Wednesday, 2007-01-03

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mithroJLP: ping?06:02
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llnzstupid 64kb/s adsl08:40
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mithrollnz: so :P11:52
llnzwhat happened to CIA-bot?11:52
mithrollnz: it's awaiting diversion to this channel11:53
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llnzwow, tpclient-pywx-dev looks cool11:54
mithrollnz: it doesn't quite work as well as I had hoped11:55
llnzthe finder doesn't work11:55
llnzTraceback (most recent call last):11:55
llnz  File "/home/lee/oss_projects/tp-py/tpclient-pywx-dev/windows/", line 194, in OnRefresh11:55
llnz    self.application.finder.Call(self.application.finder.refresh)11:55
llnzAttributeError: 'FinderThread' object has no attribute 'refresh'11:55
llnzi have a question12:03
llnzthe mod time on Categories, is it for the category itself, or the things in the category?12:03
llnzi'm thinking that i might not have to back category objects into the database12:05
llnzwrt the finder not working:12:08
llnzwhen starting up:12:09
llnzFoundRemoteGame <FinderThread(Thread-3, stopped)> <Game 'demo1'12:09
llnz        tphttp  @ ( p 808012:09
llnz        tp      @ ( p 6923>12:09
llnzException in thread Thread-5:12:09
llnzTraceback (most recent call last):12:09
llnz  File "", line 442, in __bootstrap12:09
llnz  File "/home/lee/oss_projects/tp-py/tpclient-pywx-dev/tp/netlib/discover/", line 65, in run12:09
llnz    self.GameFound(game)12:09
llnz  File "/home/lee/oss_projects/tp-py/tpclient-pywx-dev/tp/client/", line 572, in FoundRemoteGame12:09
llnz    self.application.Post(FinderThread.FoundRemoveGameEvent(game))12:09
llnzAttributeError: type object 'FinderThread' has no attribute 'FoundRemoveGameEvent'12:09
mithroyou need to update -dev12:10
llnzcool, i see demo1 on the finder list12:14
tpbLee has left on worldforge (Believe? Sure!)12:15
llnzi doesn't redraw correctly if you click "download the universe" menu12:18
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mithrollnz: yes i know that bug12:21
* llnz starting working on MTSec again12:22
mithrollnz: yeah the patch was s/FoundRemoveGameEvent/FoundRemoteGameEvent/12:22
llnzany thoughts on the Category question above?12:22
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llnzhi zipola12:23
zipolaGood day!12:23
mithroCategory question?12:23
llnz[01:04] <llnz> the mod time on Categories, is it for the category itself, or the things in the category?12:24
llnz[01:05] <llnz> i'm thinking that i might not have to back category objects into the database12:24
mithrollnz: if your still around in about 30 minutes i have something else cool to show you :P12:24
llnzmithro: I'll try to stay awake then12:24
mithrollnz: i was thinking modtime for the categories (not the components in them)?12:27
mithrobut i hadn't really thought about it deeply12:27
llnzthat would suit me fine12:31
tpb<> (at
mithrollnz: what do you think?12:42
llnzhehe, nice12:44
JLPmithro: cool12:47
llnzhi JLP12:47
mithrohey JLP12:48
mithrothe guy has been working on it for the last 6 months :P12:48
mithrollnz: back when I was looking at the flash stuff is when I found him12:51
mithrollnz: so what do you think of the AUI interface?13:04
llnzwhich bit is that?13:04
llnzthe floating/snapping windows?13:05
mithrollnz: yes13:07
llnzother than it not remembering the positions and sizes, i thought it looked better than the old windows13:08
mithrollnz: it will remeber the positions in the very near future13:08
llnzoh ffs13:10
llnzneed to redesign category handling in tpserver-cpp13:10
llnzthe way I thought it might work doesn't13:11
llnzor rather, it would work until you restarted a server with persistence13:12
mithroahh okay :P13:13
mithromaybe we should start using persistance on demo1?13:13
llnzi would rather not13:13
mithrowhat caused the last crash?13:14
llnzthe last one was trying to send a frame to a connection that didn't exist (which is very odd)13:14
llnzit has happened a couple of times now13:16
llnzit shouldn't be possible for that to happen13:17
mithrohe he with sockets anything is possible :P13:19
llnzJLP: if you are around, what did you think of the intro to libtppro-cpp13:20
llnznot the socket, the whole connection object13:20
JLPllnz: i think it is a very nice start, to see how it is constructed and which clases you should look at13:24
llnzmithro: looking at the code, there isn't anyway for the connection in a player be NULL if there was an incoming frame13:27
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mithrollnz: :P13:27
llnzbut it is13:27
mithrois there a way you could get it to fail gracefully?13:27
llnznot easily13:29
llnzwill keep an eye on demo1, and will have a better look next time13:29
llnzhad better go13:31
llnzcya later all13:31
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