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parx | where's my stream.. | 00:01 |
* parx grumbles and hits refresh | 00:01 | |
iiie0 | http-flv-low (at 23:33:05) in happy for 1800s (e 0.00%) | 00:03 |
iiie0 | 8 clients in case anyone wanted the stat | 00:03 |
parx | iirc you mentioned something about a stat log before | 00:03 |
iiie0 | yes, there should be a URL somewhere that shows the stat | 00:05 |
iiie0 | CarlFK, me getting what? | 00:05 |
CarlFK | talking about you | 00:05 |
CarlFK | and now me | 00:05 |
iiie0 | Yes, but I couldn't hear what | 00:05 |
CarlFK | a ER freaquent flyer kinda thing | 00:05 |
parx | ER?! iiie0 are you accident prone? | 00:06 |
iiie0 | er... | 00:06 |
iiie0 | not usually | 00:06 |
* iiie0 wonders what ER frequent flyer is | 00:07 | |
parx | maybe we should groom Sewar as your understudy, just in case | 00:07 |
CarlFK | WHERE THE MIC!!! | 00:08 |
iiie0 | passed clockwise | 00:08 |
Sewar | hi :) | 00:19 |
CarlFK | oh hell, the show name does matter :) | 00:20 |
CarlFK | http://veyepar.nextdayvideo.com/site_media/static/veyepar/ps1/nerp_june_17_2013/titles/using_erlang_programcontrol_raspberrypibeaglebone.png | 00:20 |
tpb | <http://ln-s.net/-Hac> (at veyepar.nextdayvideo.com) | 00:20 |
parx | You want it pretty? | 00:20 |
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CarlFK | meh, I don | 00:23 |
CarlFK | meh, I don't care enough. | 00:24 |
parx | Would you prefer me to change it to NERP? | 00:24 |
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CarlFK | http://veyepar.nextdayvideo.com/site_media/static/veyepar/ps1/nerp_june_17_2013/titles/how_set_xbox_media_center_xbmc_raspberry_pi.png | 00:37 |
tpb | <http://ln-s.net/-Hat> (at veyepar.nextdayvideo.com) | 00:38 |
CarlFK | good enough | 00:38 |
iiie0 | we're down to 5 clients | 01:18 |
parx | yeah, I'm streaming something else. yes, iiie0, it is what you think | 01:21 |
iiie0 | :) | 01:21 |
iiie0 | Public Broadcasting! | 01:22 |
iiie0 | CarlFK, parx reminder on stream stats URL: http://www.timvideos.us/tracker/endpoint/stats | 01:24 |
parx | cool! thanks for the followup :) | 01:25 |
* iiie0 isn't sure why chipy shows up | 01:25 | |
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iiie0 | Streaming is back up, not sure what happened | 01:41 |
CarlFK | huh | 01:45 |
CarlFK | i just now started encoding the first talk on the mix machine | 01:49 |
CarlFK | lets see if the cpu can handle it | 01:49 |
* iiie0 considers updating the status page | 01:51 | |
CarlFK | meh.. top showed both cores at 100%, so I stopped that | 01:52 |
mithro-work | iiie, there is a pull request for doing graphing of clients connected, et | 01:56 |
iiie0 | mithro, cool! I'll take a look | 02:11 |
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mithro-work | iiie, it's from a pretty old version of the code | 02:55 |
mithro-work | so it probably doesn't merge | 02:55 |
mithro-work | and it uses things like coffescript | 02:55 |
mithro-work | so I never got around to figuring out if it would work | 02:55 |
mithro-work | probably has references to streamti.me :P | 02:57 |
mithro-work | https://github.com/timvideos/streaming-system/pull/19 | 02:58 |
tpb | <http://ln-s.net/-5lq> (at github.com) | 02:58 |
iiie0 | No worries | 03:13 |
iiie0 | CarlFK, any notion when to pack up? (or take down mission -- it really is just a single command for me, I can run it when I get home) | 03:14 |
iiie0 | I think I'm the only streaming client left | 03:15 |
iiie0 | CarlFK, headed home, I'll be back on in under a half hour. If the stream is down when I get home and I can find you I'll turn down mission | 03:18 |
CarlFK | see ha | 03:18 |
CarlFK | see ya | 03:18 |
iiie0 | see ya | 03:18 |
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mithro-work | Sewar, I recommend screenshots in your blog posts :P | 09:21 |
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Sewar | Great idea, will do in future posts | 13:44 |
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bananadine | So, i started porting to gst 1.0 with the module gstreamer.py and then ported the unittest for it, but when i run the test it gives me AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'test_common_gstreamer' | 14:24 |
bananadine | Can anyone help me? | 14:24 |
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CarlFK | bananadine: is this code in a git repo? | 14:55 |
bananadine | No | 14:55 |
bananadine | I just downloaded the whole code for flumotion | 14:58 |
CarlFK | where did you download from? | 14:59 |
bananadine | And i ported this one module - gstreamer.py | 14:59 |
bananadine | from github | 14:59 |
CarlFK | url? | 14:59 |
bananadine | https://github.com/timvideos/flumotion | 14:59 |
tpb | Title: timvideos/flumotion · GitHub (at github.com) | 14:59 |
CarlFK | hmm, I am not sure that is a good starting point | 15:00 |
bananadine | Why? | 15:01 |
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bananadine | CarlFK, what would be a good starting point? | 15:10 |
bananadine | In you opinion | 15:10 |
bananadine | your* | 15:10 |
CarlFK | whatever the flumotion work on - what used to be called trunk in svn terms, now I think "git master" | 15:11 |
bananadine | well i got the master | 15:12 |
bananadine | and i'm doing changes on my pc | 15:12 |
bananadine | and i'm not going to commit those changes until i get them to work | 15:12 |
bananadine | but i can't get it to work, so that's why i asked for help here | 15:12 |
CarlFK | https://github.com/timvideos/flumotion how current is that ? | 15:12 |
tpb | Title: timvideos/flumotion · GitHub (at github.com) | 15:13 |
bananadine | since i see changes from a year | 15:14 |
bananadine | and the last published package of flumotion on launchpad is from (2012-07-05) | 15:14 |
bananadine | i'd say that's the most current one | 15:15 |
CarlFK | https://code.flumotion.com/trac/wiki/Documentation/DeveloperIntroduction#getting-your-git-environment-configured | 15:18 |
tpb | <http://ln-s.net/-Hp$> (at code.flumotion.com) | 15:18 |
CarlFK | I think that is where you want to start. | 15:19 |
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bananadine | Ok, i'm following it. I'm at the cloning part now | 15:25 |
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bananadine | CarlFK, i followed the instructions and set up the environment . I still get an error on the test, so i wrote a mail to the flumotion-dev mailing list. | 18:54 |
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parx | bananadine have you been spending time in #gstreamer and #fluendo? Those channels are good places to ask specific questions. Also, the mailing lists: | 20:28 |
bananadine | I sent a mail on the flumotion-dev mailing list | 20:29 |
parx | bananadine: http://lists.fluendo.com/mailman/listinfo | 20:29 |
parx | http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/lists/ | 20:29 |
tpb | Title: lists.fluendo.com Mailing Lists (at lists.fluendo.com) | 20:29 |
tpb | Title: GStreamer: Mailing Lists (at gstreamer.freedesktop.org) | 20:29 |
bananadine | I'm going to spend some time tomorow on the other channels | 20:30 |
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