Thursday, 2014-03-13

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mithroaps-sids: awesome!00:37
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mithromorning people01:43
mithrotechdragon: I hear you picked up my Atlys board?01:44
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aps-sidsmorning mithro, I have  2 questions.03:57
aps-sids1. It looks to me that flumotion needs to be ported completely before running the tests. If thats the case, how would we test it?03:57
aps-sids2. What could be the *weekly demonstrables* for my proposal if we need to port completely for it to work?03:57
mithroaps-sids: so flumotion has multiple different types of tests04:21
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aps-sidsmithro: What do you mean?04:30
mithrounit tests, integration tests, etc04:30
aps-sidsmithro: __tim from #gstreamer tells me app needs to be completely ported to 1.0 before successfully running or testing04:33
mithroaps-sids: he is correct that you can't both import gstreamer 0.10 and gstreamer 1.0 at the same time04:34
aps-sidsso, the tests won't work untill we port everything right?04:35
mithroaps-sids: if the test is only testing a small part of flumotion and that section has been ported, it should work right?04:48
aps-sidsmithro: What about the *weekly demonstrables* part? Ithink I should start writing proposal now :)04:50
mithroaps-sids: I don't know what the best solution is, you've looked into this more then I have :)04:51
aps-sidsDo you remember how the student last year had demonstrated it?04:52
mithroaps-sids: what did he mention in his posts?04:54
aps-sidsmithro: I couldn't find anything specific. He showed what he had changed and what was test result. The irc logs did scare me a bit though.04:57
aps-sidsThen I guess this would be good, Demonstrating that test results are passing.04:57
aps-sidsI'll try to submit my proposal by today.04:58
mithroaps-sids: okay05:19
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aps-sidsmithro: I added the proposal on GSoC website. Please have a look when you have time.08:23
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marcin-kolnyhi, everyone;)10:19
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mithroaps-sids: you should have your proposal in somewhere else other than melange for easy editing and then just copy into it, i recommend github wiki/pages or google docs11:21
mithrohi marcin-kolny11:21
aps-sidsmithro: Here it is
tpb<> (at
mithroaps-sids: need to give everyone comment access11:26
aps-sidsmithro: sorry, access given.11:27
marcin-kolnydoes somebody knows, proposals might be submit to a GSoC system only after sending an enrollment?11:34
marcin-kolnyI can't see possibility to send my proposal for now11:34
mithromarcin-kolny: I don't understand what you mean?11:35
marcin-kolnyI'm going to send my proposal, but I can't see any possibility for this11:36
mithromarcin-kolny: you set up your account on melange11:39
marcin-kolnyI did it;)11:39
aps-sidsmithro: Thanks for the comments. I'll update the proposal and get back to you.11:42
mithroaps-sids: have lots more comments to add, but will let you flesh the proposal out more11:44
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rihbynehello everone14:40
CarlFKhi rihbyne - I am heading out, will be back in 30 min or so.14:42
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rihbyneok CarlFK14:43
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CARAMHey, is it preferred that students submit their proposal via melange and receive feedback after that? Or should proposals be posted to the mailing list and then refined before being posted to melange?18:47
drotiCarlFK: When does Mithro usually up on IRC? :)18:48
CarlFKCARAM: post to melange, and maybe have a 2nd copy that is easy for you to edit.. and then update melange18:49
CarlFKdroti: /topic18:51
* CarlFK eating18:51
drotioh :) thanks ^^18:51
CARAMCarlFK: thanks!18:57
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CARAMJust published my proposal on Gist if anyone wants to give it a look or comment. Thanks!
tpbTitle: (at
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