Thursday, 2018-04-05

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nancyCarlFK sir there ?11:09
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CarlFKrohitksingh: hi!13:50
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rohitksinghCarkFK: hi!14:16
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nancyCarlFk  /cr1901_modern , sir looking at last year's work , the pixels are copied using the existing DMA engine in the gateware16:06
CarlFKnancy: sounds plausible16:08
nancy So this basically means that, for the given task   to modify the pixels we need to access the memory again16:08
nancycorrecct me sir !16:08
CarlFKnancy: um.. first, I'm not sure how it is implemented.  what you say sounds correct about current code. ...16:22
CarlFKI would start by re coding it to read and write pixels one at a time.    which may be to slow, but write the easy code first and see if it needs to be optimized16:23
nancySir , i was thinking in a way if we can change the pixels at appropriate locations for the implementation of tasks. Kindly correct me16:28
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akhil_singhCarlFK: I have submitted my code for review. Did you check ?16:29
CarlFKakhil_singh: I haven't seen anything - URL for me to look?16:30
CarlFKnancy: that sounds harder, but I will let you figure out what is easy16:30
tpbTitle: Module for LFSR by akhil-123 · Pull Request #47 · timvideos/getting-started · GitHub (at
nancyyes sir16:33
CarlFKakhil_singh: i don't work with that code, so I can't say much about it.  Does it solve an issue on the issue list?16:36
akhil_singhCarlFK: This code is for LFSR which will be used in IBERT project.16:40
CarlFKumm, is that on the issue list?16:44
akhil_singhCarlFK: No16:48
akhil_singhCarlFK: IBERT project is on issue list of getting started. But there is no issue in list regarding LFSR.16:53
nancy ,  Considering the current implementation sir16:54
tpbTitle: HDMI2USB-litex-firmware/ex1.svg at master · CarlFK/HDMI2USB-litex-firmware · GitHub (at
CarlFKakhil_singh: I would reference it in the PR.  "This code is for LFSR which will be used in IBERT project issue: <something>"  and look up how to reference issues from ... comments?16:56
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CarlFKnancy: start with re coding it to move a row at a time instead of a frame at a time17:04
CarlFKso just this case:
tpbTitle: HDMI2USB-litex-firmware/ex0.svg at master · CarlFK/HDMI2USB-litex-firmware · GitHub (at
nancyyes sir17:09
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nancythanks sir!17:12
nancylemme look more into it17:12
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akhil_singhCarlFK: I have updated comment in which i have referred to the issue. Can you check it once ?
tpbTitle: Module for LFSR by akhil-123 · Pull Request #47 · timvideos/getting-started · GitHub (at
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nancyHello Carl sir ! There ?23:10
tumbleweednancy: if you want to get his attention, you should probably use his full nick, CarlFK23:15
CarlFKnancy: hi.  and yes, it is called "nicking" someone, makes my laptop beep at me23:16
tumbleweedand his watch vibrate :P23:19
nancyoh sir ! Sir , actually i was going through this
tpbTitle: HDMI2USB-litex-firmware/ex1.svg at master · CarlFK/HDMI2USB-litex-firmware · GitHub (at
nancyfor cropping / padding support to current implementation
tpbTitle: HDMI2USB-litex-firmware/ex0.svg at master · CarlFK/HDMI2USB-litex-firmware · GitHub (at
nancySo i was thinking in a direction , when we talk about resolution of video X*Y , we talk about the matrix of same size ,23:24
nancywhich will contain the intensity information in spatial domain in the matrix , Thus by applying23:25
nancyresizing approach in the whole of the matrix at a time change the resolution easily , by decreasing the time requirement as we are performing on the frame23:27
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nancyCarlFK sir  : This is what i was figuring out .. to implement23:42
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