Sunday, 2020-08-16

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CarlFKI promised 'work' (startupy friends thing) to get neopixel support ...
tpbTitle: [ADAFRUIT_F405_EXPRESS] neopixel port advice - MicroPython Forum (at
CarlFKI would rather hack on netv2 - test some new firmware that I said I would test21:00
CarlFKcan someone good at MP things do the neopixel   work and I'll do netv2 work?21:00
CarlFKMP because it has CANbus support, and Neo because we are using
tpbTitle: Overview | Adafruit STM32F405 Feather Express | Adafruit Learning System (at
CarlFKCP has neo support, so everything is 'there' but I am floundering on how to make it 'here'21:02
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CarlFKalso, what FPGA would be needed to replace the "STM32F405 Cortex M4 with 1MB Flash, 168MHz speed" ?22:20
CarlFKwhich I think means: what will run risk-v + micropython, or something to answer "why bother?"22:21
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