Monday, 2013-11-11

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CarlFKmithro: didn't you send me a webcam ?17:23
CarlFKI found the one I bough a while ago and am wondering what happened to the one i think you sent17:24
CarlFKbb in 3017:25
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mithroCarlFK, yes I did23:23
CarlFKmithro: huh.  did I ever say "it arrived" ?  (I think I said that once, but it was my IP cam that I ordered, so that doesn't count)23:23
mithroSIGNED FOR BY:U.S. Postal Service Delivered23:24
mithroSHIP CARRIER: Fedex Smartpost23:24
mithroTRACKING ID: 926129270076877003666023:24
mithroLATEST EVENT:Chicago IL23:24
mithroDelivered - October 9, 2013 4:53:00 PM23:24

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