Thursday, 2019-12-26

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AylonsHey folks, Merry Christimas for those who celebrates XMas.00:04
AylonsI'm trying to gather information about the current status of the Numato Opsis. What is the status for the board? Numato's website doesn't have a buy button or even a price.00:06
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futarisIRCcloudAylons: Are you looking to get an Opsis? What are you wanting to do with it?01:34
AylonsI intend to both use it in local and maybe international events and, if I find it a good fit, help develop gateware or hardware for it.01:35
Aylons I'm not seeing much recent development on git or news on the main page, so I want to understand status of the project(s) firt.01:36
AylonsThis is my first actual contact wih the project after a few years having it in my "maybe list", so let me introduce myself to break the ice:01:38
AylonsI'm a firmware and gateware engineer at an accelerator in Brazil, and I help develop some open hardware projects.01:39
futarisIRCcloudmithro / CarlFK[m] / xobs : ^01:41
AylonsI also take part of two local hackerspaces, even though I haven't took part in any event organization in a while.01:41
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AylonsBut I'm involved on some accelerators events we're organizing  in Brazil (IBIC 2020 and IPAC 2021), and I'm part of the editorial team for JACoW, an organization that edits open access proceedings for accelerator conferences.01:43
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AylonsJACoW do not, and for now does not intends to, record conferences. But who knows?01:44
futarisIRCcloudOpsis is limited to 720p. mithro & xobs will be at 36C3, in Germany (this weekend). At 2020, we might end up using the NeTV2 at 1080p for certain rooms.01:45
AylonsIs NeTV2 more active? Is there any compromise in adopting it?01:46
xobsI do know that the video stuff is in a very good place, which might be why there hasn't been much development on it recently.01:46
futarisIRCcloudSome people in #usbhacking are also working on reversing the Elgato camlink (normal / 4k) & creating open source gateware and firmware for that.01:47
Aylonsxobs, but how can I buy it? Numato website does not have a buy button or a price tag. Do I need to build it myself?01:50
futarisIRCcloudNeTV2 doesn't have a way to connect over USB (yet) ... PCIe only.
xobsAylons: Looks like Crowd Supply has some still --
futarisIRCcloudI just noticed they also have the 100T version there.01:52
futarisIRCcloudNumato Opsis is 6 series Xilinx. NeTV2 is 7 series Xilinx.01:54
AylonsYeah, I saw that. 7 series sounds much better from my point of view, I've only did work with 7 series in the last 6 years01:54
xobsNote: The big difference is that the 7 series can do 1080p.01:54
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futarisIRCcloudHi rohitksingh. On IPv6?01:55
AylonsNeTV2 sounds like serious business. PCIe Express can be a bit messy to support on software, is this a "solved" problem?01:56
xobsI don't know that anyone's tried.02:02
tpbTitle: HowTo HDMI2PCIe on NeTV2 · timvideos/litex-buildenv Wiki · GitHub (at
xobsFrom the gateware perspective, litepcie works really well.  That's what's been tested.02:02
xobsWell then.  Thanks, futarisIRCcloud02:03
xobsAdditionally, there's the wishbone bridge that comes from litex that bridges the NeTV2 Wishbone bus onto PCIe, enabling things like debugging and peripheral access.02:03
futarisIRCcloudFor USB, there is the USB UVC standard, and Opsis appears like a standard webcam.02:05
AylonsOh, great, we alread use wishbone over PCIe in all of our gateware, so this should not be terrible.02:05
xobsI've never done anything with Wishbone and PCIe, so I still haven't added support for it to wishbone-tool.02:10
xobsBut I don't know that anyone else uses wishbone-tool.  So there's that.02:10
cr1901_modernxobs: series 6 can do 1080p. It's out of spec, but it can be done :).02:12
cr1901_modernAsk @fieldhamster about it02:12
xobscr1901_modern: true! As long as you're not doing much else.02:13
xobsAbout 50% of the original NeTV units could do 1080p without issue.  FPGAs are just massively overspecced.02:13
AylonsBut still, for 200 USD, it seems like a deal.02:15
rohitksinghHi futarisIRCcloud! Yeah, the current Internet Service Provider provides IPv6 :) Even I was surprised with that.02:19
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AylonsSo, at least basic recording could be done with the NeTV2, right? I suppose I can already dinamically change the video source while recording, out of the box?02:32
AylonsSounds promising. I'll propose the lab to buy one se we can use it in our events.02:39
AylonsOk, so I'm taking a look at the website and trying to make sense of a current workflow02:54
AylonsSuppose I only have 1 HDMI2USB device (I suppose NeTV2 would work)02:55
AylonsI would plug it to the camera, the presentation PC, the presenter feedback monitor and the projector, as shown in the landing page. How do I define all this routing?02:56
AylonsAlso, I would receive what I suppose is a single stream of video at the PC. How do I choose which one?02:59
AylonsIf I want to use the voctomix potential and allow mixing between all video sources, woudl I need several HDMI2USB devices?02:59
AylonsSorry for this many questions. If i decide to propose this at the lab, I really must have a roadmap, both for the lab to buy it and use it soon after and also to me, so I can see how much work would it be to me to help develop the features I want in the future/03:01
xobsI have similar questions!03:03
xobsI do know that LCA uses it for all their recording, and there will be a hackfest in about two weeks, just before LCA.  So lots of people who know lots of things about the project will be gathered together.03:04
AylonsLinux Conf AU?03:05
xobsThat's the one.03:05
AylonsOk, so I'll wait before asking the same questions again :cP03:14
xobsYou'll probably get answers before then, it's just that right now I'm sure lots of people are off because of Christmas and/or CCC.  That just gives you an upper bound in terms of when people will be back.03:16
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futarisIRCcloudAylons: You'll probably find that mithro and CarlFK are the best knowledge bases for voctomix here. Like the topic says, sometimes it may be hours before someone answers your question.08:05
* CarlFK checks logs...08:19
CarlFK*** Aylons has quit IRC08:24
CarlFKoh wellz.08:24
CarlFKthings are a bit grim right now.  I don't think any more Opsis will be fabbed, and the NeTV2 ... I don't think it has firmware that will give us something to record (yet)08:25
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AylonsOh, just saw CarlFK answer. What is missing in the firmware for recording? My specific problem, in this case, is that I cannot ask the lab to buy NeTV2 so I can develop the firmware on my free time..14:34
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CarlFK  $500 or used  $150
tpbTitle: Atlys Spartan-6 FPGA Trainer Board (LIMITED TIME) - Digilent (at
CarlFKI use those16:44
CarlFK uses
tpbTitle: Overview | Adafruit TFP401 HDMI/DVI Decoder to 40-pin TTL Display | Adafruit Learning System (at
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