Saturday, 2015-08-22

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CarlFKinstalled everything localy, built, now I get: fl.FLException: FPGALink device did not renumerate properly as 1D50:602B:000204:02
CarlFKmake: *** [load-gateware] Error 104:02
mithroCarlFK: run it twice05:02
CarlFKmithro:  Programming successful!05:03
mithroCarlFK: you'll want to use a second USB cable and connect to the serial port05:04
CarlFKmithro:  what serial port?05:04
mithroThe second micro USB connector05:07
CarlFKhey look theres a second micro USB connector ;)05:11
mithroYou'll need the exar drivers that Ryan mentions in the document05:11
mithroThen you can do a "make load-lm32-firmware" and get a "HDMI2USB>" prompt.05:43
mithroWhich you can type help at05:43
mithroCarlFK: to get USB capture working, you need to do a "make load-fx2-firmware" too05:43
mithroThere is also a "make view" target which should work06:11
CarlFKmithro: I'll try that in the morning06:37
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mithroMorning CARAM__13:00
mithroMorning CarlFK13:00
mithroCarlFK: going to do some testing?13:00
CarlFKmithro: yes, but coffee first13:01
CarlFKmithro: and after encoding some vids from PyOhio (3 weeks ago!  so late!!!)  and breakfast, and sending in a crash report to the melt dev list...17:25
CarlFKmithro: I need help getting gdb to give me a bt so I can send it to the dev...  but I forget how to run it17:26
CarlFKsomething like: gdb ~/local/Shotcut/ --args "-verbose -progress -profile hdv_720_30p foo.mlt"17:26
CarlFKpretty sure I did this:       gdb    [options] --args prog [arguments]17:27
CarlFKnever mind.. I think I see the probem17:28
CarlFKshell script wrapper "/home/juser/local/Shotcut/": not in executable format: File format not recognized17:28

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