Saturday, 2019-05-04

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CarlFKWelp, works fine with the 720p camera, not the spare crappy camera.01:24
CarlFKlets hope the good cam doesn't fall over tomorrow01:25
futarisIRCcloudCarlFK: Numato Opsis or NeTV2 ?01:27
CarlFKBM card /o\01:27
CarlFKhey yipee - no AV sync problem today.01:30
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_florent__futarisIRCcloud: there is now a SPI flash example09:44
_florent__futarisIRCcloud: the timer in the CPU is the timer specific to VexRiscv/RISC-V, i'll probably move it in the future09:45
_florent__futarisIRCcloud: when creating a SoC, there is still the traditional timer09:45
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futarisIRCcloud_florent__: Thanks.10:41
futarisIRCcloudmithro: Is where all the image creation is done?10:54
tpbTitle: litex-buildenv/ at master · timvideos/litex-buildenv · GitHub (at
futarisIRCcloudLooks like I just need to add some stuff to: to define new spi flash regions.10:54
tpbTitle: litex-buildenv/ at master · timvideos/litex-buildenv · GitHub (at
futarisIRCcloud is how florent has it currently laid out.10:55
tpbTitle: arty: add SPI flash support and allow booting linux from it · enjoy-digital/linux-on-litex-vexriscv@91bf9d7 · GitHub (at
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xobsfutarisIRCcloud: I'm really happy with the picorv32 spi controller.17:59
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tpbTitle: System Stack · CarlFK/veyepar Wiki · GitHub (at
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