Monday, 2014-04-14

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mithroCarlFK: how is PyCon going? I assume your staying for the sprints?02:57
CarlFKmithro: pycon ended a few hours ago - it was fun02:59
CarlFKyeah, staying for sprints02:59
mithroCarlFK: the conference part?02:59
mithroCarlFK: I saw videos coming out, the quality is pretty reasonable but the editing is a bit terrible. Seen 6 minutes of title slides before a talk and missing endings.03:00
CarlFKyeah - I was noticing that too03:00
CarlFKpretty sure they paid good money too :(03:00
CarlFKI guess a volunteer event will have some issues ;)03:07
CarlFK11p.. I am going back to snoozing03:08
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andi-mis there a way to get notified when you are doing a production with live streams?07:38
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mithroandi-m: nope, not apart from hanging out on this channel11:12
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tariq786pycon 2014 montreal videos13:54
tpbTitle: - PyCon US 2014 (at
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rohitksinghHello! Anyone with access to HDMI2USB hardware online now? If yes and if time permits, I would request to please test my new pattern generator (Pull Request Number #41 on Github) I don't have HDMI2USB hardware at present, but it is working properly on my FPGA with hand-made VGA board.16:14
rohitksinghPull Request:
tpbTitle: Issue #33 New Test Image Generator with more life by rohit91 · Pull Request #41 · timvideos/HDMI2USB · GitHub (at
rohitksinghHello Everyone!16:37
rohitksinghAnyone here? (for just a friendly Hi! and interaction )16:42
rohitksingh^^ Sorry! the previous message got sent when i was trying to go into beagle chat-room...erroneously typed it here16:56
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CarlFKrohitksingh: I own the hardware, but won't be near it till Thurs - remind me then and I'll give it a go17:16
tariq786CarlFK, How are you?17:30
rohitksinghCarlFK, Sure! Thanks! :)17:45
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CarlFKtariq786: hanging out in the sprint rooms17:57
tariq786oh cool17:57
tariq786are you joining any team?17:58
tariq786twisted is pretty good17:58
CarlFKtrying to get presenter names to the Software Carpentry project (they are analyzing them for the last 10+ years)17:59
tariq786i have a question about Gstreamer whenever you are ready18:07
CarlFKI'll skim here now and then - best to just ask and I'll see it when I see it18:09
tariq786can Gstreamer play raw stream? Not the one encoded by MJPEG e.g., this was the command that you told me last time18:18
tariq786gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc uri=udp:// caps="application/x-rtp" ! queue ! rtpjitterbuffer ! rtpjpegdepay ! queue ! avdec_mjpeg ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! autovideosink18:18
tariq786if i choose not to do MJPEG encoding, can i do that by  excluding avdec_mjpeg from the command18:20
CarlFKtariq786: yes, kinda.  I am guessing you are looking for what is talked about here:
tpbTitle: Sunday, 2014-04-06 (at
CarlFK-> slomo: ah actually rfc4421 has rgb565 support18:31
tariq786yes CarlFK you are right18:32
tariq786i am trying to avoid MJPEG18:32
tariq786and wondering will this work18:32
CarlFKtariq786: it should.18:38
tariq786so will this work18:38
tariq786gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc uri=udp:// caps="application/x-rtp" ! queue ! rtpjitterbuffer ! rtpjpegdepay ! queue ! avdec_mjpeg ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! autovideosink18:38
tariq786gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc uri=udp:// caps="application/x-rtp" ! queue ! rtpjitterbuffer ! rtpjpegdepay ! queue !  videoconvert ! videoscale ! autovideosink18:38
CarlFKI expect you will pick a resolution/dept/fps (there has to be a term for that?) which will be hardcoded on both sides18:38
tariq786sorry see the latest on18:38
tariq786sorry see the latest one18:38
tariq786is there any RTP implementation that i can use to generate data locally and play locally as well18:39
CarlFK"slomo: it's just not implemented in gstreamer yet, but that's easy to fix ... and with easy to fix i mean maybe adding 10 lines of code ;)"18:40
CarlFKgenerating... looking at this: gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc is-live=true pattern=18 ! avenc_mjpeg ! rtpjpegpay ! udpsink host=
CarlFKvideotestsrc - generates a video stream - I assume there are some default parameters ...18:42
tariq786let me google that real quicl18:42
CarlFK  is all of the .. um.. standard? gstreamer plugins18:42
tpb<> (at
tpbTitle: videotestsrc (at
CarlFK... rtpjpegpay ! udpsink host=  <- that will take a stream, put it in rtp and send via udp18:45
CarlFK"a stream" is defined by what comes before it18:45
CarlFKthe tricky part of what you want is defining it, both picking the values, and finding the parameters to set those values18:46
CarlFKespecially given it sounds like what you want hasn't been implemented yet ( slomo ping ?)18:46
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CarlFKslomo:  rtpvrawpay19:09
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CarlFKwhere is the pipeline do you set resolution/color depth?19:09
CarlFKgst-launch-1.0 -v videotestsrc is-live=true pattern=18 ! rtpvrawpay ! udpsink host=
CarlFK/GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstRtpVRawPay:rtpvrawpay0.GstPad:src: caps = application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)RAW, sampling=(string)YCbCr-4:2:0, depth=(string)8, width=(string)320, height=(string)240, colorimetry=(string)BT601-5, payload=(int)96, ssrc=(uint)3768970899, timestamp-offset=(uint)1463426976, seqnum-offset=(uint)2880819:12
CarlFK depth=(string)8, width=(string)32019:12
slomoCarlFK: yeah you have to provide most of these caps field on the receiver before the depayloader19:12
slomoat least media, clock-rate, encoding-name, sampling, depth, width, height and payload19:13
CarlFKgot it19:19
CarlFKgst-launch-1.0 -v videotestsrc is-live=true pattern=18 ! rtpvrawpay ! udpsink host=
CarlFKgst-launch-1.0 -v udpsrc uri=udp:// caps="application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)RAW, sampling=(string)YCbCr-4:2:0, depth=(string)8, width=(string)320, height=(string)240, colorimetry=(string)BT601-5, payload=(int)96, ssrc=(uint)3768970899, timestamp-offset=(uint)1463426976, seqnum-offset=(uint)28808" ! rtpvrawdepay ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! autovideosink19:19
slomooh you don't need all the fields :)19:19
CarlFKI just cut/pasted what got spit out on the source side19:20
slomook :)19:21
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CarlFKtariq786: I suspect that the Atlys hdmi buffer is not compatible with "sampling=(string)YCbCr-4:2:0"22:32
tariq786so how does this relate to HDMI2Ethernet?22:32
tariq786are you talking about Gstreamer?22:32
tariq786i didn't get that22:33
tariq786you mean i cannot use the command that i typed a while ago22:33
tariq786gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc uri=udp:// caps="application/x-rtp" ! queue ! rtpjitterbuffer ! rtpjpegdepay ! queue !  videoconvert ! videoscale ! autovideosink22:33
tariq786whats wrong with this command?22:34
CarlFKmainly it errors22:34
tariq786could you figure out a fix as i am very very new to Gstreamer22:36
CarlFKthose 2 commands I posted work22:36
tariq786actually i am scared of Gstreamer as i haven't used it once22:36
CarlFKcut/paste those two commands please22:36
tariq786i just removed avdec_mjpeg from one22:37
CarlFKcut/paste those two commands please (now)22:37
tariq786can you please past the 2 commands so i can be sure which ones22:37
tariq786can you please paste the 2 commands so i can be sure which ones22:37
CarlFKgst-launch-1.0 -v videotestsrc is-live=true pattern=18 ! rtpvrawpay ! udpsink host=
CarlFKrun that in one shell22:37
CarlFKgst-launch-1.0 -v udpsrc uri=udp:// caps="application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)RAW, sampling=(string)YCbCr-4:2:0, depth=(string)8, width=(string)320, height=(string)240, colorimetry=(string)BT601-5, payload=(int)96, ssrc=(uint)3768970899, timestamp-offset=(uint)1463426976, seqnum-offset=(uint)28808" ! rtpvrawdepay ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! autovideosink22:37
tariq786what does each of the commands do? please explain to Gstreamer novice22:38
CarlFKgst-launch-1.0 is the command line utility that runs this stuff in a shell22:38
CarlFKvideotestsrc generates a test pattern, s-live=true says to use the system clock22:40
CarlFKpattern=18 is which test pattern22:40
CarlFK caps=   parameters22:40
tariq786 system clock for synchronization?22:41
CarlFKis-live=false would default to 30fps, but it would generate them as fast as the cpu can,22:44
CarlFK  use that for docs on each component22:44
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CarlFKand #gstreamer for more details.22:44
CarlFKI am off to eat dinner with some friends - I'll be back in the morning, I expect 14 hours or so22:45
tariq786happy sprinting22:45
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