Wednesday, 2014-05-21

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tpbmithro: shenki was last seen in #timvideos 18 hours, 7 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: <shenki> i had cake:
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shenkitija: good work on getting the board working12:55
tpbTitle: Xilinx MIG Tutorial | Joel's Compendium of Total Knowledge (at
tijashenki: Is that tutorial written by you?12:57
shenkitija: nah, that's Joelw13:00
tijashenki: okay!13:01
tijashenki: I guess I wil be needing some of his help.13:02
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Joelwshenki: Do you have tija's email handy?23:12
JoelwNever mind, I have found it!23:13
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