Friday, 2020-10-16

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xobsmigen is used in two places -- both as a component of litex and as a standalone package.01:58
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im-tomu[umarcor] @xobs, the point is that it's exactly the same content duplicated. "a component of litex" and "standalne package" are interpretations of the same repo, isn't it?13:01
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im-tomu[tcal-x] Earlier I had mentioned some occasional behavior with `dfu-util -l` with Fomu, where occasionally I saw `Failed to retrieve string descriptor 2` and `name="UNKNOWN"`.   I have a bit more information -- on devices where I saw this with Foboot 2.0.3, the behavior went away when I installed Foboot 2.0.2.  That is, with 2.0.2, the correct product string was always returned (`Fomu PVT running DFU Bootloader v2.0.3`).18:07
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