Monday, 2015-01-05

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rohitksinghshenki: ping01:32
shenkirohitksingh: pong01:36
rohitksinghshenki: hi! :)  mithro asked me to find out from you about current progress with sdcc and cypress firmware01:41
shenkirohitksingh: ah. i spent some time looking at it on the weekend, but i haven't made any progress01:43
shenkirohitksingh: are you planning to hack on it?01:43
rohitksinghshenki: yeah. I think we ( I & ajit) are going to work on it. mithro is probably gonna assign us on this.01:47
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shenkirohitksingh: awesome01:51
shenkirohitksingh: feel free to grab me on hangouts or here if you think i could hlep01:51
shenkirohitksingh: how is NZ?01:51
rohitksinghshenki: NZ is good. Not good for vegetarians though :P01:52
shenkirohitksingh: bummer about the food. have you guys got a tv set up where you're hacking?01:53
shenkirohitksingh: and will NZ tv show the test match?01:53
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CarlFKshenki: what test match?02:06
rohitksinghshenki: sorry. Had to reboot into ubuntu during conversation. anything i missed?02:08
CarlFKrohitksingh: nope02:10
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tvCommitBot[gst-switch] deeprave opened pull request #87: Setting up glib unit testing support. (
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mithroaps: ping?09:04
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mithroshenki: ping?10:39
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tvCommitBot[gst-switch] mithro pushed 2 new commits to master:
tvCommitBotgst-switch/master 541ffd7 Tim 'mithro' Ansell: Setting up glib unit testing support....12:03
tvCommitBotgst-switch/master 288a5eb Tim Ansell: Merge pull request #87 from deeprave/new-unit-testing...12:03
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tpbTitle: c++ - gnu autotools: Debug/Release targets? - Stack Overflow (at
shenkimithro: pong22:36
mithroshenki: I responded via hangouts yesterday I think22:36
shenkimithro: oh, i didn't see it22:36
shenkimithro: you want to shutdown lex?22:36
shenkimithro: what's running on it still?22:37
shenkimithro: i saw you removed my aws acct from the consilidated billing. was that intentional?22:37
mithroshenki: yeah, I no longer have any free credit22:37
shenkiokya, cool. just checking22:37
shenkimithro: so we have copies of the hopper disk image on underwood, as far as i'm concerned that VM can be rm -rf'd22:38
shenkimithro: i do not have anything on roger, so that is up to you22:38
shenkimithro: and ns is running fine from underwood too, so that can go22:39
shenkimithro: so yeah, lets delete everything and stop paying for it :)22:42
mithroroger is running on underwood22:43
mithroso yeah, I think lex is pretty much dead as soon as the backup finishes22:43
shenkiwhat's running on roger?22:43
shenkioh, sorry, yep22:43
shenkimy brain is still waking up22:43
shenkihow is NZ going?22:43
shenkislow bringing everyone up to speed?22:44
mithroshenki: slowly getting things done23:03
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tvCommitBot[gst-switch] deeprave opened pull request #88: Format options (master...format-options)
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CarlFKthis place is a block away:

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