Friday, 2014-01-10

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tvCommitBot[streaming-system] mithro pushed 1 new commit to master:
tvCommitBotstreaming-system/master 04c3527 Tim 'mithro' Ansell: Adding a robots.txt12:07
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CarlFKhmm, 4am over there.. guessing they are not actually doing LCA just now ;)17:21
CarlFKI am looking for some logs17:21
CarlFKthe log url is 404 ;/17:21
h01gerxfxf: do you still have some twinpacts which you could send to belgium arriving january 26th or such? and then going back to you after fosdem, that is >2nd february? fosdem will cover shipping costs...17:21
CarlFKhuh, here are lca log ..
tpbTitle: Index of / (at
wouterwe're only three short at this moment... hrm.17:22
CarlFKwouter: here is the bit of chatter about the dvswitch gstreamer source
tpb<> (at
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paphoshey everyone! I want to work and associate with Timvideos for GSOC programme 201420:30
paphoswhat series of steps should I take to contribute for gsoc. Thanks in advance20:32
CarlFKpaphos: what sorts of things are you interested in in general?20:39
paphosCarlFk: I have some experience in writing django powered websites. But I'd rather like to contribute by creating tools or apis.20:45
paphosCarlFk: Like creating a python api for gst-switch (which was done in gsoc 2013).20:48
CarlFKpaphos: not sure how 'done' it is20:49
CarlFKI am sure there is more work20:49
paphosCarlFk: It was accepted. Absolutely there is always room for improvements and more features.20:49
paphosI haven't read much of the source code for get-switch yet. But can you guide me to where shall I start.20:56
CarlFKI would start looking at issues20:57
CarlFKpersonally I don't know where I would start20:57
CarlFKjust a few days ago started writing up  "how to contribute" docs20:58
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paphosThanks, I myself had been looking at the issues for sometime.21:04
paphosCan you locate me the 'how to contribute' docs.21:06
paphosI have been spending most of my time here
tpbTitle: timvideos/gst-switch · GitHub (at
CarlFKskay: ^^^21:10
skaypaphos: hi! I'm not really here most of the time, but I wrote for sharing with people who show up in the channel and ask where to start21:12
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tpbTitle: streaming-system/ at master · timvideos/streaming-system · GitHub (at
skayI wonder if paphos saw that before losing connection21:12
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skayHi paphos21:12
paphospaphos: hello21:12
skaypaphos: let me repeat myself: I'm not really here most of the time, but I wrote for sharing with people who show up in the channel and ask where to start21:12
tpbTitle: streaming-system/ at master · timvideos/streaming-system · GitHub (at
skaythis is why CarlFK summoned me. that's about all I have to share right now though21:13
paphosskay: thanks for the summoning21:13
paphosCarlFk: thanks21:15
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