Friday, 2014-11-14

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tvCommitBot[gst-switch] mithro pushed 2 new commits to master:
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tvCommitBotgst-switch/master 6d811d1 Tim Ansell: Merge pull request #36 from mithro/readme-update...03:28
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rnikhil275I've been trying to setup the streaming system in my laptop. Why/How should I configure the file.  ?11:29
apsrnikhil275: what settings do you need to set?11:36
rnikhil275In the private/ file. The readme in github says to config it. Is it necessary ?.
tpbTitle: # Get these settings from the "OAuth" tab at #---- - (at
apsrnikhil275: you'll need that if you want to fetch the twitter feed like on this page -
tpbTitle: DebConf Live Stream (at
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rnikhil275aps :Thanks.Still setting it up. Slow internet speeds here.12:10
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