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jea | CarlFK: you are welcome over here any time | 05:14 |
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CarlFK[m] | Awww thank you :) | 05:41 |
Ishan_Bansal | mithro : ping | 10:41 |
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Choco31415 | @CarlFK: ping | 16:39 |
CarlFK[m] | Choco31415 (IRC): pong | 16:39 |
Choco31415 | I'm the person you chatted with earlier about streaming OhioLinuxFest (although you probably don't remember). | 16:40 |
Choco31415 | Anyway, it's official. I'm streaming. | 16:40 |
CarlFK[m] | neat | 16:40 |
Choco31415 | I remember you mentioned one thing to watch out for was audio levels/copyrighted materials being presented. | 16:41 |
Choco31415 | Is there anything else I should watch out for? | 16:41 |
CarlFK[m] | http://dvswitch.alioth.debian.org/wiki/conference/ | 16:43 |
tpb | Title: conference (at dvswitch.alioth.debian.org) | 16:43 |
Choco31415 | That looks beautiful. Thank you. | 16:45 |
CarlFK[m] | do you plan on using voctomix? | 16:45 |
Choco31415 | I'm planning on using OBS. | 16:45 |
Choco31415 | Voctomix doesn't seem like it gives any major benefits compared to OBS. | 16:46 |
CarlFK[m] | if I understand what you are doing for OLF, you are right | 16:48 |
Choco31415 | Yep. A simple recording of presenter+presentation, a little bit of cropping and audio fixing, then uploading. | 16:49 |
CarlFK[m] | audio fixing ?! | 16:49 |
CarlFK[m] | doom. | 16:49 |
CarlFK[m] | streaming - live, right? | 16:50 |
Choco31415 | Audio fixing as in adjusting audio levels. OBS has support for making an audio stream louder/softer. | 16:51 |
Choco31415 | "fixing" was a poor word. | 16:52 |
CarlFK[m] | I really really suggest you do some 1 or 2 talk meet up | 16:54 |
Choco31415 | I'll be doing that asap. | 16:54 |
Choco31415 | I'm aiming for Tuesday. OSU CWDG. | 16:54 |
CarlFK[m] | do they use mics/pa system? | 16:54 |
Choco31415 | Unfortunately not. They have everything else. | 16:55 |
CarlFK[m] | meh, thats not a good test | 16:55 |
CarlFK[m] | audio is harder/ takes more time/ more important... | 16:56 |
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Choco31415_ | They also have a volunteer meetup day before the event, so I can test systems then. | 16:57 |
CarlFK[m] | that doesn't sound like something you can rely on - | 16:59 |
Choco31415_ | Still, it'll help. | 16:59 |
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CarlFK[m] | I would also look for events you can record even if you don't care about the content - like I did Java meetups | 17:08 |
Choco31415_ | I'm not sure any building around here has a PA system. | 17:09 |
CarlFK[m] | quite a few I showed up, tried to get setup, but wasn't ready so the talk started and I lost the first talk | 17:09 |
Choco31415_ | I've done video streaming before. Just not conferences. | 17:10 |
CarlFK[m] | video streaming doesn't tell me anything | 17:10 |
Choco31415_ | Carl, just so I don't forget, thank you for all the tips and help over the past month or so. | 17:10 |
CarlFK[m] | if it is your own stuff on your own schedule - very different from being at someone elses event with a room full of people | 17:11 |
Choco31415_ | Oh no no | 17:11 |
Choco31415_ | This is competitive eSports where there is a set schedule, I need to incorporate multiple audio streams, and switch between a few video streams too. | 17:12 |
Choco31415_ | THey will and have started without me. | 17:12 |
Choco31415_ | The major difference are no external audio, no copyrighted material, and politeness issues with recording people. | 17:13 |
Choco31415_ | (I'm still reading through that page you linked.) | 17:13 |
CarlFK[m] | hopefully it will work out for you | 17:14 |
CarlFK[m] | its possible ;) | 17:14 |
Choco31415_ | I really hope audio works out. | 17:14 |
CarlFK[m] | im off for a while - see ya | 17:15 |
Choco31415_ | Thanks Carl! See ya! | 17:16 |
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