Monday, 2020-08-17

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kgugala_@pollo you can find the gateware and driver code for netv2 (pcie) here
tpbTitle: GitHub - antmicro/netv2 at v4l2 (at
kgugala_it handles both HDMI in and out06:53
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kgugalashould work fine on both versions of the netv2 HW - with artix a50t and a100t06:55
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pollokgugala: nice! Is "Currently only HDMI source that was succesfully captured is Numato Opsis HDMI output" still true?13:09
polloI don't see why that should matter13:09
polloIs the input HDMI resolution adaptative, or does it need to be 1280x720?13:35
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CarlFKkgugala: I am sure this used to work:  1. Prepare virtualenv:     make venv/create18:48
CarlFKmake: *** No rule to make target 'venv/create'.  Stop.18:48
kgugalaCarlFK[m]: the target is there
tpbTitle: netv2/Makefile at v4l2 · antmicro/netv2 · GitHub (at
kgugalapollo: the resolution is configurable19:18
kgugalaas for the input type it should work with others too19:19
pollo" /* TODO: don't hardcore! */"19:21
polloheh, so configurable but you need to reflash the board, right?19:21
polloanyway, thanks for answering my questions, that's good enough to justify buying a board19:23
pollothat and I'll be able to test hdmi2usb on it too19:28
CarlFKkgugala: derp.  I wasn't in that dir.  my bad.19:48
kgugalapollo: you don't need to reflash the board - it is settable from the Linux driver20:01
CarlFKkgugala: something later requries py3, so I think you want:  virtualenv --python python3 $(VIRTUALENV_DIR); \20:21
CarlFKkgugala: want an issue/pr?20:22
CarlFKkgugala: rawr: make module/build20:25
CarlFKscp software.tar.gz [email protected]:/home/antmicro20:25
CarlFKkgugala: if you will enable the issue tracker, I ll log issues20:41
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