Wednesday, 2020-03-25

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-_whitenotifier-3- [nextpnr] pull[bot] opened pull request #96: [pull] master from YosysHQ:master -
-_whitenotifier-3- [nextpnr] pull[bot] closed pull request #96: [pull] master from YosysHQ:master -
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tcalHi all, I'm working on the FuPy Arty tutorial:16:08
tpbTitle: HowTo FuPy on a Digilent Arty A7 · timvideos/litex-buildenv Wiki · GitHub (at
tcalWhen I run the download-prebuilt script, I get this error:16:09
tcalsvn: E170000: URL '' doesn't exist16:09
tcalI *did* find this lm32/ directory:16:09
tpbTitle: HDMI2USB-firmware-prebuilt/archive/v0.0.4/v0.0.4/arty/base/lm32 at master · timvideos/HDMI2USB-firmware-prebuilt · GitHub (at
tcalBut when I tried hacking that path into the script, it still said that it couldn't find it.16:09
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mithrotcal: I'm guessing that the output wasn't built16:13
tpbTitle: GitHub - timvideos/HDMI2USB-firmware-prebuilt: Prebuilt firmware for the HDMI2USB devices (such as the Numato Opsis and the Digilent Atlys board). (at
mithro looks like the latest16:14
tpbTitle: HDMI2USB-firmware-prebuilt/archive/master/v0.0.4-584-g2011661 at master · timvideos/HDMI2USB-firmware-prebuilt · GitHub (at
mithroOh wait there is also16:15
tpbTitle: HDMI2USB-firmware-prebuilt/archive/master/v0.0.4-721-gc27ca25 at master · timvideos/HDMI2USB-firmware-prebuilt · GitHub (at
mithroBut it looks like the prebuilt stuff might be broken16:16
tcalOk, I was trying this tutorial since the vexrisc/tflite tutorial assumed you already knew how to connect the artyA7 board and were familiar with the bitstream download process, so it seemed I should start with something more basic.16:17
tcalSo I don't really need to get through this tutorial; I'll just glean useful background info from the webpage.16:20
mithrotcal: You should poke kgugala too16:20
tcalmithro: will do16:22
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mithrokgugala: poke :-)16:47
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kgugalamithro: I'm here17:04
kgugalatcal: do you need any help with running the tflite - litex/vex demo?17:05
-_whitenotifier-3- [video-signal-booster-board] kgugala commented on issue #17: What i2c address should the board apear as? -
-_whitenotifier-3- [video-signal-booster-board] kgugala commented on issue #12: Can Opsis communicate / control video the board? -
-_whitenotifier-3- [video-signal-booster-board] kgugala closed issue #12: Can Opsis communicate / control video the board? -
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-_whitenotifier-3- [video-signal-booster-board] mithro reopened issue #12: Can Opsis communicate / control video the board? -
-_whitenotifier-3- [video-signal-booster-board] kgugala commented on issue #18: Case should have ports labled -
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-_whitenotifier-3- [video-signal-booster-board] kgugala commented on issue #13: Instructions for 3d printing the case -
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-_whitenotifier-3- [video-signal-booster-board] kgugala commented on issue #12: Can Opsis communicate / control video the board? -
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-_whitenotifier-3- [video-signal-booster-board] mithro commented on issue #12: Can Opsis communicate / control video the board? -
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