Sunday, 2018-04-01

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shivm28Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-00319-g8f1f912a7-dirty09:30
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shivm28sam123: Can you please post your issue?13:01
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shivmCarlFK: I have made some changes to the code with regard to this issue.
tpbTitle: debug edid foo - help and error could be better · Issue #418 · timvideos/HDMI2USB-litex-firmware · GitHub (at
shivmchanged "foo port has no EDID capabilities" to "no such port" and "debug edid" to "debug edid <port>" in help menu.13:33
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cr1901shivm: Re: your openocd problem...13:41
cr1901Try using the bitstream proxy bscan_spi_xc6slx45.bit from here:
tpbTitle: GitHub - quartiq/bscan_spi_bitstreams (at
cr1901It should replace the proxy at the path listed in your pastebin:
tpbTitle: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
cr1901Idk if this will work, it's just a hunch13:42
shivmshould I build image file again or load the previous version?14:10
cr1901shivm: Loading prev version should be fine14:17
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shivmcr1901: Some progress I think:
tpbTitle: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
shivmBut did I used the correct command? Also, currently I am working with prebuilt firmware files14:34
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shivmcr1901: How Can I check if it is flashed properly?14:39
shivmI tried connecting the board using terminal and it is connected. Then, I used romboot and get something like this:
tpbTitle: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
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nancy_@CarlFK sir I have made the changes in  issue : Kindly have a review15:09
tpbTitle: Add a "--version" to download-firmware script. · Issue #91 · timvideos/HDMI2USB-mode-switch · GitHub (at
nancy_@mithro Sir ,This is a ping regarding discussion on issue [HDMI2USB] Add "hardware mixing" support to HDMI2USB firmware #3415:17
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cr1901shivm: From your log, looks like it flashed properly16:44
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CarlFKshenki: !!!  I built your vizzini branch, booted, pluged in Atlys, driver loaded.17:10
CarlFKso... submit it!!!17:10
CarlFKor tell me what else we need to do.17:11
CarlFKshivm - yep, your atlys flashed.17:12
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shivm28CarlFK: Hi, I did some changes to resolve issue#418. Please take a look:
tpbTitle: update-debug-edid help and error by shivmgg · Pull Request #424 · timvideos/HDMI2USB-litex-firmware · GitHub (at
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