Thursday, 2007-02-22

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nashmithro: Would you like me to submit a patch for the naming issues?00:05
mithrodepends what you mean by "issue"00:07
nashduplicate name issue00:08
nashand evil evil hard coded number00:09
nashheck, I'll submit some more names if you like00:09
CIA-20[email protected] * tpserver-cpp/modules/games/minisec/minisec.cpp :00:10
CIA-20Fixed magic number.:00:10
CIA-20 Mithro gives Lee and F in Software Engineering 101.00:10
mithronash: you can fix the other ones if you want00:16
tpb<> (at
nashHave a list of star names ;-)00:17
mithroadd a config option to read form a file? :P00:17
mithro947Wanker's Corner00:18
nashDon't add too many config items.  It's always better if it just works00:19
mithronash: a config item which defaults to that list?00:19
nashYeah, okay00:19
nashbut I mean it about the don't add too many config items.  It leads to the view of "well it can be fixed there, don't need to make it right".00:20
nashThis is one area where gnome has got it perfect00:20
mithronash: i'm not so sure about gnome - I agree the manta "It should just work" is good - but that doesn't forgo configuration00:21
mithroa person shouldn't have to touch the config item unless they want to do something non-standard?00:22
nashA null config item should work the way I expect00:22
mithronash: now the question is "running a public accessible game for everyone to play" a standard thing (relating to the metaserver problem)00:23
nashbecause the server may be used to root your box if there is any security issues00:26
nashSo it needs to be turned on.00:28
nashAfter that, it should jsut work00:28
mithroo btw, the metaserver requires that you have a validly resolvable dns name too00:28
nashSo? will generally resolve00:29
nashmithro: I'll put up a small webpage with a few more shots once I get message display working happily.00:59
nashmithro: Do old messages get deleted from boards?01:00
nashOr do I need to keep track of read and similar info?01:00
* nash is actually wondering if he should do something more useful instead01:01
mithronash: you need to keep track of reading01:08
mithroyou can delete them yourself if you want01:08
tpb<> (at
nashYeah, jsut gets confusing, since teh slot system is not really that intuitive to use, and is not unique across time01:10
nashActually /me will work on enriching the obhect system01:11
mithrohrm, why is it not intuitive?01:39
* nash likes persistent object IDs. 01:41
mithroit's just like a remote array01:41
nashNot so much unintuitive, just not as convinient as it could be.01:42
nashie.  If you delete one you need to update all teh other indexes for instance...01:42
mithronash: well, i'm open to suggestions, btw it exactly the same as the order slot stuff01:42
* nash assumes if you want to delete 10 objects <10><0><0>...<0> would workd ;-)01:42
nashmithro: I know01:42
mithronash: del order_cache[number]01:43
* nash would kinda like it to be unique IDs throughout time. Or something01:43
mithroi guess order isn't hugely important for messages - where as it is very important for orders01:43
nashSlots smell too much like an implementation detail01:43
nashHaving said all that ... there is probably no need to change01:44
mithronash: so it was "we already have orders working - copy paste - we now have messaging working too" :P01:44
* mithro is dieing to see screen shots :P01:45
mithroorders are the most complicated thing to do btw01:45
nashYou've seen one... what more do you want?01:45
mithroyour object info pop-up :)01:45
nashGive me a while... there a few things i need to do before I'm happy with that.01:45
nashMy UI BTW is based entirely around the map01:46
mithronash: how i envisioned a 3d client would work probably01:46
* nash isn't even considering 3d at this time01:47
* nash only wants it to do Stars! style games ;-)01:47
mithronash: thats okay, Z coords are always zero atm :)01:47
nashI know ;-)01:47
mithroand that will remain for the future (till we get a 3d client :)01:48
mithroand then many rulesets will choose 2d only anyway01:48
mithroI hope to get a "FreeStars!" ruleset one day01:48
nashThats what I want ;-)01:48
mithronash: free stars seems to have worked out most of the formula - once tp04 is out you could most probably completely impliment a stars! clone01:49
mithroonly problem is no PBEM :/01:50
nashNo problem.  Most people use the autoserver to run games.  An online client does most of that.01:50
mithro"offline mode" is a probable feature in tp0501:51
mithrobut thats mainly a client thing rather then a protocol thing01:51
nashJust need to set long turn times, and possibly someway of saying "I'm done" to the server can gen early (possibly email notifications too)01:51
mithronash: "I'm done" type system will be in tp0401:52
nashAny feedback on my aligned strings requset?01:52
mithronash: depends on my mood :P01:53
nashThat would be no feedback then01:53
mithronash: well, i'm going to do a tp04 consolidation thread sometime soon01:55
mithroyour request is definately been considered01:55
mithrotp04 is pending more time to work on it :P01:56
mithroAI comp stuff has been stealing a lot of my time01:56
nashIs there a draft floating around01:56
nashI'd like to have a general read to see what changes are there?01:56
mithrothere are 3 email threads01:56
mithronext step is the draft01:57
* nash will pass on the threads... too painful to read ;-)01:57
nashAlthough I'm curious about reasearch ;-)01:58
mithroI might do a "highlights" blog post01:59
nashThat would be most cool ;-)01:59
mithronash: please keep poking me, and it's much more likely to happen01:59
* nash sets up cron job to poke every 7.5 minutes02:00
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nashwhat is your blog url anyway?  I'll add it liferea02:02
mithroadhoc: ping?02:04, i'm thinking of changing it to rants.mithis.net02:04
mithrothe word blog makes me shivver02:05
nashUse blag then... see xkcd ;-)02:05
mithroxkcd?02:05 - a very cool webcomic02:06
adhocmithro: look up mlock for not paging out mem pages to swap02:06
adhocnot sure if you can have a userland command to stop paging out an appp ...02:07
mithroadhoc: please please can we have ical output of our timetables?02:07
mithroor vcal02:08
nashadhoc: Hopefully not.. or at least restricted - else you can bring  system to it's knees02:08
mithronash: the OOM killer needs to be a bit smarter02:09
nashYou can tune it ;-)02:09
mithroi want a highly complicated policy ;)02:09
nashBut generally it goes for the biggest memory user with PID > 100002:09
nashI think it knows not to take out X these days...02:09
nashBut that used to be a popular target... which frees up a _lot_ of memory ;-)02:10
mithroproblem is you can't really put it in uderspace :)02:10
nashElse I'd have mine kill all processes where (uid != nash && uid != root) first ;-)02:11
mithronash: on your machine that might not be a bad idea02:11
nashQuite happy for it to be that on any machine I log into ;-)02:12
mithrogoing to lunch bblr02:19
nashI will very shortly02:20
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nashIn tp04 will ship damage be per ship, or per fleet?03:31
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mithronash: back04:29
mithronash: it will be "server specific"04:29
nashmithro: Pfft04:29
nashthat's useless04:29
nashThe protocol either has it or hasn't got it04:29
mithronash: tp04 will add support for dynamic objects04:29
nashPlaying a game and getting different results depending on server implmentations is stupid04:29
mithro(which will work similar to the dynamic orders)04:30
mithros/server specific/ruleset specific/04:30
mithronash: did you end up doing the fixes for name generation?04:31
nashNot yet04:31
nashmithro: Right - that makes more sense04:32
mithroIE A stars ruleset would have a report damage similar to stars!04:32
nashYep - per ship04:32
nashSo object extra data is per ruleset?04:32
mithronash: in tp0404:32
mithroin tp03 it's just a seperate document04:32
nashSorry - in tp04 there is a way of discovering what the extra info is?04:33
tpb<> (at
nashYeah - that is for minisec?  Or all (current/planned) rulesets?04:33
mithronash: well kinda for minisec/mtsec04:34
mithroin tp04 there is a way to automatically discover extra_data04:34
mithrothe resource stuff on planets is useless for minisec :P04:34
mithrobe back in 1004:35
nashLong 1005:06
mithrohe he05:52
mithrohad to do some real work :P05:52
mithroanyway heading to gym now05:52
mithrosee ya later05:52
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jothamaww i missed mithro08:41
jothamcan someone else tell me if i am allowed to use this library:
tpbTitle: Ocean Empire (at
jothamspecifically i just want to use the event manager, saves writing my own signal slots system08:43
jothamand i am already familiar with this one08:43
JLPhi all09:27
JLPjotham: i don't see any reason that would prevent you using OcempGUI09:31
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JLPmithro: hi09:39
mithrohowdy JLP09:39
JLPmithro: did you get the mail about the Python problem I had09:39
mithroyour up a bit early?09:39
mithroJLP: yes, it was very helpful09:39
mithrowill impliment very shortly09:39
JLPmithro: it's 10:42 here, so I'm up at a normal hour, or many would say I'm late :)09:40
mithrohe he - maybe you don't IRC much in the morning?09:40
JLPi don't do much of anything in the morning, I'm more of a night bird09:41
mithroJLP: he he09:41
mithrowell it was 4am before I went o bed last night :)09:41
JLPI usually go to bad even later, at least for the last couple of weeks, needles to say that then i'm not in the mood to go to university in the morning09:43
JLPbut i can't help, night is the best time for me to work on anything, all is so quiet, no distractions09:45
JLPmithro: btw if you will need to mention the gentoo developer that helped, i think he is Marien Zwart <[email protected]>09:48
mithroJLP: might even blog about it ;)09:49
JLPmithro: yeah i also have to write an article about how i was writing my very first ebuilds09:50
JLPit's strange but i somehow have a feeling that making RPMs will be harder09:50
mithroJLP: rpms are easy!?09:51
mithrowe already have rpms :)09:51
JLPyeah i've seen, i'l try to make them specifically for mandriva 2007 and 2007.109:52
JLPand try to get them included into distro (for 2007.1 or later)09:52
mithroanyway gf hear so got to go09:59
mithronash: will have that highlights post sometime tommorrow09:59
nashmithro: All good ;-)09:59
mithronash: i expect screenshots in return ;)10:00
nashYou may get that.  Else you may get something even better10:00
mithroooohhh omnious10:00
mithroafter the AI comp, would you be intrested in continuing your client?10:09
nashAlthough speed will probably drop.10:10
nashAnd I'll GPL it anyway10:10
mithronash: he he - thats okay, your making me look bad at the moment :P10:10
mithrowriting a client from scratch in a month or two :)10:10
nashCall it experience with the tool kit ;-)10:11
mithronash: actually, come to think of it, writing a fresh client would only take me about 3 months10:11
mithrobut i hate gui programing :P10:12
nashOf course what makes it even worse is I'm writing it in C - a slow language to write... ;-)10:12
adhocevenen all10:12
mithroi'm a server/console coder at heart, just been roped into evil client work10:12
mithroadhoc: so what about vcards for our timetables :)10:12
adhocmithro: i have to talk to evil clients in my work too10:12
adhocmithro: yeah i don't know10:12
adhocwe have this oracle calendar thingy10:13
mithroi'm also tempted to sit down a write a scraper in a few hours10:13
mithroanyway disappearing now10:14
adhocmithro: later10:15
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CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (6 files):11:42
CIA-20MetaserverPublisher stops talking to metaserver for 12 minutes after 5 connection errors:11:42
CIA-20 This doesn't address errors returned from the metaserver, yet. But should much decrease11:42
CIA-20 the ammount of messages about the metaserver when it's not accessible, or the server11:42
CIA-20 is not on the Internet.11:42
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (4 files):11:42
CIA-20Only change timer if it's actually changed in MetaserverPublisher:11:42
CIA-20 Should make it a tiny bit faster, but more importantly use less memory.11:42
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/modules/games/minisec/ (8 files):11:42
CIA-20When generating universe, use random names without replacement:11:42
CIA-20 Should fix repeating names in randomly generated universes.11:42
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JLPllnz: hi11:44
llnzhi JLP11:44
JLPllnz: did you see my last comment in guile 1.8 bug11:45
llnzcatching up and getting stuff in case my adsl goes down again, just a minute11:46
JLPin the meantime i did almost all the important ebuilds, one to do is still tpclient-pywx, and well i'm waiting to see the fix for MySQL/Linux kernel headers in Gentoo11:51
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JLPhi bokey12:03
bokeyJLP, hi12:03
JLPbokey: new here?12:03
bokeyJLP, yup12:04
llnzJLP: yes, saw the comment, not sure what it happening there in the 1.6 case12:04
llnzhi bokey12:04
bokeyJLP, looking for mithro.12:04
JLPbokey: what brings you here?12:04
bokeyJLP, i'll be working on the client for this game.12:05
bokeyJLP, where's mithro ?12:05
bokeyJLP, :)12:05
JLPbokey: great to hear this12:05
bokeyJLP, thanks12:06
JLPbokey: mithro is currently paying attention to his girlfriend, he'll be back later12:06
bokeyJLP, hehhe.. fine..12:06
bokeyJLP, gotta do some work now. catch you around. :)12:06
JLPbokey: have a nice time and see you later12:06
bokeyJLP, cheers12:06
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ordermanager.cpp :12:10
CIA-20Fixed wrong frame type:12:10
CIA-20 Thanks nash for pointing it out.12:10
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/modules/games/minisec/minisec.cpp :12:13
CIA-20Fixed range for choosing random name in minisec random universe generation:12:13
CIA-20 Lee gives mithro an F in Being Nice and Keeping Developers 101. Fixed it12:13
CIA-20 properly this time.12:13
nashllnz: So... I keep crashing the server12:14
nashDo you want core dumps?12:14
llnzcore dumps aren't very useful12:15
llnzwhat sets off the crash is more interesting12:15
nashWell it is crashing in Order::getDescriptionModTime12:15
nashDo you want me to past a backtrace?12:15
nash#0  0x080ba20a in Order::getDescriptionModTime (this=0x0) at order.cpp:12512:16
nash#1  0x080bf767 in OrderManager::doGetOrderTypes (this=0x8112380, frame=0x81267e0, of=0x8126800) at ordermanager.cpp:11112:16
nash#2  0x080b4bbb in Player::processGetOrderTypes (this=0x8126a10, frame=0x81267e0) at player.cpp:77212:16
nash#3  0x080b6aff in Player::processIGFrame (this=0x8126a10, frame=0x81267e0) at player.cpp:23812:16
nash#4  0x080c5f76 in PlayerConnection::inGameFrame (this=0x81262d8) at playerconnection.cpp:25512:16
nash#5  0x080c7009 in PlayerConnection::process (this=0x81262d8) at playerconnection.cpp:8312:16
nash#6  0x080a61db in Network::masterLoop (this=0x8107180) at net.cpp:33312:16
nash#7  0x080991b0 in main (argc=3, argv=0xbf97a1e4) at main.cpp:12212:16
nashOhh.. a this pointer of 0x0 is pretty special ;-)12:16
nashIt happens about 50% of the time, so it's a race condition.12:17
nashIt is when I start up the client and absolutely pummel the server with requests12:17
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CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (ordermanager.cpp ordermanager.cpp):12:25
CIA-20Fixed the crashed caused by non-existent ordertype, but id present in map:12:25
CIA-20 Nash was getting crashes in OrderManager::doGetOrderTypes(). The problem was12:25
CIA-20 (I think) the createOrder() and describeOrder() methods not checking if the key12:25
CIA-20 is in the map of the prototypeStore, and just using the array index functions on it.12:25
llnznash: pull and make12:25
nashminisec.cpp: In member function 'IGObject* MiniSec::createStarSystem(IGObject*, uint32_t&, std::set<const char*, std::less<const char*>, std::allocator<const char*> >&)':12:27
nashminisec.cpp:620: error: call of overloaded 'getInRange(int, size_t)' is ambiguous12:27
nash../../../tpserver/prng.h:73: note: candidates are: uint32_t Random::getInRange(uint32_t, uint32_t)12:27
nash../../../tpserver/prng.h:74: note:                 int32_t Random::getInRange(int32_t, int32_t)12:27
nashAhh... the joy of c++...12:27
llnzoh ffs12:27
llnzit builds for me fine12:28
nashYou compiler version is?12:28
llnz4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)12:28
nashtranquillity:[~/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-cpp]% g++ --version12:29
nashg++ (GCC) 4.1.2 20060920 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-14)12:29
nashI can't believe that makes a difffernec12:29
* nash tries make clean12:30
* nash will need to go soon12:30
nashNope - same problem.12:30
nashCast the first to a uint32_t?12:30
llnzdoing that right now12:31
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/modules/games/minisec/minisec.cpp :12:33
CIA-20Single character update to force getInRange to the correct types:12:33
CIA-20 Minisec random system name code. Why does my g++ accept it (debian 4.1.1-21), and one only slightly12:33
CIA-20 older (debian 4.1.1-14) doesn't?12:33
nashDifferent optimisation flags maybe?12:34
nashI love the fact it is 0 ;-)12:34
nashShould have used 0x0 to make it unsigned ;-)12:35
* nash notes he had better be in the credits for the next release with all these bugs ;-)12:36
nash/home/nash/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-cpp/tpserver/game.cpp:466: undefined reference to `Random::~Random()'12:36
nash/home/nash/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-cpp/tpserver/game.cpp:466: undefined reference to `Random::~Random()'12:36
nashgame.o: In function `Game':12:36
nash/home/nash/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-cpp/tpserver/game.cpp:430: undefined reference to `Random::Random()'12:36
nash/home/nash/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-cpp/tpserver/game.cpp:439: undefined reference to `Random::seed(unsigned int)'12:36
nash/home/nash/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-cpp/tpserver/game.cpp:430: undefined reference to `Random::Random()'12:36
nash/home/nash/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-cpp/tpserver/game.cpp:439: undefined reference to `Random::seed(unsigned int)'12:36
nashAnd another problem12:36
llnzoh, what arch are you on? i386?12:36
nashA P412:36
llnzi think you need to recompile12:36
nashOops 0 missed a line: game.o: In function `~Game':12:36
nashI just did12:37
nashmake clean  && make12:37
nashdoing it again12:37
nashsame result12:38
CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/modules/games/minisec/minisec.cpp : Because getInRange is inclusive, have to subtract one from the total size12:38
nashstill won't link12:39
llnzrun "darcs w -s"12:39
nashNo changes!12:39
nashI would have mentioned that...12:40
nashI'll try running autogen again12:43
llnzand configure12:43
nashhuh - now it can't find libtprl12:43
llnzodd, very odd12:44
llnzwhich version to you have installed?12:44
* nash is quite happy to blam autocrud12:44
nashdarcs head12:44
nashJust did a re-make of that and it worked12:45
nashWhat sort of tool generates include paths like -I. -I. -I..12:46
nashThat worked12:46
nashGo figure12:46
nashhmmm - should the version number be something other ten 0.4.0 for my built one?12:47
llnzit's for having the source tree different from the build tree12:47
llnz0.4.0 is correct12:48
nash. twice?  If the file wasn't found the first time... try again?12:48
llnzonce for local (build) dir, second for src dir... or the other way around12:48
nashIt should still be smarter12:49
nashAnyway - no crash now... And I jsut need to work out how orders work...12:49
nashAnyway time for bed12:49
nashThanks for your help12:49
llnzno problem, i should be asleep too12:50
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CIA-20Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/modules/tpcl/guile/ (6 files):13:08
CIA-20Second attempt at fixing tpguile for libguile 1.8:13:08
CIA-20 Good chance this time I think. Still works with 1.613:08
* llnz wanders off13:20
llnzlater all13:20
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JLPyay, tpserver-cpp compile just fine now13:25
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mithro~seen bokey13:32
tpbmithro: bokey was last seen in #tp 1 hour, 25 minutes, and 51 seconds ago: <bokey> JLP, cheers13:32
jasminebokey was seen 1 hours, 25 minutes and 52 seconds ago.13:32
mithroJLP / bokey : ping?13:32
JLPmithro: pong13:33
mithroJLP: who is bokey :)13:34
JLPmithro: he was looking for you, said he is going to help on the client13:34
mithroo, cool13:35
mithrowill be good to see if he sticks around, I'm always after client help13:35
mithroJLP / bokey : if you are intrested, please introduce yourself on the forums or mailing lists13:38
mithroI have a todo list the side of my arm, so I'm sure we could find lots of cool stuff for you to work on13:38
JLPmithro: i'll try to write an ebuild for tpclient-pywx now13:44
JLPmithro: how should this one get installed?13:45
mithroJLP: okay thats a bit trick13:45
mithrothere is no "" (or shouldn't be)13:46
mithroyou also don't want the client poluting site-packages13:46
mithroso you want to do the following,13:47
mithro1. create /usr/lib/tpclient-pywx (or /usr/games/tpclient-pywx if it's in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH)13:47
mithro2. move all .py and tpclient-pywx to /usr/lib/tpclient-pywx13:48
mithro3. create /usr/share/games/tpclient-pywx13:48
mithro4. move graphics to it13:48
mithro5. move documentation to whereever documentation goes13:49
mithro6. move ./doc/tp-pywx-installed to /usr/bin/tpclient-pywx (or other binary location in the path)13:49
mithroJLP: got all that?13:55
mithroyou'll need the darcs version for it to work13:56
JLPmithro: oh, so it doesn't work with tpclient-pywx-0.2.1.tar.bz2?13:57
mithrono, i've been meaning to do a new release13:57
JLPah ok, i guess it is then best to wait, and for new libtpclient-py with the fix from the e-mail13:58
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CIA-20[email protected] * web/dev/documents/ (protocol3.php protocol3.php protocol3.php protocol3.php):14:56
CIA-20Removed null terminaters.:14:56
CIA-20 Fixes bug [1664262].14:56
tpbTitle: Thousand-Parsec - SWiK (at
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jothammithro did you see what i said about the library23:23
mithrojotham: no23:23
jothamto do the buttons, and also to do my other event stuff, i figured i should just use ocempgui since 1) it has a good event mechanism 2) i am already familiar with it, rather than just writing my own event manager23:24
tpbTitle: Ocean Empire (at
jothambut if you would prefer i write my own i don't mind23:24
jothamhis one is the standard signal/slots observer/listener pattern that most event engines use23:25
mithrowell, my biggest problem with ocemp is that it doesn't support good looking themes?23:25
mithroor am I wrong?23:27
mithrojotham: another option I guess is pgu23:32
jothampgu was his first attempt iirc23:33
jothamocemp supports anything you want it to draw23:33
tpbTitle: Overview (at
mithroi'm happy for you to depend on either if you want23:34
jothamyeah i know pgu23:34
jothamonly reason i wanted ocemp is i wanted the event manager23:34
mithro(anything which is pure Python is fine)23:34
jothamas for the 'look' it can be anything you like23:34
jothamit just has a default standard linux nerd bullshit asthetic right now23:34
jothamwhich most linux crap has23:35
jothamok how should i go about integrating them, make ocemp a prereq? or just copy the event manager code into my own project23:35
mithrojotham: probably make ocemp a prereq23:35
mithroto bad ocemp doesn't use setuptools :/23:36
mithrootherwise it would be easier23:36
mithrounless you want to modify te event manager code23:36
mithrothen copy23:36
jothamnaah i read it all last night to make sure it was actually what i wanted23:36
jothamit's perfect23:36
jothami don't know what setuptools is23:36
jothami usually make things to run on a specific machine, not for general consumption, so my knowledge of installers, setup scripts, and portability issues is limited23:37 to using them, not designing for them23:37
mithroi'll figure out the install problems :)23:39
mithrojotham: in the near future could you create some specy looking screenshots or a screencast?23:40
jothamwhat does that mean23:40
mithrojotham: specy looking screenshots?23:41
jothamwhat is specy23:42
jothamyou mean specification screenshot?23:43
mithroas in pretty23:44
jothamyeah once teh event stuff is in i can put in the UI buttons, the end game screen, fix the sequencing of effects, and take a few screenshots23:45
jothamthen look at finding a non-slow way to parallax23:45
mithrookay cool23:47
mithroanyway got to run23:47
mithrosee ya!23:47
jothamlater bro23:47

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