Saturday, 2014-11-22

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CarlFKmithro: I am trying to git commit a bash script and a hook runs that prevents it:13:32
CarlFKgst-switch/tests$ git commit -am "Add test script that demos the lag between srv and ui."13:32
CarlFKCode style okay!13:32
CarlFKmake: Entering directory `/home/carl/src/gst-switch/python-api'13:32
CarlFKpylint --rcfile=.pylintrc_gstswitch gstswitch13:32
CarlFKmake: *** [lint] Error 813:32
CarlFKmake: Leaving directory `/home/carl/src/gst-switch/python-api'13:32
CarlFKwhich has nothing to do with my new file: test_ui_lag1.sh13:33
mithroCarlFK: remove the precommit script in .git/???/hooks13:37
mithroCarlFK: I have some code to fix the resolution issue too13:38
mithroWill try and get it finished tomorrow13:38
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tpbTitle: Add test script that exposes lag between thumb and main screen. · 9387328 · CarlFK/gst-switch · GitHub (at
CarlFKthat's the big seconds display you saw before, but also:15:32
CarlFK./gst-switch-srv & srvpid=$!   <- saves the process id to srvpid so later everything can be cleaned up:   kill $srvpid $uipid $src1pid $src2pid15:33
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