Wednesday, 2014-12-03

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CarlFKwhat's the v4l app viewer?03:35
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mithroCarlFK: ????03:41
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tvCommitBot[gst-switch] mithro closed pull request #42: Replace faac component with voaacenc. (master...faac-replace)
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CarlFKmithro: cheese works.  there is something you recomened for looking at the hdmi2usb output03:57
mithroCarlFK: mplayer or vlc both should work04:07
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mithroCarlFK: there is a wiki page04:41
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* cfelton running in circles14:46
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CarlFKmithro: you merged "       Use sync=false on imagesinks as feeds are live.     " into your mithro fork but not
tpbTitle: gst-switch/gstaudiovisual.c at master · mithro/gst-switch · GitHub (at
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