Thursday, 2013-09-19

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parxhyades, Sewar, CarlFK, mithro-work: there's an important email in your inboxes15:55
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* iiie goes to read the logs16:01
parxiiie check your email16:03
iiieI did, that's why I'm here, and reading the channel logs16:03
parxah, thanks16:03
CarlFKparx: thanks16:22
iiieSewar, looks like pulling out parts of the windows registry is done in the repo16:23
iiieAny other hold ups on the code of the project (or the success criteria -- we are writing it as we go, we'll remove the outlandish parts)16:26
parxCarlFK have you seen the success criteria documents for each student?  Google docs16:27
parxjust sent links16:29
Sewariiie: works for linux and windows, just need to write tests16:42
tpbTitle: sewar/edid_grabber_c ยท GitHub (at
Sewarwill try to figure out how to use CMocka16:43
iiiehe he he,16:43
iiieJust fired off an email16:43
* Sewar is reading16:44
iiieSounds good16:47
iiieI assume the delay in code push was tests and CMocka for Windows then?16:48
SewarI will start working on CMocka tonight16:51
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iiie4 days (Monday) and it's all over.16:53
iiieHow are classes going Sewar?16:53
iiieNot too hard, not too boring?  ; )16:53
Sewara lot of homeworks and tests lately, should be over by tonight ;)16:54
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iiieGood luck! (the result of studying hard)16:58
parxHyades, you look older.  ;-)17:05
parx(birthday happened this week!)17:06
hyadesahh..forgot that17:07
parxdo anything fun?17:07
hyadeslittle little17:08
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