Sunday, 2019-05-12

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CarlFKmithro: test box sent you mail!!!06:47
CarlFKmithro: 2 really.  one has a kinda legit message: version numbers aren't what is expected.  I'll look into that.06:47
CarlFKmithro: tomorrow.  today's goal was getting it to send email.  yay for that.l07:08
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CarlFKmithro:  is:  unstable v0.0.4-404-g57fb821
tpbTitle: HDMI2USB-firmware-prebuilt/archive/master/v0.0.4-404-g57fb821/opsis/hdmi2usb/lm32 at master · timvideos/HDMI2USB-firmware-prebuilt · GitHub (at
CarlFKmithro: which is out of date.  v0.0.4-462-g005f746 is what I am currently testing18:54
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