Sunday, 2019-11-10

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CarlFKim working though
tpbTitle: fomu-workshop | Support files for participating in a Fomu workshop (at
CarlFKso trying to understand what it says, and trying not to have to pull the thing out of my usb port00:01
CarlFKbtw - the top excellent intro to "About FPGAs" is awsome00:02
xobsWell, maybe we could move the "reset" stuff earlier.00:02
CarlFKI think break this into 2 lines:00:03
CarlFKTo restart Fomu, unplug it and plug it back in.  This will start the  bootloader.  To run the program on Fomu without needing to load it  again, use the -e option:00:03
xobs one of the paragraphs there talks about writing 0xac00:03
tpbTitle: fomu-workshop | Support files for participating in a Fomu workshop (at
CarlFKbecause I really want those 2 things to be the same thing00:03
mithroWhat CarlFK is really saying is that he wants to power cycle the fomu without pulling it out and in again00:04
xobsmithro: right, and 0xac is hooked up to SB_WARMBOOT00:05
CarlFKyeah - now that I know what it is trying to say, I see that it says that.  but when I didn't know, I took it to mean someting else00:06
xobsI see. That should be reworded.00:07
CarlFKxobs: um.. this happened:00:10
CarlFK$ dfu-util -D micropython-fomu.dfu ... state(8) = dfuMANIFEST-WAIT-RESET, status(0) = No error condition is present Done! (good)00:10
CarlFK$ tio /dev/ttyACM000:10
CarlFK[tio 16:08:58] Connected00:10
CarlFKTraceback (most recent call last):   File "<stdin>", line 1 SyntaxError: invalid syntax00:11
CarlFKoh never mind00:11
CarlFKtio is sending AT commands00:11
xobsCarlFK: you probably have something running that's treating it like a modem and sending Hayes commands.00:11
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CarlFKxobs: thanks for the help00:31
CarlFKim heaing off to mom's for dinner.   no idea when I will get back to this00:32
CarlFKhopefully within a week00:32
CarlFKsee ya00:32
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xobsCarlFK: see you! I'll be working on Tinyusb and Foboot this week, before going to the Hackaday Superconference on Thursday.00:33
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TomKeddiexobs: am kind stuck trying to get a vector of TSTriples working, perhaps you have a moment to look at ?16:49
tpbTitle: Limited object scope of eq operator causing multiple conflicting drivers · Issue #194 · m-labs/migen · GitHub (at
xobsTomKeddie: I'm not sure how python pointers work, but isn't this just copying a pointer to the same object, rather than duplicating it?16:52
xobsgpio_pins_t = [TSTriple()] * len(pad)16:52
TomKeddiexobs: thanks, let me try that.  I was taking it as a more c++ style contructor.17:55
TomKeddiexobs: you're a genius, thanks a million17:58
xobsTomKeddie: hooray!18:00
xobsTomKeddie: another fun thing to watch out for is that you'll get the same behavior if you have a constructor as a default argument18:03
TomKeddieUrgh, traps everywhere....  Am hoping to have a basic pmod/sao PR for you today (PST).18:03
xobsFor example:
tpbTitle: module: fix documenting multiple interrupts · xobs/lxsocdoc@94be729 · GitHub (at
xobsDictionaries seem to be initialized exactly once, which led to some interestingness18:08
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