
nashbuf[4] = htonl(0);       /* Resource list */09:50
nashbuf[5] = htonl(0);      /* List : Possible selections */09:50
nashbuf[6] = htonl(0);/* List: # items */09:50
nashbuf[7] = htonl(0);/* max len */09:50
nashbuf[8] = htonl(0);/* Str: name */09:50
nashIs the literal code I'm using to probe09:50
* nash notes he so needs to fix that to use the tpe_msg_ helpers...09:51
mithronash: that seems okay too me09:52
nashI can give you the hexdump of the message if you like (excluding header)09:52
nashmithro: Should be - it was the one we went through the other night ;-)09:52
llnzmithro: when tpclient-pywx creates an order, it has all the parameters in place, correct?09:54
mithrollnz: ?09:55
tpbhmm... llnz: is that the teaching/assistance stuff at uni you where talking about, mithro09:55
nash00000044 ffffffff 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000009:55
nashLooks familiar09:55
nashBTW: Would it be rude to report a bug "python client is too slow"?09:56
* nash needs to get a version of his client around... damn comp09:56
* llnz ponders09:57
mithronash: only if you had specific examples09:58
nashmithro: I have another client that connects < 1s... python takes > 30s09:59
mithronash: does that include startup time?09:59
mithrodoes the client download everything? including resources etc09:59
nashCurrently my client downloads Orders, All Boards & messages, Resources, Objects, Designs, (Own) Player data10:01
nashI can do a video for you if you like :-)10:01
nashNo I can't, don;t have xvidgrab on this box.10:02
mithronash: I would be intrested to profile where the speed is going10:02
nashToo much is done serially...10:03
nashMy connect routine reads like this:10:03
nashtpe_msg_send(msg, "MsgGetOrderDescriptionIDs", 0,0,buf,12);10:03
nashtpe_msg_send(msg, "MsgGetBoardIDs", 0,0,buf,12);10:03
nashtpe_msg_send(msg, "MsgGetResourceIDs", 0,0,buf,12);10:03
nashtpe_msg_send(msg, "MsgGetObjectIDs", 0,0,buf,12);10:03
nashtpe_msg_send(msg, "MsgGetDesignIDs", 0,0,buf,12);10:03
nashThat is the 5 get lists of stuff10:03
mithronash: btw, shouldn't you be sending a sequence number? there is no guarentee that they will come back in order10:04
nashtpe_msg_send() takes care of sequence numbers10:05
mithroahh okay10:05
nashOne thing my client doesn't do at the moment is orders on objects.  It does that lazily10:06
mithronash: i agree I should pipeline those too (I don't currently10:06
mithroyou can log a "feature request" about that10:06
nashIf you like - I handle 107 replies10:07
nashAnd I lie - it is about 2s before the system is ready, not < 110:07
mithronash: i think the python client will be around ~1010:08
nashI just counted 20s10:08
nashUsing the AI comp conf10:08
nashmostly getting objects10:08
mithrowell if I pipeline the Get<>10:09
nashllnz: Any luck?  Do you want any more info from me?10:10
nashmithro: Do.  Really10:10
mithronash: ?10:10
tpbIt has been said that nash: is now, mithro10:10
llnzno luck yet, i definitely where in processing it fails, don't know why though10:10
nashBTW: I can improve my performance by turning of debugging on the server10:10
nashllnz: So order is right?10:10
mithronash: do you have debug output on?10:11
nashmithro: Parrallelist the thing10:11
nashmithro: Yep10:11
llnzappears so, i can't get tpclient-pywx to add an order either10:11
nashI have no idea how many simultaneous requests I have - but it can be a lot.  Start up has a total of 7 requests sent just in response to the logged in message10:11
nashllnz: :-) Definitly not my bug then ;-)10:12
nashI looked at the code, and it seems sane to me, although my C++ fu is not the greatest10:12
mithronash: i've had around 46 pending get_order requests in the pipeline before10:12
nashSounds much better ;-)10:15
nashAnywya - about to have food.10:15
nashShall be back in about 30 minutes10:15
mithroactually, come to think of it, I don't think the stable version pipelines...10:17
llnzit doesn't10:23
llnzahhh, found it10:27
mithrollnz: what was it?10:28
llnzhad some "hold over" code, updated it10:28
llnzwell, that was the problem with build orders, not sure what the problem is with nop10:31
llnzhumm.... tpclient-pywx's nop frame is too short10:36
mithroit is?10:36
mithroyou sure?10:36
mithrowhy is it too short?10:37
llnzyeah, by 4 bytes (the read-only final field)10:37
* llnz goes to check the protocol doc, just to check10:37
llnzSending: <netlib.objects.OrderExtra.DynamicOrder - No Operation @ 0x2aaaaaf83810>10:38
llnzSending: 0x54(T) 0x50(P) 0x30(0) 0x33(3) 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x2b 0x0 0x0 0x0 0xc 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x18 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x5 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x010:38
mithroNope should just be a single Int32? right?10:39
llnzno, nop is a time parameter, two int32s10:40
llnza Int32, read write, number of turns10:40
llnza Int32, read only, maximum number of turns10:40
* nash will be back in a minute or two10:41
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CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (frame.cpp frame.cpp frame.h frame.h frame.h):10:43
CIA-20Added isEnoughRemaining method for checking the remaining buffer size:10:43
CIA-20 Also logs on debug currently, to help fix protocol issues10:43
JLPmorning all10:43
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llnzhi JLP10:43
mithrohey JLP10:44
mithrowb nash10:44
nashSo should I pull the new version of tpserver?10:44
llnzshortly, hold on10:44
nashWasn't sure if there was a commit or not10:44
mithro[21:14] * nash has quit ("Leaving")10:45
mithro[21:15] <mithro> o...10:45
mithro[21:15] <CIA-20> Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (frame.cpp frame.cpp frame.h frame.h frame.h):10:45
mithro[21:15] <CIA-20> Added isEnoughRemaining method for checking the remaining buffer size:10:45
mithro[21:15] <CIA-20>  Also logs on debug currently, to help fix protocol issues10:45
mithrollnz: they really sould be UInt32's?10:45
llnzyou might be able to have negative time for something....10:45
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (5 files):10:46
CIA-20Use isEnoughtRemaining and fix use of listsize, build orders work again:10:46
CIA-20 Fixes Build orders, and split fleet orders. Nop should work, but libtpproto-py is broken.10:46
CIA-20[email protected] * libtpproto-py/tp/netlib/objects/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Fixed the NOp and Time argument.10:48
mithrollnz: give that a try?10:49
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (order.cpp order.cpp order.cpp order.cpp): Use isEnoughRemaining, short circuit on unpack param failure and better constructor10:50
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (stringparameter.cpp timeparameter.cpp): Use isEnoughRemaining in String and Time Parameters10:50
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (player.cpp player.cpp):10:50
CIA-20Separated unpacking order errors from failure to add orders to object:10:50
CIA-20 Might help someone.10:50
llnznash: pull now, should be fixed10:50
tpb<> (at
mithrotest of the svn conversion10:50
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llnzmithro: cool10:51
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llnzmithro: didn't work, traceback follows10:51
llnzTraceback (most recent call last):10:52
llnz  File "/home/lee/oss_projects/tp-py/tpclient-pywx/windows/", line 489, in OnOrderNew10:52
llnz    new = objects.Order(*args)10:52
llnz  File "../tp/netlib/objects/", line 53, in __init__10:52
llnz  File "/home/lee/oss_projects/tp-py/tpclient-pywx/tp/netlib/objects/", line 93, in __init__10:52
llnz    self.length = len(self.__str__()) - Header.size10:52
llnz  File "/home/lee/oss_projects/tp-py/tpclient-pywx/tp/netlib/objects/", line 107, in __str__10:52
llnz    output += apply(pack, [self.substruct,] + args)10:52
llnz  File "/home/lee/oss_projects/tp-py/tpclient-pywx-dev/tp/netlib/", line 127, in pack10:52
llnz    if char in smallints and isinstance(args[0], long):10:52
llnzIndexError: list index out of range10:52
mithroopps, need to fix the client too...10:52
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (objectparameter.cpp spacecoordparam.cpp): Use isEnoughRemaining in ObjectParam and SpaceCoordParam as well10:54
nashWill the server let two clients connect as the same user?10:55
llnzno, they can connect, but strange things happen, and even stranger things happen when i tried to fix it10:55
mithronash: tpserver-py doesn't care ;)10:56
nashmithro: Does tpserver-py actually work?10:57
mithronash: no :)10:57
mithro(well everything works apart from turn generation)10:57
nashSo nothing important hey...11:00
nashthats okay I suppose... tpclient-pywx doesn't handle them either ;-)11:01
nashHmm... My map and tpclient-pywx's are quite different11:01
llnzmithro and nash: what does "echo $LANG" return for you?11:02
mithrowow - 21 patches to pull11:02
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/web/dev/documents$ echo $LANG11:03
llnzwhat console programs do you use?11:04
mithronash: do you run gnome terminal?11:04
* mithro uses gnome terminal11:04
llnzi use konsole....11:04
nashThis machine is 2.1411:04
nashOther is 2.1611:04
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/tpserver-cpp$ gnome-terminal --version11:04
mithroGnome gnome-terminal 2.16.111:04
CIA-20[email protected] * web/dev/documents/protocol3.php : Fixed the number of turns to be positive only.11:06
llnzthe really stupid thing is that it's displaying the "reset" code11:10
mithrocolor works in tpclient-pywx11:11
nashare you sure the escape code is correct?11:17
llnzabout to push a patch that removes a single char, could you test please11:18
mithrollnz: i found a better way to do your email stuff11:19
mithrodarcs has xml output11:19
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/consolelogger.cpp :11:19
CIA-20Hopefully fix clearing console colours in gnome-terminal:11:19
CIA-20 It always worked in konsole. Still works now. Not sure why it made a difference.11:19
CIA-20[email protected] * tpclient-pywx/windows/ ( Fixed the Turns order argument.11:20
JLPwow, sourceforge ranking is 128, is this the best so far11:20
mithroJLP: not an end of the day yet11:20
mithrollnz: i just got a segfault!11:20
nashllnz: The old sequnce was wrong.  There shouldn't be a ; in the middle11:21
* nash just checked his zshrc for his colour changing prompt11:21
nashllnz: Works now11:22
* mithro turns colors back on11:23
mithrollnz: your old code worked in cygwin11:23
llnzodd, isn't it11:23
llnzi think it's strictly incorrect to have a ';' without something after it, but some console are forgiving11:24
nashgnome-term is anal11:24
llnzkonsole works11:24
llnzand works well11:24
mithroworking for me11:27
tpb<> (at
llnzlooking at it right now11:28
llnzworks for me though11:28
mithrollnz: only time it happen was just then11:28
llnzanything odd in or about avahi11:28
mithronot that I know11:28
mithroopps occured again11:29
mithrousing localhost metaserver instead of the normal?11:29
llnztotal unrelated, would anything complain if i put spaces in the name of orders?11:31
* llnz notes the nop is already "No Operation"11:31
mithrotpclient-pywx probably wouldn't complain11:31
nashllnz: looking at my bug report?11:32
llnzwhich one!?11:34
nashThe one about inconsistent spaces in order names...11:34
mithrollnz: restarted avahi restart and still same ctrl-c11:34
llnzmithro: so crash on ctrl-c after avahi restart?11:35
mithrosorry no11:35
mithroI tried restarting the avahi and still getting the crash11:35
llnzmithro: that patch for tpclient-pywx still gives error/exception11:36
llnznash: yes11:36
mithrodid you update the libtpproto-py11:36
llnzyes, i'll check11:37
llnzah, missed that one11:37
llnzworks now11:38
mithroi will do a release middle of this week11:39
llnzhumm... is there an easy way to check for private ip addresses?11:40
mithrollnz: depends on what you mean easy?11:41
nashDon't - just look for a difference in the IP the packet is coming from and the local IP11:41
mithro10, 172.16-172.31, 192.16811:42
mithroand the 169 "auto-ip" address11:44
llnzhummm... i can't see a way to check it before i connect to the metaserver (but i can before sending request)11:45
mithrollnz: btw the metaserver stuff should be off by default probably11:45
llnzreally? didn't you hear what Rusty said11:46
mithrollnz: I would think the metaserver is different from sending info11:46
* llnz sighs11:46
nashllnz: Statistics and publically publishing a possibly vulnerable server are entirely different things11:47
mithrothe metaserver publishes publicly accessible identifying data11:47
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/ (6 files in 2 dirs):11:54
CIA-20Metaserver updates now default to off:11:54
CIA-20 The people have spoken. Also change metaserver_disable to metaserver_enable to11:54
CIA-20 better reflect what it now does.11:54
mithrollnz: on a side note, maybe it should complain on the console :)11:56
llnzhow often should it complain? once?11:58
mithroi would vote often :)11:58
llnzevery 10 minutes?11:58
nashIf metaserver_enable is explicitly set to false, don't complain at all then11:59
mithrollnz: how about this, if not set -- complain every 10 minutes - default to false, if set to false == complain once12:00
nashNot at all if someone sets it12:00
nashIf i want it off, there may be a good reason.12:01
mithros/complain/politely inform them/12:01
mithro(for the false case)12:01
nashs/politely inform them/dump random crap on the console telling the user something they explicitly said they didn't want/12:02
mithrollnz: it's your server :)12:03
nashWhat ever happened to only important messages for output12:03
mithromaybe depend on log output level?12:04
mithrollnz: do what ever you want is might vote :P12:05
mithrothe last thing I do before this release is to get SSL verification working12:05
nashIs there an easy way to find your homeworld?12:12
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nashSorry - if anyone answered that...12:13
nashIS there any way to find your homeworld?12:14
llnztpserver-cpp has recently started adding a "homeworld resource" on the player's home planets12:15
* nash will look for that12:15
llnzit gets removed it the planet loses a battle12:15
nashCan someone document that ;-)12:15
llnztpserver-py might do something different, and tpserver-cpp MTSec will probably do something different12:16
* llnz waits 10 minutes...12:16
nashPfft... Okay can someone document a standard way of this information... ;-)12:17
nashAnyway - I need to sleep12:17
nashearly morning tomorrow12:18
nashGoodnight all, thanks for the help...12:18
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* llnz wonders if he will ever get a chance to release tpserver-cpp 0.4.112:18
mithrollnz: now quick while nash is asleep!12:19
llnzdoes that crtl-c bug appear to have to do with the metaserver or avahi?12:21
mithrollnz: avahi i think12:21
mithrollnz: the svn convert seems okay12:24
mithrocan you give it a quick look over12:24
tpb<> (at
llnzavahi doesn't appear to have nice failure mode12:24
* llnz has a look12:24
JLPnice, is author always root?12:26
llnztailor should be able to set it correctly (mostly)12:27
mithrollnz: it doesn't seem to like it with svn12:27
mithroI can then import this repository directly into sf and then use tailor to keep it up to date12:28
JLPyeah, and it is also nice to have svn for sites like ohloh which don't support darcs yet12:29
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec Analysis Report (at
mithroJLP: i spend some time setting up some redirects to fix some 404's12:33
JLPmithro: on TP web site?12:36
mithroJLP: yes, it appears someone has linked to /form instead of /forums and such12:36
mithrouse the webmaster tools12:39
JLPhm majbe google could find the page with this link and we can inform the webmaster12:40
JLPor just find it in apache logs :)12:41
llnzthe referer should be in the access.log12:41
JLPi just created my first RPM, turns out it is not so much different than writing ebuilds :)12:44
JLPand before I always thought making RPMs and ebuilds was difficult12:45
JLPhm i need to poke gentoo devs to pay some attention to mysql/linux headers problem :)12:47
JLPdo we have any GPG key for Tousand Parsec with which we could sign our RPM packages?12:55
llnzi have a gpg key, but i don't think tp has one12:56
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (10 files):13:03
CIA-20Warning when metaserver updates are disabled:13:03
CIA-20 If metaserver_enable is "no" then the warning is displayed once.13:03
CIA-20 If it's not set (or not "yes" or "no") then the warning is given every13:03
CIA-20 10 minutes.13:03
JLPmithro: do you know if TP has its own project GPG key13:05
mithroJLP: no13:05
JLPshould we create one for signing RPMs and similar things?13:06
mithroJLP: dunno13:07
llnzi might try to release sometime this week13:21
llnzthinking of merging the libltdl patch first though13:22
* llnz wanders off13:22
llnzlater all13:22
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mithroJLP: can you add a "me too" to the following request? ?13:25
tpb<> (at
JLPmithro: will add13:26
mithroJLP: and anyone else with a sf account would be good :)13:26
mithroJLP: we really need a tp-root, which you, Lee and I can participate in or something13:42
JLPmithro: wouldn't hurt :)13:43
mithroarg, i should go to bed14:06
mithroJLP: can you look into the best rss plugin for phpbb?14:15
JLPmithro: yeah i can look14:16
mithroJLP: is there a way to have threaded comments in wordpress?14:36
JLPmithro: there are plugins for this, but i have no experience with this14:38
mithroooh found one14:38
JLPmithro: is schema in TP used for writing games ruleset?14:43
mithroJLP: hrm?14:43
JLPmithro: i started looking about the schema thing when I had guile errors14:44
JLPmithro: so now i wonder what is schema used for in TP14:45
mithrowhat schema?14:45
JLPmithro: or is it just C++ server that uses it?14:45
mithroJLP: i'm afraid I have no idea what you are talking about :)14:45
JLPwell guile and mzscheme which can be used in tpserver-cpp are scheme interpreters14:46
JLPand i got a feeling that game rules for minisec are writen with this14:46
mithroJLP: not really14:49
mithroGame Rules are written in C14:49
mithroDesign properties "rules" are written in Scheme14:49
JLPoh that's what it is used for then14:50
JLPand these designs are ten common for both Python and C++ servers?14:50
JLPso you write them once in Scheme and the same thing is used by both?14:50
mithroJLP: you could14:52
mithrothe Scheme stuff is a way for servers to tell clients how you can put designs together14:52
JLPi think that would be great, also for game rules, so you could write them once and plug them in into any TP server14:52
mithroJLP: well, there is no real advantage of that14:53
JLPmithro: hm I was thinking about people who would write their own game rules14:54
mithroJLP: are they likely to ever want to change the server?14:54
JLPmithro: hm you never know14:54
mithroJLP: it's a lot of work to get something like that working14:55
JLPso it is easier to just write the module for specific sercer?14:55
mithroand then if you are using the python server you get to write it in python ;)14:56
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mithrohowy bobbens16:04
mithros/ bobbens / bokey16:04
bokeymithro, hey hi. :)16:04
mithrobokey: so where are you at :)16:04
bokeymithro, good and u ?16:04
bokeymithro, adelaide.16:04
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mithrobokey: So are you one of the people I have recruited personally?16:04
bokeymithro, basically yes. but we'll be having a meeting on Tuesday with Dr. Chris as well.16:05
bokeymithro, :)16:05
mithrobokey: oh, are you the Java MIDP guy?16:05
bokeymithro, hehe.. yeah.16:05
bokeymithro, well I am interested in Java but more so in Python as well.16:06
bokeymithro, well, i am the same guy who came here some days ago and you explained what the project will be.16:06
bokeyproject's scope16:06
mithrobokey: in that regard, it seems that the java stuff might not go ahead because your the only student really intrested16:06
bokeymithro, well what about the network protocol part ?16:07
mithrobokey: i was thinking about that, we may be able to just change it so you work on a Java protocol library16:07
bokeymithro, well i thought it would be in Python16:08
bokeymithro, i have subscribed to the devel list. is that relevent ?16:08
mithrowe have a protocol library in Python already :)16:08
mithroin fact we have two protocol libraries in python :)16:08
bokeymithro, well i thought the project's scope was to extend that library. (version 2 -> version 3 ?)16:08
mithrobokey: no, I'm not sure how we got thoses wires crossed16:09
mithrothe project is to develop a Java MIDP client for Thousand Parsec16:09
bokeymithro, yeah but that's only a part.16:10
mithrowell that was the whole project, but there are two parts, the GUI and the Protocol library - both in Java16:10
bokeymithro, right16:10
bokeymithro, I've written a msg to all my colleagues if anyone's interested.16:11
bokeymithro, let me see if anyone replies.16:11
mithrobokey: so, you wouldn't be doing any work with python16:12
bokeymithro, :(16:12
bokeymithro, that's ok. I have atleast some working knowledge in Python too. so that might help. no ?16:12
mithroyes, python knowledge will help as you can read the code of the current protocol library16:13
* bokey looks at the time16:13
bokeymithro, right.16:13
* mithro should be in bed :)16:14
bokeymithro, You said you are in Adelaide.16:14
mithroi'm guessing you should be too16:14
bokeyi don't have any class tomorrow.16:14
* mithro has be up at 8am16:14
bokeymithro, it's nice knowing you personally. thanks to IRC. ;)16:14
mithrobokey: anyway, I'll see you on Tuesday and we will see what we work out16:15
bokeymithro, sure. goodnight. I have to sleep now. late.16:15
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