Friday, 2014-11-07

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shenkimithro: oh cool00:05
shenkimithro: they're just going over the product line?00:06
mithroshenki: it's a Zynq thing00:06
shenkimithro: okay00:08
shenkimithro: i caught up with some of my former workmates last month; they have used the zynq for a prototype product00:08
shenkimithro: said they had no end of headaches with the tools, they're extremely immature00:09
shenkimithro: spent lots of time convicing xilinx that xilinx had bugs00:09
shenkimithro: and when xilinx finally admit to them, they say "we should be able to fix that in 12 months"00:09
mithroshenki: the diff file is in /tmp/hopper-diff.log now01:02
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mithroshenki: ha this is really funny, the way you actually want to boot the Zynq (from SD card) is like the worst way to boot it04:33
hyadesmithro: pong04:40
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mithro~seen tija07:04
tpbmithro: tija was last seen in #timvideos 3 weeks, 2 days, 23 hours, 17 minutes, and 17 seconds ago: <tija> who is parx?07:04
mithro~seen tija_07:04
tpbmithro: tija_ was last seen in #timvideos 6 days, 1 hour, 33 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: <tija_> mithro: How are you planning to program the fpga remotely?07:04
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tija_mithro: why don't you ask xilinx to donate board as you are targetting xilinx platforms only.08:12
tija_and a very good one :P08:14
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