Monday, 2020-01-13

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-_whitenotifier-5- [HDMI2USB-litex-firmware] mithro closed pull request #482: EDID: v_sync offset/width are 6-bit values -
xobsIs there a place at LCA to test my laptop output this afternoon before my talk at 2:30?03:26
CarlFKxobs: test station is up!04:32
xobsCarlFK ( yay! I'm going to rely on prayer now, though.04:36
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xobsCarlFK ( prayer failed. Ended up having to have an adapter.05:31
CarlFKoh noze!05:31
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-_whitenotifier-5- [yosys] pull[bot] opened pull request #219: [pull] master from YosysHQ:master -
-_whitenotifier-5- [yosys] pull[bot] closed pull request #219: [pull] master from YosysHQ:master -
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