Saturday, 2014-01-04

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tvCommitBot[streaming-system] mithro pushed 1 new commit to master:
tvCommitBotstreaming-system/master 45f64e9 Tim 'mithro' Ansell: Fixing url and guid in RSS feed.02:52
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lukejohnHi, sorry i've been distracted, i'll get onto theming sometime today.03:48
mithrohey lukejohn03:51
lukejohnhey mithro03:52
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tvCommitBot[streaming-system] mithro created temp3 (+1 new commit):
tvCommitBotstreaming-system/temp3 a8d1339 Tim 'mithro' Ansell: Temp commit.03:52
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mithrolukejohn, I started the themeing03:53
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tvCommitBot[streaming-system] mithro deleted temp3 at a8d1339:
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mithrolukejohn, I also rewrote the schedule generation stuff03:54
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tvCommitBot[streaming-system] mithro created lca2014 (+1 new commit):
tvCommitBotstreaming-system/lca2014 3d8e87b Tim 'mithro' Ansell: Temporary commit for LCA theme progress.03:54
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tpbTitle: timvideos/streaming-system · GitHub (at
mithrolukejohn, I started with themeing the twitter stuff03:55
mithrolukejohn, the logging bot is up03:56
mithrolukejohn, the website seems to be working03:57
mithrolukejohn, next big thing I need is the actual encoders/collectors working03:58
mithrowhich needs the box at your end03:58
mithrolukejohn, any luck?05:02
lukejohnboxs are still being turned on.05:02
lukejohnactually may of been done, ill go check05:03
lukejohnboxes are ready to get installed, any preference on distro?05:05
mithroubuntu 12.0405:11
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mithrolukejohn, ping?06:41
lukejohnhey, machines are getting images, unfortunately it's a bit slow going over here.06:42
mithrolukejohn, any luck?07:51
mithroI'm just packing now07:51
lukejohnokay, do you have a preferred username for your sshkey to work on?07:55
mithrolukejohn, any luck with that themeing?08:15
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