Thursday, 2014-05-01

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tijaHi all! I was absent from IRC due to my end semester exams. Finally they are over and my vacations have started. Now that I am free I will start working and will be active on irc.05:41
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shenkitija: hello!05:58
shenkitija: congrats on finishing up. how did your exams go?05:59
tijashenki: My exams went well. I have started working on your to do list. Will be sending you a mail by tonight.06:00
shenkitija: good news06:00
shenkitija: what is your timezone there?06:00
tijaUTC +5:3006:01
shenkiI'm UTC + 9:3006:01
tijashenki:Is monday 1:00 pm your time fine for weekly video calls?06:05
shenkitija: yeah, that can work06:19
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