Tuesday, 2020-04-07

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-_whitenotifier-3- [litex-buildenv] ewenmcneill commented on pull request #348: Update submodules and modernize platforms/target files - https://git.io/JvAcZ04:25
-_whitenotifier-3- [litex-buildenv] mateusz-holenko opened issue #383: Add documentaion for tests - https://git.io/JvAl606:59
-_whitenotifier-3- [litex-buildenv] mateusz-holenko opened issue #384: Cleanup (and fix) the ice40_hx8k_b_env target - https://git.io/JvAly07:06
-_whitenotifier-3- [litex-buildenv] mateusz-holenko opened pull request #385: micropython: use fupy/micropython fork - https://git.io/JvA4B08:02
-_whitenotifier-3- [litex-buildenv] mateusz-holenko commented on pull request #348: Update submodules and modernize platforms/target files - https://git.io/JvA4R08:03
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-_whitenotifier-3- [nextpnr] pull[bot] opened pull request #102: [pull] master from YosysHQ:master - https://git.io/JvAzf10:15
-_whitenotifier-3- [nextpnr] pull[bot] closed pull request #102: [pull] master from YosysHQ:master - https://git.io/JvAzf12:15
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-_whitenotifier-3- [yosys] pull[bot] opened pull request #341: [pull] master from YosysHQ:master - https://git.io/JvASy16:11
-_whitenotifier-3- [yosys] pull[bot] closed pull request #341: [pull] master from YosysHQ:master - https://git.io/JvASy16:11
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-_whitenotifier-3- [nextpnr] pull[bot] opened pull request #103: [pull] master from YosysHQ:master - https://git.io/JvApm20:15
-_whitenotifier-3- [nextpnr] pull[bot] closed pull request #103: [pull] master from YosysHQ:master - https://git.io/JvApm20:15
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-_whitenotifier-3- [litex-buildenv] ewenmcneill commented on issue #366: Update litex submodule (currently 2019-11-18) - https://git.io/Jvxer21:43
-_whitenotifier-3- [litex-buildenv] ewenmcneill closed issue #366: Update litex submodule (currently 2019-11-18) - https://git.io/JvrjX21:43
-_whitenotifier-3- [litex-buildenv] ewenmcneill commented on issue #277: Ice40 HX8K EVB issues - https://git.io/Jvxe621:45
-_whitenotifier-3- [litex-buildenv] ewenmcneill commented on issue #384: Cleanup (and fix) the ice40_hx8k_b_env target - https://git.io/JvxeS21:50
-_whitenotifier-3- [litex-buildenv] ewenmcneill commented on pull request #385: micropython: use fupy/micropython fork - https://git.io/Jvxe721:53
-_whitenotifier-3- [litex-buildenv] ewenmcneill commented on issue #384: Cleanup (and fix) the ice40_hx8k_b_env target - https://git.io/Jvxeh21:58
-_whitenotifier-3- [yosys] pull[bot] opened pull request #342: [pull] master from YosysHQ:master - https://git.io/JvxvR22:11
-_whitenotifier-3- [yosys] pull[bot] closed pull request #342: [pull] master from YosysHQ:master - https://git.io/JvxvR22:11
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