Wednesday, 2018-02-21

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tomu-ci[tomu-hardware] xobs created new-case (+4 new commits):
tomu-citomu-hardware/new-case 3b351b0 Sean Cross: case: add temporary v0.4.4 case...03:04
tomu-citomu-hardware/new-case f6daec5 Sean Cross: pcb: add v0.4.4 with improved 5V rail...03:04
tomu-citomu-hardware/new-case f02e864 Sean Cross: case: increase pocket size to 0.8mm...03:04
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tomu-ci[tomu-hardware] xobs pushed 2 new commits to new-case:
tomu-citomu-hardware/new-case b4cf978 Sean Cross: pcb: add fill for GND for decoupling cap...11:43
tomu-citomu-hardware/new-case a9a4e95 Sean Cross: pcb: increase copper going to 3.3V pad...11:43
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tomu-ci[tomu-hardware] xobs pushed 2 new commits to master:
tomu-citomu-hardware/master 6e6e18a Sean Cross: tomu: tag v0.4.6...13:11
tomu-citomu-hardware/master acfe708 Sean Cross: v0.4.6: release project...13:11
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tomu-ci[tomu-hardware] xobs tagged v0.4.6 at master:
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xobsThere.  Fixed the 2.54mm spacing for the debug pads, and managed to increase some trace widths.14:03
xobsAlso realized KiCad had the soldermask opening set to 0.1mm for the QFN, which made it hard to solder.  The PCB house apparently fixed that when they ran the v0.3 boards, but didn't tell me.14:04
MadHackerToo big? Meant the mask didn't go between the pins?14:18
xobsToo big -- the QFN wouldn't settle down on the pad and floated around.14:41
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MadHackerAye, the shape of the surface tension and the solder meniscus is largely set by how close the mask opening is.20:43
MadHackerEven if you're not doing solder-mask defined pads.20:43
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