Tuesday, 2017-02-07

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xfxfmithro: blackmagic just announced this - https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicwebpresenter00:34
tpbTitle: Blackmagic Design: Blackmagic Web Presenter (at www.blackmagicdesign.com)00:34
xfxfdoes HDMI in (or SDI in) / HDMI out, takes in XLR/RCA audio, and presents as a USB webcam00:35
xfxfcosts the same as a HDMI2USB00:35
mithroIt only does 720p interestingly00:37
xfxfinterestingly it downconverts to 720p over USB, so same constraints00:37
xfxfyes, indeed00:37
xfxfi like the XLR/RCA in00:37
xfxfit's USB 2.000:38
shenkiriscv is upstream in gcc: https://gcc.gnu.org/viewcvs/gcc?view=revision&revision=24522401:18
tpbTitle: [gcc] Revision 245224 (at gcc.gnu.org)01:18
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